Well, I let my family bully me into getting my hair cut. Even my mom, who I thought was on my side, helped, and in fact provided the money. And they used my daughter to push me too. I gave in, and feel rotten about it. I make myself the promice that this is the last time i am letting them run my life.
I just went through that ...
I can't say that you have to be true to yourself, because my track record sucks.
My new nick name is Twit.
your name is Gwen, the woman who desperately wanted to find a way to reconcile with her family at great cost and disappointment. I am sorry you feel that way...You tried to do what you could. That doesn't make you a twit...it reminds me of someone who cares and wants to be loved and accepted. My respect and love to you, dear heart. Andrea
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
At least you have the option of using your hijab to cover the mistake... other girls may just have to grin and bear/bare it.