An interesting article and a point for discussion

I just want to share with you an article I read yesterday and might be of some interest to you:

Is tween TV skewed toward girls?

I recommend reading the linked content in the article as it adds a lot to it.

I think the two sides raise a valid point. On the one hand 'tween' boys can, and do, relate to female protagonists in today less gendered society . On the other hand it doesn't change the fact that there aren't that much male protagonists in 'tween TV', and the small amount there is, is mostly drawn from a 'tween' girl point of view of a good role model instead of the male one.

So What do you think ? Is one side has the definite answer , and if so which one is it? Are we really ignoring tween boys in today pop culture or what?


Sorry for the less then optimal punctuation, its just really late in here(3 A.M) :S