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I received my communication from the Australian Embassy in Washington, DC, this afternoon informing me that I do not measure up to the selected criteria. I am apparently of the type that is a risk of becoming an illegal alien.


I am so sorry...

Andrea Lena's picture

this has to be so there no other recourse?

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


Australia has a basic rule to live there you must already have a job lined up and enough money to live on if you lost a job. They do not like foreigners living off their welfare unlike the USA which has no problem. Australia has very limited resources compared to the us and a limited amount of land mass. You can still visit there for extended time which will give you time to find work hopefully then they will revisit the living permits.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

Please don't

try to shove me into a category, well, I know you mean the best, but... you don't know the situation...


I am sorry if I offended you but I had a friend who tried to move there and he was told what I said above by the Australian Embassy.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

Australia ...

... is hardly short of land mass (7,692,024 square km compared to the USA's 9,629,091 square km) especially when you consider the population is a fraction of that of the US (approx 18 million compared to over 250 million in the US). It's the 6th largest country in the world (the US is the 4th) in terms of its area. It's a big, sparsely populated place. You could get there for £10 when I was a youngster in the 50s, and I was tempted, but getting back to the UK was a bit more costly.

I would concur with Jill's recommendation of New Zealand. I did a cycle tour there in 1999 on South Island and found it very friendly. Never been to Oz, though.


even bigger ratio

it's closer to about 20 million to 310 million :) but yeah, huge amount of landmass for a longform decimal amount of the people.

My belovéd is in Australia. Not New Zealand.

New Zealand


Try New Zealand, I spent some time there when I was younger, its a clean country and the people are highly friendly. There is also a lot of places one can bike to. Christchurch is a nice place and if you want to get away from the big city life they have a lot of rural areas that are just as wonderful

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.

I'm not going to get away from the city

I'm going because my very being aches without the presence of the one I love most -- who has, incidentally, forbade me ever to use 2-wheel transportation ever again since the incident on the day after Guy Fawkes Day last year...