Apologies and a request

My apologies. Earlier this year I accidentally deleted all of the pictures in my file. Their absence, coupled with the references in commentary and blogs and stories, has affected the database. I removed references and/or restored pictures in all of the stories. As older stories of others to which I provided commentary appear in the Random feature, I am deleting references to the pictures that were deleted in order to help repair the problem. I feel odd, since old comments pop up as if they were new, and it isn't my intention to repost these, but we haven't yet figured out another way of addressing the problem. So if a comment to a story you wrote or a reply to a comment you wrote pops up with my name, hopefully it will be complementary and encouraging.

My request: My wife is having her thyroid biopsy this coming Tuesday. Even though the doctor is fairly convinced that the growths on my wife's thyroid are benign, the word biospy brings with it built-in fears because of its implication. Please keep her in your prayers and thoughts. I'm still worried, which I expect is to be expected, and I suppose my fears will subside when the doctor says everything is okay, but I'm sure you understand why I'm still nervous about the results. (Thanks, Pippa, for the encouragement!)

Thanks to everyone who has kept us in your prayers and thoughts this past year through both our challenges. Love and much gratitude for your friendshiop and support, Andrea

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