First off, Chapter 31 is nearly complete and will be posted as soon as I finish and edit it.
Second. After storyboarding the next chapter and some intense brainstorming (yes it hurt), the story may be heading in a 'slightly' different direciton. (insert evil laugh here)
Now back to your show.
Pleeeeease don't keep the princess and the captain apart!
The half-elf/half-human woman/spy and the divison within dwarf politics seem important plot elements that could be expanded on. And we have the incognito princess acting as a stable hand/groom as well.
Oh, and Monyka's temporary super night vison *gift* from the blind singer and her increasing dereliction of duty because of her romance seem very important. Being a human to whom this dwaven *gift* was given will it evetually harm her/blind her? Or will she get captured by the elves?
And what of the Muls? Will any rebel against the dwarves, their *creators*, who have esentially enslaved them? Even if they are to be free and full citizens at some point, I hope, they must know their human mothers were forcably impregnated and died to give birth to them. Criminals or not that is a cruel punishment. At a minimum some may wish to live with the humans. That will cause conflict.
Are you implying somebody we care for is going to die/suffer? Oh how cruel!
Go for it,
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa