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I read with great pleasure, and I admit, surprise that President Obama has appointed an openly trans woman as a senior technical advisor to the Department of Commerce. Appointment
Someday, she'll just be a woman!
Coming out of the 50's I remember it being a big deal to just have a woman on staff that was not just a typist wearing a seductively tight suit and fukme heels. I've worked as an openly Muslim woman at the VA hospital for a number of months. They don't appear to realize that I am trans too. A bit of creative camophlage to rival what the Brits did in North Africa in ww2. :)
Someday, she'll simply be a very smart woman, and people will believe that trans people are not infact out having sex with every available male in town, or that we are mentally imbalanced. I say YAAAAAAYYYYY! for her.
I'd fight my way back into the work place because I am damned good at what I used to do, but after all, I am just about 63, too stiff to do the ladders, crawls and overhead work that I used to. I am sick of things blowing up and sparking all over the place! Besides, in Oregon, I am legally insane and that would appear on every physical that I took. It looks like that will disappear pretty soon too.
Khadijah Gwen
Women in top jobs 'Down Under'
The Deputy Prime Minister and the Deputy Leader of the
Opposition in Australia are both women.The two biggest States as far as population are concerned are New South Wales
and Queensland and they both have women as Premiers,the equivalent I would imagine of a state Governor in the U.S.A.
In fact,the Premier of N.S.W. was educated (and born)in America.
Three of our biggest Stock Exchange companies are run by women
and the Prime Ministers wife runs her own multi million dollar
business.In Western Australia there are a great number of women
who run their own huge businesses and one woman is the CEO of one of the largest mining companies in the world.So,we might be
'Down Under'but not when it comes to women in business or
I wasn't trying to...
Comment on women who have achieved brilliant things in their careers. Here in the states, a woman came VERY close to being in Obama's office this time around. My pleasant surprise was that a woman who is openly "trans" was appointed to a high position. My personal opinion is that this is an important step. From what I can find on her career, she's been very successful at what she's done, and is very qualified for the position. I suspect, she had to be far more qualified than many of the others considered - to overcome any potential stigma *sighs* associated with being Trans - in some people's eyes.
I hope she does as well in this position, as she's done in her career. It can only help others.
I'm also pleased to hear that Raytheon has done so well by her. The fortune 500 companies are by and large more progressive than smaller ones, but it's far from 100% that are supportive of those of us that transition.
It would appear that this appointment is different...
...for one other important reason. As we've seen, some of us for a longer time than others, often folks are brought into administrations for various reasons, in both political parties, and often appointed for their political connections rather than any expertise. This appointment, however, is unusual because she was appointed because she is highly qualified for the position to which she was named, irrespective of her status as a trans-gender person. That in itself says volumes about her, and hopefully is an indication that things are changing on more than one front.
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
Post script
I don't know of any 'trannies'amongst the women mentioned,
but if I did I wouldn't tell,but I would not be surprised!
I'm pleased for her
she sounds a real clever dick -um, I'll just rephrase that - a smart aleck - um are there any common phrases for clever women, that aren't deprecatory? Or are women with brains seen as dangerous - and she's blonde.
A smart cookie? sounds like an oxymoron to me.