FINISHED! ... The first draft, anyway.

Twenty-three chapters. Twenty-three bloody chapters. Most of them are 6-8 pages in MS Word a piece.

Now the fun part begins. Editing, rewriting, and making sure everything makes sense.

It's still going to be awhile, and I need to decide if I truly want to end the story here, or continue writing (I absolutely adore these characters, and believe me, there is a LOT left to challenge her in her new life), but it's at a point now where I could comfortably stop.

The only thing is, I don't use villains, per se. The villain is the heroine's own doubt and fear of people discovering the truth, so in that sense, I expect a lot of readers are going to complain about it not being realistic.

This is a story I wanted to tell, though. It's absolutely packed full of symbolism, some subtle and some not so much. I didn't write one word that was incidental or 'just because'. Everything has its purpose, so in that sense I think I've got a good story on my hands.

I just need to polish it and make it a great one.

I would also like to say briefly, that if you haven't watched "The Lovely Bones", I strongly reccomend it. I took a lot of inspiration for the heroine's more intense dream sequences directly from the movie. They're brief, in that her dreams are only a small part of her whole tale, but they're important windows into her soul :-D

ANYway, I just wanted to post a little 'Yay me!'

~Zoe T.


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