Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

How do I delete a redundant posting?

By the time I posted the final instalment of my historical novel Balthasar's Elixir (The Titanic-era Diary of Evelyn Westcott), I had also posted two different lists of the characters, real and imaginary, who populate the book. I'd like to delete the first of the lists, but I can't figure out how!

Hugs to everyone,


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PCC & CPS clear Daily Mail over Gately article

Remember a few months ago when Jan Moir wrote an "extremely distasteful" article in the Daily Mail about Stephen Gately's death - and the furious backlash that resulted?

Well, it's been investigated by the Press Complaints Commission (who received 25,000 complaints) and the Crown Prosecution Service (2 complaints), and both have cleared the paper of any wrongdoing.

The watchdog's head said aspects of the piece were "extremely distasteful".

But the PCC said it was an essential point of principle that papers could print views which might offend readers.

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The last few weeks have been very difficult for me.

I have, no doubt, alienated some friends, and have been generally hard to get along with. I know that my health issues are certainly a big part of this. Not knowing exactly what's going on with my health is preying on my mind. Additionally, there is some pain associated with what's going on, and that makes me irritable as well.

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What does this mean?

Since there seem to be quite a few people from the UK on this site, I could use a bit of help in understanding a verse in an otherwise wonderful recitation on the 7 Deadly sins I found:

I got myself worked up with WRATH, aggressive and demanding.
I took a jumper back to Marks, they were quite understanding

My US trained mind is completely mystified.


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Hiplets(?) now on sale

I see that Femskin are now selling a Padded Girdle which appears virtually identical to the fictional Hiplet used in many of my stories. Only Sensotouch is missing. At around US$1000, it's not cheap, but then, neither are my Hiplets.

Does anyone have experience with Femskin products? They do appear fantastic, but they're certainly not cheap and I've not heard reviews from more than an occasional user (who could be a company plant!). For such expensive products, I'd expect the website to impress, but it doesn't make me feel over confident that the end products will match their billing.

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I'd like to thank PS, in New Zealand for taking over the Bike Archive

For quite a while, Real Life, in the form of time spent looking for work, and a few other things, got in the way of archiving EAFOAB.

I'm no longer looking for work, but the new job came with a relatively long commute, so my time is still at a premium. I would like to spend it on other stuff, and limit my time at BCTS to reading and editing.

PS, in New Zealand has been, with my thanks, collecting everything from 650 on, in the usual 50 chapter blocks.

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Yet another new career...

Pop quiz: Who has had 125 different occupations over the past 60 years, and has now decided to move into IT?

Here's a visual clue

And here's the answer:

She certainly has an "interesting" taste in workday fashion - black leggings, bright patterned tunic top, and a white sleeveless jacket - coupled with specs, Bluetooth headset and suspiciously perfect hairstyle...

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A TG Assassin?


After reading the somewhat bizarre story about the alleged assassins who killed a hamas leader in Dubai, my ‘tg radar’ started to twitch.
Far be it for me to cast aspersions but I have doubts over the photograph showing the Irish ‘woman’ Gail Follard
Have I been reading too much TG fiction? take a look at the link and see for yourself

Love to all

Anne G.

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How to use the Author Menu - Multiple Authors

For most input types, choosing an author for the piece is done on a scrolling menu. It's very easy to pick an author, just select the menu, type a few letters of the author's name and it will jump to the alphabetic neighborhood of the author where one can scroll up or down until the proper author is highlighted. Clicking off the menu then will leave that author as the selected one.


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So, Here I Am

I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments. I am not really a writer. I have not written anything except reports and scientific papers since I was in junior high school and I am 62 years old. It has been very emotional reliving these events in my life. Yes, all events that will be depicted in this series did happen to me. I may embelish some what here and there due to a weak memory or to make it a better read. I hope to put a chapter on a week but, since I have never done this before, I can not guarantee it.

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Coming soon... and already here

Hi folks, it's me again.

In between trying to do this course - which I should say is like swimming uphill through treacle - I have been feverishly writing a story I have mentioned to others is on the way.

It's called The Cliffside Heroine and is about a boy whose twin sister and her two friends decide to dress up. Things go horribly wrong and he ends up...

Well, you'll just have to wait and see, won't you.

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Statistical story analysis

It would be interesting to see an Exell style graphic representation of the stories on BCTS. It would not need to mention names or titles, but it would be interesting to see number of votes, reads, and comments on one axis and perhaps the time on the other.

I know that we have people getting well over 100 votes on some stories, but I am thinking that may not be the average at all. It may be that the average is somewhere around 30-40 votes.

I also think I saw a significant jump in votes when the vote box was moved to the bottom of the story.

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Is someone wanting to kill me?

So, this morning I was reading on this site and I had an interuption. I had to leave and I forgot to get off the internet. When I got back a few hours later and sat down at the computer, I spun the track ball and the computer woke up to a funeral home on my screen but with BCTS in anothe window. I am not suicidal and have not been looking for a Funeral Home. Worse yet, it was an Arab Funeral home. Even more worser yet, I had a young woman with me whose brother had blown his head off a year ago.

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Cynthia and the High School Years - Part 1 - Chapter 11 Posted

I just couldn't stand it and had to post this chapter instead of waiting another day or two. I am really very proud of it. This chapter brings us to the second major event in Cyndy's life. Her transformation being the first one. Please let me know if you like what I did. There are still two chapters remaining in Part 1 to try to straighten this mess out.

:) Portia

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The Chosen~Withdrawn

Please note that due to adverse comments and because of the subject matter, I have regretfully decided to un-publish the story.

I may return to the story at a later time, but at the moment I will not do so.

I apologise to all my readers as I hate not finishing the story which was to be one of resistance and fortitude but I am aware of the current sensitivity about minors in stories and I have taken the decision not to continue.


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To Whom It May Concern...,

I've only now learned of the departure of Margaret Jeanette, a prolific writer whose work appears on FM. I have, on occassion been entertained by her work and am saddened that our small community has become somewhat smaller, and dimmer.

She passed on Feb. 4th and requested that her body be buried with a smile, and that laughter permiate the celebration of her life. I urge those who might be interested to read the details at the beginning of her last story.

Lil Kelly

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Wow! just looked

on my account and realized i've just celebrated my first birthday, Thanks everyone for making my time here so very enjoyable, But most of all my thanks to Erin and all her helpers, Because without all there hard work, I would'nt be writing this.

Over the year i have been reading all the wonderful stories posted on BCTS, I have seen more and more authors realize that if they want there work published on a site which tries to respect everyone's views then this is the place to be. Long may that continue.

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DSM-V "Gender Incongruence"

I ran accross this nugget:

A commentary on the proposed changes to the DSM-IV for the new DSM-V, dropping the "Identity Disorder" from the name tag and reduce the stigma of it being a mental illness.
It would become "Gender Incongruence"
Also for the posties out there, good news! They want a fully transitioned person to be diagnosed as fully cured. This can be an issue in several career paths.
They wish to remove the sexuality aspect from it as well, gender incongruence and sexuality being two different issues.

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Dick Francis, British Mystery Champion Dies

Dick Francis, author of dozens of popular mystery novels has died. He was 89. Most of his stories were set in the world of racing, where he had once been a champion jockey.

I have on the table beside my computer, two Dick Francis novels I found in a used bookstore that I have never read. His latest book, co-cuthored by his son, Felix, (I think it is called Silks), I also have not read. I may have missed a few more, here and there over the years but will doubless find, read and enjoy them as I have all of his work.

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I Keep a Close Watch on This Heart of Mine

When I set out to tell the story of Bob Isle and Mattie Grant in I’ll Grant You My Wish I decided to draw heavily from my youth. In my original outline, Bob’s a twelve-year old boy who is dragged into femininity by a domineering Mrs. Grant who is seriously disturbed by the loss of her own daughter. In the end, Bob decides he has to stand up to Mrs. Grant and rebels. Since he is basically a nice boy, when he puts his foot down it is done quite gently.

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Margaret Jeanette

I found out today that Margaret Jeanette died a couple of weeks ago. On her last story to be posted is a note from the story editor which releates why the story would be the last one written which was written before the editor found out about her death. That note makes very sad reading on it's own. Few of us would have known about Margaret's suffering and for the second time this week it took me close to tears. First I read about Andrea's nightmare and now Margaret's. Why do all the good people have to suffer.

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I've come to realize that what many authors have said, many time, really is true. It's a lot more work to write a story than to read it. "Real Life" can intrude on time to write, as can other literary commitments. Nice encouraging comments, or comments that point out perceived flaws, but include suggestions on how to rectify them, are greatly appreciated.

However, seeing a comment or PM that basically says "yeah, you posted something, but when will you get back to the other bit" is very disheartening.

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Help please looking for an old Fictionmania Story

Hi to everyone. i hope someone can help me. I've been looking for a story in which the main character is a shapeshifter with special powers who turns himself into a sexy woman, and teleports himself/herself into another universe searching to satisfy his/her curiosity about being dominated, and asks Master Phoenix (which is the only character name I remember) to teach him/her how to be a slave.

Please if anyone can tell me where i can find this story I will be very gratefull.


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Now I lay me down to sleep.

I pray the Lord, my soul to keep.

If I should die, before I wake

I pray the Lord, my soul to take.

this is not a suicide note. it's only me, trying to deal with more loss than anyone should have to.

I'm tired, and I want to sleep...that's all...just sleep. Don''t call. Don't message. Just let me sleep. at least in sleep, I can dream I've not lost.


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VC Update

Well, I've finally finished re-reading all of Venus Cursed! and the side stories so that I could get back into it. I have some new ideas on how to proceed, and will be starting with yet another side story. This one will actually begin around chapter 23 or so of the main story. Once it catches up with the main story line I'll continue it, and the other side stories. As usual, I'll have links at the bottom of each chapter to the appropriate chapter in the main story, and will add links to those chapters of Venus Cursed!, as well.

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Dr. Who Short Story contest - winners stories published in audio book

For all of you that are Dr. Who fans, check out this link

The Return of Short Trips

Big Finish Audio is looking for submissions of short stories, under 2500 words to include on new audio books, to be read by professional actor/actresses.

These stories have to feature Dr's 1 - 8.

I know this isn't TG but I know that some of our author's are Dr. Who fans, and might just enjoy the chance to have something published.

Good luck to you all!



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Some things about Dream Lover

Just a few words about the story Hope and I are working on for all you inquiring minds out there. First, I looked and unlike the Bikini Beach stories found nothing about MAU being closed. If I missed something there I profusely apologize to both Elrod and everyone else.

We are sticking with the canon, in that the machines work for about four days before shutting down. The grad students have just been having way too much fun experimenting in a few days time, which Hope and I will address in the next few chapters as the story unfolds.

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Yak Breeding for Beginners

(I thought that title would grab your attention! Sadly, it's not original - it's mentioned in a story on this site. All will become clear if you read further!)

I've finally taken a bit of time to do something with a project I started a while back.

The project was inspired by tales told of Yak Breeding (sorry, Wuthering Dormice), and the aim was to skim through the chapters and produce one line summaries of the main event(s) of each. Easier said than done, and I initially gave up after the first 40.

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I do wish people wouldn't do this!

I was reading an excellent story and one of the comments was and I quote:

This story is very similar to another story posted.....

I hate to see this sort of comment as the implication, to me anyway, is that the story might in some way be plagiarism, even if that isn't the intended meaning.

A lot of my stories have had that sort of comment and I must admit that I take it personally.

The writers of those comments might mean something like 'Oh, I like this so try that story', but it doesn't read that way.

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A little computer help please?

So, I have been wanting two monitors run off the same computer for a while, and yesterday went to Best Buy to see if they had a vid card that would do that. Well, according to them, I already have one in my computer.

They sold me a HDMI cable, and the old style cable is hooked to one monitor and the HDMI is hooked to the other one. When I was booting, both monitors did display some text but now that it is fully up and running, I only get stuff on one monitor; the one that uses the old style cable.

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Love is blind?

It seems as there are some people for whom garments that cover the entire face can be useful/necessary, wherever in the world they may be...

Courtesy of El Reg (an online IT news tabloid) here:

A Dubai man whose fiancée kept her charms hidden under a niqab opted for a quick divorce after his first glimpse beneath the veil revealed she was cross-eyed and sported a beard.

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Safari text issue

I've been having an issue for a while now on some sites, mostly a few webcomics, where some of the text is scrambled. When I posted Hope, I encountered the same issue with the title, which was in Helvetica font. I switched it to Georgia, and that cleared it up. I've seen the same issue in only one other place here on BC, which is the line under the chapter number on Portia Bennet's stories.


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Kelly's Journey-Book 2

Kelly's Journey
Book 2By Stanman63
Synopsis:Kelly's Journey-Book 2 is the continuation of Kelly's Journey. After posting other shorter stories, and answering challenges, entering contests, my muse has urged me to continue her story. In her story, I hope to visit other stories and with that author's permission, give updates on their older stories. Now, since this is set in the present, that does limit the stories that she can interact with, any volunteers?

The image used for this story is used under web-use policy from

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Comments on stories not yet complete

There are some things I have to say because I see people drawing conclusions on stories that are not completed. The first part of a story sets up the characters and the plot, and the second part sets up how the characters interact with each other, and the third part just goes with the plot full force. But to draw a conclusion in a comment before the story is finished is like a newspaper reporter making up his/her own story because he can't get an interview; like in Football Girl. But there are reporters in real life who actually do do that.

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SacAnime anyone?

SacAnime is a fun little anime/manga convention in Sacramento I go to every year. It's twice a year in January and August or September. This year it's September 3rd through 5th. If anyone's interested, they have free registration for anybody who gets a room at the Radisson Hotel where it's being held by March 8th. You can get more information on that here.

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Pre-pubescent Transgender children

Here is an interesting link about children who identify as the oposite sex before puberty. Hopefully, this will be the next big step in care for us. Many Docs agree that if a child is identified that early, they can develop a much more feminine frame and portrayal.

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Some Good News (for a change!)

Hey all,

First, Thank you ALL for being here. The last few months have been horrid for me. Many of you have become closer to me than some of my "real" family. When I've needed you, you've been there, and I THANK GOD for each and every one of you, though some more that Others!

Good News: Yesterday I hit FIFTY pounds lost since the first of the year. That means I've lost 25% of the weight I need to before RLT and hormones (THANK YOU GWEN for the tidbit on estrogen making weight loss harder!!)

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The Many Pleasures And Wonders Of Being A Member.

I am continually amazed t the quality AND quantity of the many stories and authors here at the Closet. Me, I've become an author, editor, and member, helping to make things better. Now, I admit that do have a list of favorite authors, but doesn't everybody? If i have any complaint, it is this: some authors at other sites don't post here.

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Research for stories

I was opening my Email account and noticed another strange inquiry. "Hi Jennifer, still own that Mustang?" I had others but this was the first to ask for Jennifer. I wondered what the heck is this and who's Jennifer? None of my kids are named Jennifer, nor is my wife. I finally put it together. When I was researching insurance costs for Show Me The Money I entered Jennifer Billings and her new Mustang as the person to be insured. Lo and behold, Jennifer is now a real person.

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Learning something new everyday: So that's what "LP" means

I know most of you know this, but It's new to me. And I hope you guys don't mind if I regale you with what I just found out, even if you know all about it already. I just find it fascinating.

It's about vinyl records. I knew about vinyl records. We had a record player at home. And I knew what an LP was. But I didn't know what the acronym stood for. Sorry 'bout being so clueless...

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New occasional series from Maddy!

I've just posted the first part of a new series here on BC,

Hope you like it, i'm planning on taking it a long way!

It's based loosely on the Yubisaki Milk Tea Manga, if you've read that i'm sure you'll like this!


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My mom called me by my female name!

Well, a couple of days ago I had a long talk with my mom about my desire to be feminine, and she was sympathetic, but I wasn't sure how much she understood. Then this morning, she left me a note calling me dorothy. Words cannot express how happy this makes me. I just had to share.


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Abuse or not?

I recently had an interesting epiphany; deciding that my being dressed and living as a girl until age 5 was fun and I liked it! At the time, it was a profound disappointment that I was being called a boy since I just knew that I was like my sister and mom. So, as far as I am concernted, I was not abused, though it has taken me a few years to come to that conclusion.

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"Asbo breach for dressing as a girl"

Headlines can give such a misleading idea.

The one in the subject was the headline I saw on the Telegraph's front page. Which got me thinking, indignantly, since when are they handing out asbos for crossdressing?

So I clicked on the link. The slightly longer headline on the page itself now said:

"Man 'breached Asbo by dressing as a schoolgirl'"

Hmm, ok, dressing as a schoolgirl a bit... Read on...

Turns out this is a 60 year old man hanging around primary schools dressed as a schoolgirl... Okaaaay, we're getting closer to the story now, and close enough, methinks...

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More stuff from Tanya's muse

Last week was tough, what with elderly parents and demanding grand-children, I suppose I shouldn't complain, but I actually have so much I want to write!

I managed two more chapters of A GIRL CAN BUT DREAM

See it here:

I'm sure it will be something that Sephrena will post on this site soon.


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Heard anything about Crystal's?

Woke up too early, and now I can't get back to sleep. Not worried though as I called my boss last night that I won't be coming in today regardless of the weather. Now I can veg out the whole day today an recuperate...

Anyway, I heard from some folks at FM that Crystal's site has been down for a couple of days now. I tried accessing it and I get a "Bad Request (Invalid Hostname)" error, which as far as I know is a hard error. Hope everything's ok over there.

Anyone heard anything?

- Bobbie

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Future of Bike.

As we get closer to episode 900 (not bad for something that was going to be a blog?)it's time to ask readers how much longer they want me to continue, assuming our gracious web mistress is happy for that to happen. The plot lines keep coming and the characters keep doing their bit, so unless you think it's getting stale or old hat, it could go on a bit longer.

So pull your fingers out and get typing and tell me.


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OTH Part 9

What's Up! Once the Hero Part 9 is up at StarDust! As always a big thanks to Hope, and Kimmie for their help cleaning it up. Another thanks goes to Faraway and his help with Russian culture and language issues! More thanks to all my readers and commentators who help make this story just a little better than it would be without you all!




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Quote in a story that makes me laugh!

As I sat and read Susan Grafton's excellent A is for Alibi, I came across this gem:

"The only cleavage I got left, I sit on,"

I was mid sip on a cup of coffee as I read ( I shouldn't do that!) and I nearly covered the sofa with cofee.

Anyone else have any wonderful quotes they can remember like that?



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So I've taken the February challenge and tried something with it...

The something is this...

I'm trying to be very spare with the storytelling, sketchy even, and allowing, even demanding the music to supply the emotional content. I'm not entirely happy with the results and anyone who has an idea how I could address my artistic shortcomings re this endeavour is welcome to say their piece.


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Things Greta Says

If you like the hilarity of the average conversation in Cathy's household in "Bike", you'll probably like this...

Greta is the four year old daughter of UK satirical musician / comedian Mitch Benn and his wife Clara. Like most four year olds, she often produces unintentionally hilarious comments - but whereas in most families these are quickly forgotten, in their household one of the parents will often tweet it for posterity (editing where necessary to fit within the 140 character limit).

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What I learned

I was taught family doesn't matter,
I always thought family was a burden.
I was taught that parents will favor one child over another,
I always thought I wasn’t relevant.
I was taught that life wasn’t important,
I always thought my life wasn’t important.
I was taught … wrong,
I have learned that I am important, relevant and family is not a burden.

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For Gabyphiles, Bonziphiles and Anglophiles

If you ever wonder what its doing over in London, want to check the weather, do they really get snow? watch the double decker busses cross the bridge, tour boats on the Thames, maybe catch the bridge up? Or just to see the tide height against the bridge.
This is one of the better real time live cams:

Enjoy, hey, maybe we could get Angharad and friends to walk across the bridge to the sidewalk on the other side of the road this side of the near tower, jump up and down and wave frantically at the camera at a preset time and date? :-)

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Sex-Change Medical Costs Are Tax-Deductible, U.S. Court Rules

This was on YaHoo News this Morning! Richard

Feb. 3 (Bloomberg) -- Costs incurred in sex-change operations and procedures are tax-deductible, the U.S. Tax Court ruled.

The Washington-based court ruled yesterday that hormone therapies and sex reassignment surgeries are necessary to treat gender identity disorder, a disease, in the case of a Boston- area man who became a woman named Rhiannon O’Donnabhain.

“The Court is persuaded that petitioner’s sex reassignment surgery was medically necessary,” Judge Joseph Gale wrote in a 69-page decision for the majority.

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The Tank - New for Fictioneer

Hi folks.

Just thought I'd let you know that I have posted some more words for your delectation on Fictioneer called The Tank, so if you're after something a little different, check it out here.


Oh, and if you're of a mind, there's a review of Paycheck a movie I saw recently and after reading the review, I'm hoping you're going to want to see it too. You can check that out here

Have fun.



All feedback (provided it's not abusive) appreciated :)

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What does it take to be a good mommy?

A good mommy is one that is there for you,
through thick and thin.
A good mommy has a kind soul and a good heart,
but she will protect you from all evil.
A good mommy is firm and subtle,
yet loving and caring.
A good mommy will understand you no matter what,
You are all that and more.

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Update re: Health Problem

It appears, at least on the surface, that whatever is going on in my nether parts is not least on first examination. More tests will be run when I get to the VA hospital and further causes/ solutions will be found/discussed. A partial orchiectomy is not out of the question, although I will lobby for taking both as long as they are going to be taking one. I mean, as long as they are RIGHT know?

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100 Votes - Thanks!

Just a quick "Thank you!" to all who've been reading, voting and commenting on my stories over the past fortnight...

Petra's Outing - 1,762 hits, 101 votes, 35 comments.
Petra: I Will Survive - 229 hits, 18 votes, 2 comments.
The Genie - 1,670 hits, 83 votes, 15 comments.

All together: 3,661 hits, 202 votes, 52 comments.
(Stats as of 3rd Feb, 00:30 GMT)

Yes, my first story, Petra's Outing, has managed to acquire over 100 votes (so that probably translates as at least 50 of you clicking the button), and all three together have accrued over 200.

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A Question About Authors

I have noticed that there are a ew authors who have absolutely nothing in their folders. no blogs, no storiries, nothing at all. WHY? Janet Stickney who has stories else where is here, but no stories, and Christina Chase is listed as an author, but is a character.

May Your Light Forever Shine

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Pope attacks UK Equality Bill

(Saw this article at work, and decided to be very naughty and beat Angharad to blogging about it!)

(effectively the same article, just rephrased slightly.)

The Pope has urged Catholic bishops in England and Wales to fight the UK's Equality Bill with "missionary zeal".

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