Hey again everyone!
First things first! Part 4 of Once the Hero is up at StarDust!
Now the rest of the story. HER and Kimmie has both PMed me about grammar errors within the story. Being the wonderful people they are they volunteered to help proof and fix those. What this means is there are going to be small differences between what is posted at BC and StarDust until I can get around to getting everything caught up.
Both HER and Kimmie has my deepest thanks for their work.
I also thank everyone who is reading and/or commented not only on Once the Hero, but my other stories as well. I sometimes get fumbled fingered and forget who I've Pm'ed thanks to and who I haven't. Believe me, you all have my utmost appreciation.
You must remember this ...
a kiss just a kiss ...
Okay, so I'm not Bogart, maybe Groucho but not Bogart.
Grover, to simplify things, all the reallllly intellgent, thought provoking, muse inspiring commnets came from me.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Where's my fat royalty check?
John in Wauwatosa
A sigh is just a sigh
Royalty check? When I see one, we'll discuss it! On the other hand when you publish your multi-volume Time Out mega hit I do expect to see credit for that furry bundle of trouble I sent you!
If I was to credit all of those who inspired me I would spend all of my time writing about them instead of writing stories. Where to start? All the Whateley core authors as well as the Fanfic writers, The staff of Marvel and DC comics for the last 40 years, Clarke, Heinlein, Weber, Asimov, Bova, Norton, Lackey, Hodgell, Chalker, McCaffery, and many, many more Sci-Fi and Fantasy authors. And that's not even getting into the movies, TV, other TG authors and sites, as well as all the other stuff I've read.
I like to think that I've shown the highest kind of respect that I can. I've tried to pay it forward with own sometimes clumsy efforts to entertain and perhaps even make someone out there think a little. As always I'm the last person in the world able to see just how well I've succeeded at that effort. That my dears is left up to you!
Hugs everyone!
That means you too John!