I had a problem the other day. There were several tractors, other bits of mobile farm machinery and lethal looking things that would mince you up and spit you out if you were silly enough to get in the way all going up and down my little lane..
To explain, I am surrounded by fields and have just a small lane to the front. Hence the farm traffic.
I was happy browsing the net in Sue Towers, that’s my study in my home where I laughingly create my stories, when horror of horrors, my connection went down. I thought that it was the router- no. I thought that one of my cats had pulled the telephone cable out — no. I considered the possibility that field mice might at that very moment be having a feast on the wires — no.
My sig other came in and told me calmly that a tractor with a long prong thingy had torn down the line outside.
After screaming, tearing my hair out and other intelligent things, I rang the phone company and told the nice young Indian lady what the problem was. She said tsk, tsk or words to that effect and promised that it would be sorted out in 24 hours.
Well, here I am 48 hours later and I am finally back on line. Gabi kindly posted my latest Chosen chapter, so my three fans (including my 2 cats) could now read the latest episode.
Whilst in Broadband Wilderness, It left me time to actually communicate with the sig other on a more regular basis and appreciate that life does not begin and end with the WWW.
So, remember if you are lucky enough to have a significant other, be it a he, she, cat, dog, budgie or jelly fish, try to appreciate him, her or it a bit more by just switching off the damn computer, phone, iPod, iPad and going and have a nice cuddle and chat occasionally.
P.S. If you have a jelly fish, the cuddle is optional.
I hear that!!!
And, my paying attention to (& tine with) that sig other is a BIG reason why I've been posting significantly slower the past year. This has been great for my relationship, but has made me feel I was neglecting those that attempt to "follow" my stories. *sighs* Not enough hours in the day!
Glad you're internet problem was resolved. Strange how dependent we become.
I assure you; you have much
I assure you; you have much more than 3 fans! I'm not sure if I commented on the latest chapter of Chosen (I'm not always good about that), but it was wonderful. Keep up the good work. :)
It's amazing how dependent we become on the internet if we let ourselves (I'm really bad about that, too). My connection gets really slow and unreliable at night, though, so I have to find something else to do (grumble, grumble).
I'm glad your connection is back up and running, and that you got some time in with your SO.
"But it is also tradition that times *must* and always do change, my friend." - Eddie Murphy, Coming To America
Hear Hear
A Comment from another of your, significantly more than 3, fans: I know about internet dependance. A rather large quantity of my resources for my university course are online and when the line goes down I am not a happy bunny (This in sunny SA where only 9% of the population has access to the net at home and Telkom (think Ma Bell of old) is far from reliable)
Add another fan, please!
when our access to the Web has left!
Not fair we say - no wonder why;
We feel deprived - it makes us cry:
We might be filled with many hates,
I think we ought to blame Bill Gates
"Modemion", Canto Six, lines 532-533
Lady Waltrina Scott, 1821
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Since there are 5 comments here, it signifies at least 5 fans, two more then you claim. The numbers of fans is obviously much larger based on the comments to the stories.
Another fan
Add me. After the story about the Cove I cannot stop any story from you entering on my harddisk.
This is funny! I'm so glad I have a very reliable Internet...
connection! I work 3rd shift and my Honey works 1st shift. At 4:00am I make the pot of coffee for my Honey and me. (On my days off that is.) The kiss good morning, Honey goes to watch the news, have a cig and drink coffee. I go back in my "World" as Squirt my Kittie for the past 14 years hops on his computer chair next to mine...
The very few times I have been without "My Connection" at first I went out of my mind! Squirt would be in his chair and then come looking for me in as a bewildered state as I was. Like "Hey Angel, you're not where you're supposed to be!"
At least I have plenty of outside work that always needs doing and I can still write without "My Connection!"
If you have only 3 fans then I must only have 1. You are a popular author and this blog is as funny as they get! Giggle, giggle...
Well, that said I have to go feed the bears or they'll be tearing down all my bird feeders, AGAIN!
Huggles Sue and I'm glad you're connected again!
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"