sarav111's blog

looking for a story

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i am looking for a story where a man dresses up as awomen and falls for the mothere of a son who likes to dress up and once they meet she asks him to help her out and drive a coach bus for a church group i cant remember the title and would like to read it again hoping some one might be abl;e to help me out here?
thanks and hugs from sarav

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looking for a story again

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i am looking for a story where a young man goes to his cousins house for the summer and gets a job as a weather girl and in the end stays a girl and gets a job as a reporter oh and teh cousins own /work a catering company been lookngfor this one for a while but cant seem to find it again
and thank you with hugs for any help

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i am looking for a storie where a brother dresses up has his sister to cover her job while his sister goes and sees a boyfreinds and gets married any idea what the title called as i forgot

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stupid rain

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well with all the rain we have gotten in two days my parents basement and alot of the neghbors one also have flooded thank fully i had a pond pump to try and keep pumping the water out so as not to destroy to much thank fully but my sisters house has about 6 inches of water in their basement i am so sick of rain so instead of having fun tomorrow i get to clean abasement on my day off instead ugh
well here's hoping for better weather real soon and less rain for a while to

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looking for some one

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hello Topshelf well i was wondering if any one has heard anything from the author of unexpected mommy or new of any way to get a hold of that person please if so could you please let me know in a PM i would really like to talk to the person again
well bye bye till later i guess
or maybe now where i could find some more of their writings

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life this christmas really sucks

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well this christmas i get to spend it sleeping on the floor at my sister with all my stuff in storage. also i have to spend my birthday on christmas eve all dressed as a guy since i have to share the basement with my siblings and it will be my golden birthday this year as i will be 24 on the 24th. so yeah no dressing as my self instead i have to wear all guy clothes and i hate that. so yeah im kinda homeless till january so i have to crash at my sisters house till some time mid january.

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trapped inside in wis.

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i really hate days when all you can do is sit inside and watch tv. we just got over a foot of snow and it is still falling. i am feeling really trapped and down today i really like to just get out. so i have had all day to read alot of stories on this site and find i think that everyone deserves a thanks for all of the stories.

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