TopShelf Blogs

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Princess For Hire: User Recommendations! Volume 1

So, "Princess For Hire" seems to be doing well, no? Well, one thing I'm hoping to make a regular thing as I write this story is asking for reader input. While I know where it's going, there's still plenty of room to add in things people might be interested to see, and if it helps me flesh out the story a little more, well that's all the better!

So, to start with, I've got a couple of requests myself.

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Sissy farm 4 & 5 posted.

Well, that's Sissy farm 4 & 5 posted, Readers will note that Michelle is essentially a voluntary sissy.
I wonder if the attilery barrage approach will attract more comment like posting mre stories than commentators can handle in a day.
Ho-hum interesting tactic.


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Pub refuses to serve LGBT group

Oh dear...

The Labour Party's Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transsexual Society were in the Greencoat Boy pub in Westminster, central London, when a row broke out. The duty manager is alleged to have refused them service and said that had he known they were a gay group he would not have accepted their booking. Punch Taverns, which owns the pub, has launched an investigation.

More details:

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Dr Tracy Okeefe article on transgender and other terms

I found this to be an interesting essay. The comments below it are almost as interesting. The article reveals the sometimes contentious views about the term transgender, in all its ramifications, and how it's use as an umbrella term may trample on self identities.

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Career Day Part 3

Hey! I just posted Career Day part 3 over at StarDust. This ends vol. one. It's a complete story but I have more of Lee's tale that I'm working on. So despite my hyperactive muse I hope to get all of The Career Day Saga completed before trying to finish up way too many older stories that needs completion.

Next Weekend I'll post part 3 here at BC. I can't promise I'll have vol. 2 ready or not. We're preparing to move at the end of the month and so things are starting to get a little hectic. Wish us luck!

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work isssues

Well, I went to work at Midnight Friday for the Sat shift, and the boss informed me the company had hired two new peple to work with us. We had been working 12 hour shifts on the weekends for coverage without driving people into overtime stats, and we were getting along just fine. Then the company decided (the lady in charge of the area office) that she didn't like the 12 hour shifts, and she hired a thrid body and cut us to 8 hours. That meant myself and the other guy were only getting 16 hours a week....not enough for either of us.

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Depressed And Discouraged

I am feeling depressed and discouraged over my employment situation(or lack thereof)I interviewed for a job and they asked me if I was available for two weeks training before they opened. I said yes and they led me to believe I would be getting a call. Apparently, they decided not to give me a chance. If there is one thing about being Trans that I do have a problem with, it is putting up with all the blatant job discrimination out there. I have applied for over 500 jobs in the last three years and I very rarely get an interview or even a chance to prove myself.

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5:30 am...

Well we've just about got everything ready and will be leaving for the cross channel, high-speed ferry at 5:30 am tomorrow morning. The car's already packed and Pen's just vacuuming to leave the place nice for the cat.

We have ten houses to see, but our faves are on Wednesday's list of places to see, but whatever happens, I know it's going to be an adventure.

Hopefully I'll be able to regale you with some witty repartee upon my return--which would make a change eh?

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Man charged with hate crime in Ballard, Washington Transgender attack

Man charged with hate crime in Ballard transgender attack

A man was charged Thursday with malicious harassment -- the state's hate crime statute -- after police said he yelled a derogatory slur at a transgender woman and assaulted her.

The incident happened about 3:50 p.m. Sunday at Northwest Market Street and 15th Avenue Northwest. The woman told an officer the suspect approached her at a bus stop, punched her several times with closed fists and yelled a slur at her.

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The sissy farm.

I'm getting writer's block with Martina's Story, (What ever writer's block is.) So I've decided to post Sissy farm to BCTS.
This means that I have to read each chapter before posting it and thiss will help me recover the thread of the story in the later stages where I lost it nearly a year ago. Chapters 22 to 26 need re-writng to correct discontinuities then I'll post them here and on FM. I owe it to FM Readers.

That's all for now.

Is there anybody else going to Sparkle in Manchester, UK 9th to 11th July.

See you soon.

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Well, its been a frustrating week. I have been trying to get a letter from my doctor regarding my physical health so i could qualify for the assitance to go back to school, but no luck. Then today, I tried to get it from the local medi-center, and instead they sent me for an x-ray, and i have to go back monday. I am starting to fear that I could end up not being able to get it, and the whole dream of going back to school and maybe transitioning is going up in smoke. sigh.

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I'm in a foul mood tonight.

and the reasons are...well, many I guess.

Mainly though, at the bottom of it all, is one simple thing.

I've spent my whole life searching for "the one." I've looked everywhere and she seems to be either hiding, or I'm just too damn old and ugly for anyone to care about in "that" way.

Well here's a bit of news for everyone. Ugly people need love too!

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Interesting idea from Nokia...

Or, "As easy as charging up your mobile phone"

Imagine (for whatever reason) you're going on a long bike ride, but your mobile phone is running low on charge. Evidently someone at Nokia thought that the power generated by a dynamo sandwiched between the frame and wheel could do more than illuminate darkness...

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List of Therapists?

A little while ago someone sent me a link to trusted therapists who are not only experienced with, but actually WANT to deal gender issues. I can not for the life of me FIND that link. I'm about to resort to sorting through every comment on Becoming Robin as well as my blogs in order to find that blasted link once I finish watching Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (Thanks Melanie! ;-)).

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For GLBT Jews in the South Bay (San Francisco) Area

I just received this email:

Just a reminder that this Saturday is the fourth annual South Bay Pride Shabbat. Please include this information in your community news section or forward to interested congregants. Many participants in previous years are not GLBT themselves but straight allies or family members.

Congregation Shir Hadash, Temple Emanu-El, and Congregation Emeth invite you to join us for the 4th Annual South Bay Pride Shabbat. The service will be held on Saturday, June 5th, at 10:30 am at Congregation Shir Hadash, 20 Cherry Blossom Lane, Los Gatos.

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Sixth Anniversary Of Starting HRT

Today(June 1st) is the sixth anniversary of my first shot of Estridiol Valerate and the 20th anniversary of my graduation from High School. I can't believe it has been that long. I can say that I feel truly blessed to be here living this moment now. It took me 33 years before I started, but I can honestly say, I wouldn't trade this journey for anything. I have wonderful friends here on BCTS and wonderful long time friends from High School that are still with me for this. I consider myself to be a very blessed woman indeed. Thanks for being there with me. Here's to many more wonderful years.

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How lucky can you get?

Tomorrow, June first is my birthday, but we celebrated it today. Three of my children were here and so were five of my grandchildren. I barbequed two chataubriands and a butterflied leg of lamb. All came out perfect, medium rare. The day was perfect, with the exception of no sunshine. I didn't mind because, don't say it, my kids were all the sunshine I needed. Being part of this community is the icing on the cake. I love you all, Arecee

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It's that time of year (for me)...

I thought about posting this as a blog here, but instead decided to post it to my blog and share the link...

Basic subject is that it's nearing the 2 year anniversary of Kim's passing...

That time of the year (for me) @ Piper's GeekBrat Blog....


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My brain chemistry is kicking my butt

Well, I got most of what i need to do to go back to school done. If I can get my doctor to sign off for me wednsday, I will be as ready to go as I can be. I just wish I felt better, but I was due for a chemical down anyway, so now is as good a time as any, i guess. ah, well.

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Martina's Story 10

Well, that's chapter 10 finally posted. It's been sitting on my 'puter' for a few weeks while I sort out other issues in my life.
Been a rough couple of weeks. Sorry if it seems like along time between postings.
Been doing a lot of cycling to clear my head and the final arrival of some decent sunny weather has helped a lot to lift my mood.

I'm going to read bike 1010 now to cheer me up a bit.

Bye for now,
Bev Hugs.

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Anyone Have A Targus Universal AC Adapter For Your Laptop?

Anyone have a Targus Universal AC adaptor for your Laptop? If you do, there is a recall on them for adaptors made through March of this year. If you have one, you can go to for further information. Mine was on the list and I was able to return it for a full refund at the place where I purchased it( In my case,Walmart). Apparently they caused fires and may cause internal damage to the computer itself. Since I am waiting for an actual Toshiba adaptor to be sent to me, I haven't been able to finish Part 3 of my latest story. I apologize for the delay.

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I Have A Question?

Anybody: Has anybody talk to JenGirl(Jennifer Campbell) in the past few days? As she hasn't been logged on here in several days and she was having trouble with relatives where she lives this past month as she has not been able to find a new job because of her gender problems. Thanks all of you! Richard

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Twenty One years and I'm still trying to figure it out

It was this day in 1989 that the wife and I got married. We have two wedding anniversaries in fact. Today is the civil one, our church wedding took place on June 17th of the same year. This isn't an unusual practice among Filipinos.

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Well, my visit to the goverment agency went well. I have some paperwork to fill out before i go back in 2 weeks, but i went back to the school to have them fill out their part of my paperwork, and they said the fact that they gave me the papers indicate a high chance that they will end up saying yes. We will see.

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I was absolutely shocked to see a movie had been made about XXY Gene combination in one young child. Sadly, me espanole es muy poqinto :(

Yes folks this movie is in Spanish. Can it be that they do not have their collective heads up their asses like English speaking countries do?

Those who can, enjoy.

Much Peace

Khadijah Gwen

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Breast Obsessed

Japanese are weird, pt. 23c:

The following is a trailer for a Japanese tv show called approximately "The Ancient Dogoo Girl." What qualifies it to be here is a brief sequence in which a guy gets zapped and appears to sprout breasts. Other than that (well, even including that), it's just plain weird.

Any fans of Japanese graphic culture who are familiar with this genre of entertainment, feel free to fill us in on the background and such!

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One More Week

Well folks, I'm just here to tell you that in just over a week, Penny and I will be packed into my little Peugeot and cruising down the boulevards of La Belle France - hopefully with the roof down - on our househunting camping trip.

We're really excited as we are going to be seeing about ten houses, three of which we are very keen on. The rest would be nice, but may need too much work to be within our grasp. The three we do like are actually habitable, one of which is more than habitable, it's perfect.

Oh well, we'll have to wait and see, won't we?

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I love the smell of nail polish in the morning!

Ok, so thats a takeoff of Apocalypse now, but its approprate. This morning, for the 1st time ever, I painted my toenails. Before, I was always too scared to try it. Probably didnt to a great job, especailly since with my big belly its hard to reach my toes at all, lol. Meanwhile, tomorow is the big day. I go to the goverment agency to find out if the will sponcer me to go back to school. pray for me, ok?

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think you are too tall !

There are times when we all would prefer not to be too noticeable when out in public. For all those who believe they are too tall to pass, don’t despair.

This young model is six foot eight inches tall, seven foot in her heels

See the link below.

Love to all

Anne G.

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Good News

Good news. I'm halfway through the rewrite of Assassin part three. I will be sending it off to my editor in the next few days and hopefully I'll have it posted next week. Sorry for the long delay in posting it, but this part is quite long. Thanks for your patience, Arecee

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Busy little beaver

So, I have been busy getting Soldier Boy ready to send to an Agent. That should be nice. The problem there is, since I am doing that I am not really writing as much stuff. So there many be a severe lull between postings, perhaps worse than now.

However, because you have been so nice, let me post the synopsis of the story. I am hoping that I can get that published and make some money. Enjoy.

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Guinness *IS* good for you!

Well, it's good for dogs at least!

The Wisconsin team tested the health-giving properties of stout against lager by giving it to dogs who had narrowed arteries similar to those in heart disease.

They found that those given the Guinness had reduced clotting activity in their blood, but not those given lager.

So next time you go to the pub, order a pint of the black stuff for your pooch! :)

(Never mind the strange things some scientists choose to research - and the creatures they use in their research...)

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To The Administrators.

One of our Authors has taken me by the hand and led me to a place on this site that I did not know exists. It is indeed a very pleasant surprise to find a spot in the "Add Stories" um thingie, that says TG Universes and series.

Would it be posible to have a tab that would take us to those Universes so that we might read the the stories?

Much Peace.

Khadijah Gwen

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The Sparkle weekend Manchester 9th, 10th 11th July

It's just struck me that I haven't told anybody on BCTD that I'm going to The Sparkle Weekend in Manchester's gay village in the UK.
I'm staying at 'The place hotel', Friday and Saturday nights for the weekend 9th, 10th , 11th July.
Is anybody else going.
Lot's going on.
I'd love to meet some big closet readers or writers up there.

Looking forward to some others being there.


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Martina's Story 9

Well, 9 is posted and it took sweat not ink. Sorry about the bile that threads its way through the chapter 9 like poison but I had to say it! Something of a rant; sorry everybody.

10 is ready for posting but until I get through 11, I cant post 10 unless there's some re-writing to do to maintain plot and continuity. (At the moment, I think I'm sometimes losing the plot!)

I'm only just keeping up with this story at the moment, been on a bit of a downer these past few days.

See the viputrative diatribe I posted as a comment on dear Drea's story 'Becoming whole 2'.

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J-uu-ss--tt what we need! RIGHT

It seems that the nuttso that tried to confess to the JonBenet murder some years ago has been cyber stalking a young woman he knew when he was a substitute teacher and she was 9 years old. He was cleared of having anything to do with JonBenet's death through DNA evidence, but since then he is alleged to be engaged in stalking at least this other girl. In the words of the InfoMercial, "But wait, there's more...." It seems that he has transitioned and is now legally female as well, and is still stalking the girl. She says he did it so he could get closer to women and girls.

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Pressing The Wrong Buttons

As I sit here, trying to confound and astound my readers with further adventures, I wonder if I am always on the right track.

By this, I am constantly trying to balance what I like to write with what my readers like to read. I hate being stuck in a pigeon hole, so I tend to write on different subjects, time spans, ages etc. I would hate to think that people see my name and think, ‘Oh here is a typical Sue Brown story.’

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I might be in love

Well, The above is a statement I never thought I would say again. I met somebody on a chat room, and she helped me get through the worst of my flashbacks. She knows my gender status, and it doesnt faze her a bit. She is also constantly complimenting me, calling me beautiful, and making me feel special and wanted in a way I have never felt before. I am being careful, trying to take my time and get to know her better, but also trying to enjoy the moment at the same time. We will have to see how it goes.

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Ego Booster

There are days, weeks even years where self doubts affect us all.

I've been feeling particularly below par in the 'passing' area.

Today ended that feeling for me. I was pulling out of my driveway when this guy walked in front of my car. He was young and attractive and definately my type.

He takes off his sunglasses and looks into my drivers side window (which was down) and asks... "Wendy? Is that you?"

Well I don't know who Wendy is, but I'm glad he even got the gender correct!

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British Military Experience

Are there any contributors here who have British Military experience? I was in the US ARMY in the 60's, so I know about general military stuff in America. I get the impression that , at least for a Leftenant the atmosphere in the British Army is considerably more professional and far less militaristic than the US Army. It is also my impression that if a soldier gets fed up, they can simply resign and go home.

I also do not know about a Leftenant taking a post on a Heavy Machine Gun for a short while because one of his men had another short task.

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The Working Girl Blog #32: The Abortive Shopping Trip

The Working Girl Blog #32:
The Abortive Shopping Trip, or
Apparently, window shopping is expensive, too

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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Father Just Doesn't Get It

I wasn't going to write another chapter in Father Just Doesn't Get It, but with all the nice comments I got, I decided to write another chapter. If anybody wants to read more about Joanne's journey into girlhood, just say so in your comments at the end of the story.


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Florida High School student who wanted to go to prom in a dress suspend


A male Broward County Florida High School Student who wanted to go to Prom in a Dress was suspended.

See Link below


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New Grover Story!

Hey Everyone I have a new story up at StarDust. Career Day: The Wheels On The Bus Go Round And Round. It's a lot different from Once A Hero. It's about time travel, Alien machines, racists, and the joys of getting your hair done. Story length is around 46 thousand words, and will be posted in more or less three even parts. If I get part 2 that I'm currently working finished, I'll simply add it onto the end doubling the length.




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It seems there is some kind of error in the html of my latest posting, The Chronicles of Mana - 2 - Deja Vu. Erin moved the break code to the very beginning to keep it from screwing up the front page. So on the front page it shows the name and an empty box. If you click on it, though, the story is there. Some browsers may have trouble with it, but it is there.

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martina's story.

Nearly finished chapter 10. Frank's given me an inkling of where to go next.
Skipper's cottage is good place for anybody to recharge batteries.
I don't usually like 'going backwards' but sometimes it's necessary.
"Will Martina become a 'Yo-Yo kid' I ask myself in these difficult times.

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Oh dear God please let her be all right...

My mother... was on a vacation while my grand father drove to North Dakota... but then while driving on a mountain he had a heart attack... and they drove off a cliff. The car was stuck so far down they had to be air lifted to the hospital. My mother is in intensive care... I'm hoping to God she'll be okay. I'm so scared for her... so scared mew *sobs*

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In a fog

Well, since I started having serious flashbacks, I am also aware of being in a fog mentally. Today, someone was asking me about somethin i said a couple of days ago, and I had no memory of it at all.I also have had no creative abilities at all, been unable to work on my writing. Hopefully the fog lifs soon.

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On reaching a thousand.

It came and went, no big deal - like most birthdays after thirty. I've spent somewhere between one and two thousand hours writing it, over a period of about two years and ten months. Now I have to decide what I want to do with it.

There are loads of loose ends to tie up, which is just like a real person who dies, or like we all have everyday, so there are always plenty of plot lines to follow or I could end it where it is - if the latter, as it's written in the first person, there would be no more, the narrator is no more. I know I tried that before and popular demand resurrected her.

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Comment notification

It is like I said, I have been actually on this site since 2002, and in that time I have not seen a comment notification like I have on other writing sites. Of course we aren't just another pretty face, LOL, but still, when somebody new leaves a comment on something we have written, we should at least be made aware of that.

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Pacman 30th anniversary

Apparently it's the 30th anniversary of the release of Pacman today.

So of course Google has to celebrate with one of its famous doodles. Although there's more to this one than meets the eye. Apart the [I'm Feeling Lucky!] button being replaced with [Insert coin].

This one's written in Javascript (so those with NoScript installed may already have spotted something's up!) and is a playable version of the game - apparently all the way up to level 255...

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The Working Girl Blog #31: I just read an article in Yahoo

The Working Girl Blog #31:
I just read an article in Yahoo, or
I can't stand it anymore! I'm shopping!

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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The bit about your fingers ... Bullshit!

Well, I have been looking at a lot of hands lately, ever since I heard that guy's ring fingers are longer than their pointer fingers. Well, in a week, I have seen three women with guy fingers. One of them has a baby, and the other two are either extremely good T girls or genetic women. And, to top it off, I know a guy with so called girl hands.



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Technology and why I think it hates me.

recently Cael (my external HDD, not the healing mishap character.) died. in this little event I lost:

ALL healing mishap chapters.
ALL RWDWP chapeters
ALL of my final projects
ALL of my legally obtained game data
Most of my personal photos
Most of my music
Most of a lot of other stuff I am too lazy to make a count of.

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