Crossdressers in Japan

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Broadcast in Japan on NHK (Their equivalent of the BBC), a short news feature on crossdressers (In English)

It makes for interesting viewing - Jay


The Asian girls are cute

I used to go to the Akihabara district mentioned in the article, "Eletric Town" if it is electronic or computor related it is there, seems perfectly natural it would be a center for cross dressing geeks too.

What?!? No Sensationalism???

What's this world coming to? Sanity?

Maybe I missed something, but all I sensed from the story was a harmless bemusement, and a bit of cultural pride. Good thing this wasn't on American television, or I'd have chipped some teeth when my jaw hit the floor.

Here's another take...

ITN have released a brief report on the crossdressed maid cafe onto YouTube:

Then from that video you quickly discover numerous clips of a game show segment called "Crossdress Paradise", where apparently college age boys were transformed, then rated on how convincing they looked...
(OK, so it's an unusual concept, but certainly preferable to some of the wackier and frankly dangerous looking game shows featured on "Tarrant on TV"...)


As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Ahh yes,

I have seen various episodes of 女装パラダイス - quite an unusual show, although the segment whereby they took them out on the town and outed them to people they had 'fooled' was I think in bad taste...
- Jay

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