TopShelf Blogs

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trying to hold on

Well, I am struggling a bit, trying to not get discouraged with my job search. That, plus my mom and I are both fighting a cold, and we almost lost our dog yesterday. The little critter ate a mouse that had been poisoned, and my mom had to rush it to the vet. Fortunately, it looks like she is going to be ok, but still, its not fun.

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Pet Names

Have recently been thinking back to a time as a child when I had a pet cat and came up with a name that was out of the ordinary.

My mother had bought me a Burmese Brown kitten when I was 13, I remember mum asking what name I wanted to name my him - with perfect clarity and some pride - I named him SPLINTERS !

Well this got me thinking ( all 99.99 per cent ) about another very obvious cat name .... PUSSY ! - Well can you imagine calling out at the top of your voice in a crowded neighbourhood .... Come hear Pussy or worse Pussy Pussy where are you !

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Images 6

I posted Images 6 tonight and it's doing really well.
I wrote in it a scene that relays or tries to the character Jenna going back to God and reviving her faith.The character Jenna grew up within a mixed faith home with a very Catholic Quebec born and raised mother and a step-father who was a deeply conservative Christian. This is just part of the character and part of trying to get the flavor of her down in a way that I feel fits her.

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Posting Lilim Tales


I'll be posting Lilim Tales 1-3 over the next few days, with the new part 4 toward the end of the week. 1-3 were posted recently on FM, and I apologize to any readers who may have read them there. I didn't want to jam them all together, though, when I posted the conclusion here.

I mean, Holy Lilith! the file size would be way too big.


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Coming out of the fog (hopefully!)

Hello again everybody! I haven't been too vocal lately; as in no comments to speak of at all, even in response to comments on my own stories like I usually do. It's been a pretty busy summer, and I was kind of tense for a while do to both that and anticipation of my sister's wedding.

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More Outrage! Hospital ER Refuses to Treat a Transwoman

That's right! Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie, Indiana, (the birthplace of Knights of the Dinner Table and HackMaster -- a geek mecca) refused to treat Erin Vaught (who is legally female) who came to the ER with her wife and child to find out why she was coughing up blood!

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I Was Hard On Someone Tonight.

I am so sorry, but it had to be that way. I can't tell it any way but straight. I don't want you to hurt more later than what I hurt you now. There is no sugar coating it. We think what we want to think, hear what we want to hear, and do what we want to do. I can not take the responsibility for your life.

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Update at the Balcony

Just to let you all know I am still alive and well and keeping the Balcony alive, I have finally dug out and dusted off some old files on my hard drive and completed the Seasons Collection at Beverly's Balcony with all the stories thus far. Yes, I know it's long overdue. I blame all these excellent authors who keep distracting me and maybe real life issues too.

More recent updates are also posted as well so come by the Balcony, pull up a chair, grab a drink and enjoy the view!

Beverly Colleen

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Cabin fever

Yep, I've got cabin fever and I'm falling to bits here.
Can't drive, can't cycle, can't do much writing, sore shoulder still a distraction so it's difficult to concentrate, daren't moan or she'll come down on me like a ton of, -.
All I can do is go for a walk and watch bloody telly, oh and eat. God, I'm gonna weigh a tonne by the time I get on my bike.


Any suggestions as to how to stay sane?

No, - on second thoughts don't answer that. I was never much 'sane' in the first place!


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My characters are pod people! Are yours?

I just published Part 20 of my series Catwalk Confidence and I have a few minutes while my characters are distracted to get this information out. This isn't my story! My story took a completely different tract. My characters were different. Alex was really born male!

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Any playwrights out there?

Hi folks.

It's me again and this time I'm after some help.

Today I had a brainwave.

I want to turn one of my stories into a screenplay.

The story concerned is only short, but I figure it might be able to be adapted to a screenplay, since there aren't too many actual scenes, few special effects and well, I'm sure you get the picture.

Even though I'm no Steven Speilberg or John Carpenter, I'd still like to give it a go and since I have absolutely no experience with plays--even those made for TV, I wondered if any of you good people may be able to give me some pointers.

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One of our cycling club was killed on Sunday.

I try to keep the cycling element of Bike as fairly realistic as I can, and although Cathy gets into scrapes, she's so far pulled through. Cycling is not without risk, even for the experienced rider.

One of our club, a very fit 76 yr old, died on Sunday morning doing a time trial when he ran into the back of an abandoned car - always a risk when you're racing, especially time trialling. It's just difficult to believe I was talking to him the day before.

The only consolation is that he died doing something he loved, maybe he's the lucky one.


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A story idea if any author wants to use ...

I have long enjoyed reading the many good stories on BCTS which involve magic, mystery and intrigue.

On occasion I get some good story ideas, yet lack the skill ( my opinion ) to write a good tale. I guess my style is more akin to writing an operating manual for a Bull-dozer.

To this end I have had an idea for a story where I would welcome any authors to run with the concept below:-

1. A young man is seen whilst on vacation in a European city such as Paris, Berlin, Munich etc.

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Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling, The Saga Continues, Chaps. 20, 21, 22 & 23

I have mentioned several times that I would never post a story until the entire story was completed. Well, I was in error. Several readers felt that Jim and Margot Campion's punishment was far too severe. Hey, they did steal more than $50,000,000, and cheated at golf. Some also felt that they shouldn't have lost their personalities. I'm not sure that fact was ever established. Well, I began to wonder what actually happened to them. We had left them under the very loving care of Bob and Hilda Brewer. What could possibly go wrong?

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The Omega Unicorn - Unicorn name contest, I need six more names

Hello fans at BC

I need some help. In chapter 10 I will mention six unicorn names. These six are paired up. When they come to Twainor from Earth, they give birth to a mare and colt each.

I know this is early. I'm getting your imaginations revved up here.

The others are paired up already. Avel and Makaela, Einhorn and Athena, Silverwind and Star Dancer. They have colts and mares. The first six unicorns each have a human soul and spirit, that will be explained in Book 2 for their backgrounds. Also the other six will have human souls and spirits as well.

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Chapters 7 & 8 are posted for the Omega Unicorn

Hello friends at BC

I posted the next two chapters. These are short chapters and go together. These two events are happening at the same time before the ceremonies begin. This will help tie up the loose ends from the previous chapters. Then the sequence will be straight forward.

Enjoy the ride and the adventure.

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My Wife passed on this morning.

Sadly, I must inform everyone that my wife Nancy, ended her 1 year, 7 mo struggle with lung cancer this morning, 31 Jul 2010 at 0730 hrs. She passed peacefully in her sleep which is all I hoped for. Her goal after being informed of having the cancer was to live long enough to see our youngest grandson, Deacon (age 3 on 1 Aug 10); get on his first school bus, because she had put all our other grandchildren on theirs.

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Great day visiting my doctors

I guess since I've made a point to tell all about how great it is to be out to my doctors, I should post the latest episode.

I recently visited my endocrinologist for a follow-up visit on my thyroid. In going over all the scans and imaging they've done on it he told me there was one small spot that he wasn't really sure of that was of a minor concern and would like to do a biopsy on it.

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A little light relief

OK, there's been a lot of serious blogs recently (including Erin pleading for the umpteenth time for us to try and remember to be civil with each other instead of ripping off each other's heads!), so I thought I'd quickly grab a few amusing songs from my YouTube favourites...

Righteo, here we go. Let's kick off with a publicity stunt / fake flashmob by the Swingle Singers.

A couple of medical professionals describing their new wonder drug: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin.

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A Prayer Request

I would covet your prayers. After four years of fighting to save it, I will be losing my left foot sometime in the next month. I've done all I can do. I've lost about 100 pounds and have had over 16 surgeries. My doctors have all been excellent, and I bear none of them ill will.

I am transgendered. I am in transition.

I am a pastor and chaplain

I am scared and brokenhearted at what's going to be happening.

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Let me clarify something else

Don't bring an attack on a BC author from another site over here and expect to be allowed to rant on my time. And especially don't do it as visitor. This will get your IP address banned from the site and just did, so you ain't the one seeing this unless you login using a different computer. There can't be a clearer signal that one intends to act as a troll.

No trolls allowed except as characters in stories. This meant you, but you don't know it, trollass.

Hugs to everyone else,

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Photoblog: Do you really support the troops in Afghanistan?

SOS. Same attitude that developed among soldiers in Vietnam, with reason.

By Evan Vucci, Photojournalist, AP

Here in southern Afghanistan, I often ask the soldiers what they think about the things folks are saying about the war back home. The question is usually phrased as a simple, "Does the American public get it?"

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The Working Girl Blog #44: Back home

The Working Girl Blogs Revision 2.0

Blog #44: Back home

To see all of Bobbie's Working Girl Blogs, click on this link:


I arrived home at around 1PM yesterday, tidied up my place, did some laundry, went to my folks to drop off some "pasalubong", had some dinner out, and tried to get as much sleep as I can to combat jetlag & to recover from the more-than-twenty-four-hour flight (not to mention two transfers).

Glad to be home.

Anyway, I'm gonna post a long blog this weekend with a lot of pics (which I will "anonymize" - hope you guys won't mind), that I hope you'll like. Not too many Manila pics, but lots of pics of my Palawan weekend (which was mostly swimming, swimming and more swimming).

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Sometimes Wrong Numbers Are Fun!

Edeyn Danielle J posted about a wrong number, and I immediately went to my blog and found this gem... it was too long to post as a comment, but just about right for a blog of my own.
My words in a calming, intelligent blue.
The caller will be the opposite end of the color spectrum.

Commentary along the way will be in bold, and the text will be black

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Feeling Depressed

I'm feeling pretty depressed right now. My 88 year old grandmother is dying up in New Hampshire and I won't get to see her again before she passes. My mother, brother, sister-in-law and my 4 year old nephew left this morning to go see her. She accepted me with open arms when I came out as her fifth granddaughter and even gave me two very steamy Romance novels my first Christmas as Jennifer. My mom's side of the family has really been like night and day in the way they have accepted me as compared to my dad's side. I guess it really has to do with the North/South attitudes toward tolerance.

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If you are so inclinded, Please remember me in prayer

Some of you know, I damaged my ankles playing football, in a vain attempt to please my father. It took years to manifest it'self, but in the past 4 years I've had 16 operations trying to salvage the ankle, so it would work.

It's been 6 monrhs since it became abundantly clear I would lose the leg to just below the knee. Doctors, insurance companies, etc. have had me hanging and waiting

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I'm sorry, but I just don't get it

As an author I like to see how many reads a story is getting, call it vanity or something else, but it's important to me and I'm sure to other authors. Now to the point, I see abisimal stories that don't make sense but have all the buzz words, heels, breasts, hormones, implants, the operation and they get reads like crazy. Then you have an absolutely wonderful story that doesn't fall under those precious words left to dangle in the wind. Nancy Cole's While the Band Played Waltzing Matilda is a good example.

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Lessons Learned

Thank heavens this site has never slid into the pit that some other sites, TG and otherwise have slid into. Still, once in a while, I have felt that the sex act between consenting lovers was an important part of the story. Not being particularly good at delicate descriptions that let every reader know exactly what was going on in exquisit, emotion filled detail without being somewhat graphic, I fell into the latter category. What I have determined, looking at the numbers, is that two lovers consumating their relationship is a turn-off for many readers.

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Two post in one day

I just happened to hit FM history to see what was posted today in the past and the first one up about floored me. Today is the 10th anniversary of Babs Yeruncle posting her sci-fi space opera Planetary Agents 1. It is hard to believe this oldie but so goodie is 10 now. Now if we could just convince her to finish Agents 3.

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Chapter 5 is posted for the Omega Unicorn plus a bonus

Hello Fans at BC

I posted Chapter 5 and the Character List for Books 1 and 2. In the Character List I provide the answer why I chose the year 2098 and the month of May. There is a lot of information there to go over. Mount Blanc is a fictional place. Charlottesville doesn't exist in NC, but in Virginia. I have Charlottesville near Charlotte, NC.

You can use Google Sky to find the star systems I came up with. There is a pattern to them. There is a pattern as well for the three colors for each Kingdom. However, I have not done the colors for the dwarf kingdoms yet.

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I-Dosing (classic Daily Wail "science")

I-Dosing: How teenagers are getting 'digitally high' from music they download from internet.

At last, vindication for those of us who suspect the Daily Wail's science reporting isn't all it's cracked up to be.

They've published a story about a phenomenon called I-Dosing, which they claim to be A Bad Thing TM.

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what a wonderful day

Well, today was fantastic. I met the girls at the restaurant, and they were super nice. After brunch, we went to a local arts district and walked around together. It felt so good to do some normal stuff like buying some 2nd hand books and looking at dresses. After I left them to go home, I stopped at a convenience store and got some pop and picked up a few things at a dollar store. Now, i am off to pride, so i can share with the guys. hugs to all.

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What are your favorite movies?

I was sitting around in a drunken stupor and wondered what your favorite movie was? I read a favorite summer picture survey and wondered what our favorite might be? I thought of mine and chose to list them, fiction and non-fiction My fiction favorites are, let me hear the drums please, Bridge on the River Kwai, Antie Mame, The Great Escape, The Worlds Fastest Indian, Breakfast At Tiffanys, Around The World In Eighty Days, and of course Star War's episode four. Non-fiction has to be On Any Sunday. Well, how about yours? Arecee

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Have I really been here a year?

Apparently so.

Member for:
1 year 17 hours

During that time I've commented on oodles of stories, written 13 short tales and have a fourteenth under construction (plus an abandoned story which I might upload somewhere so others can hijack), and somehow came up with the daft idea of producing background resources for this site's very own soap opera... (not to mention persuading a certain Kiwi to help out!)

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Dealing With Nurse Nightmare

I have been doing battle the last two days trying to get two of my meds refilled. I have had to deal with the nurse for my Endocrinologist. I have been so frustrated with her I could scream! She interrogated me up one side and down the other about why I needed the refills. I have dubbed her "Nurse Nightmare, because it is a real nightmare dealing with her . I told her that my prescriptions were expired. She kept arguing that I couldn't be out of refills. The doctor put five refills on there, but there is no way that I use five vials in a year.

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Working Girl...Weekend Update.

Hi, this is Andrea, filling in for Bobbie! She's finishing up her stay in the Philippines with a return on Monday and she'll be back here on Tuesday afternoon, owing to the nearly day long flight. (A shout out to her girls in the chatroom!) This weekend, she and some of her colleagues will be going either to somewhere in the south to the Palawan Islands,

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Chapter 4 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

Here is the fourth chapter. I am also going to post a separate file for the List of Characters. It will have all of the characters for Books 1 and 2. There will be some chapters that I will post that will not have the characters listed with the chapter. That list will get longer and longer if I do that. The main list will be modified as needed.

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I'm back!

The Comic-Con was great but after six hours there, I started having back pains from all the walking, so I took some time to take pain pills, relax and then I drove home. People really liked the Quillian color pages I handed out to a few friends and pros and I touched base with almost everyone I know in the industry. I even got a half-hour to talk to Bob Burden! (Flaming Carrot, Mystery Men).

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The straw that broke the ass's back

Haven't been on BC much lately, too much turmoil in my life. Lost my job and have been preparing to move so I might get one doing basic factory labor for less than half what I'm used to making I don't mind working, but my health issues have been none too stable for the last year, and this isn't going to help. And the move also means closing up my house (MY house, bought and paid for!) and moving in with my brother, so I'm losing a significant amount of personal freedom as well.

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A look Back

So it has been 41 years on this earth as of 2:30 this 22nd day of July. I am most thankful for my Family though there is just the 4 of us, as it has been Since Davids Parents Passed 4 years ago. I am happy my dear Daughters have each other and Hope to be a Grandmother in about 10 years, I know it will probably come much sooner than that. After all One is 17. I have been fortunate to make so many friends in so many different places.

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Searching for your roots

This may be of importance to T folk because some of us want to know what is in the public record or are trying to locate loved ones.

Last night I happened upon what I thought was a legitimate service called, "Intelius" for looking at public records, first to see what is in mine and second to hopefully locate two of my children. Much to my surprise, the actual sign up was rife with loops and diversions to entice me to sign up for even more. I thought I was spending $39.95 but by the time I was finished, I paid $69.99.

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How to give a cat a pill...

No I'm not going to go through that old one about how you give a cat a pill, but for reference, you can find it here.

Instead, I'm going to tell you how yesterday I risked life and limbs (I have the gouges, scratches, lacerations and other abrasions to show for it) to take our cat, Sammo, to the vet.

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I have an 80 page manuscript that I just found. It is in Typewritten print. Perhaps I did it on a Typewriter, so that would say before 82'. I also had a scanner that I could scan it in with but I have never liked the program that puts it into a file on the computer.

Has the technology improved so I could go to Kinkos or somewhere and get it done or am I going to intput it myself?



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Completion of sissy farm 18

Well that's 18 posted. I'm coming close to the new Sissy farm chapters and whilst I was poking through some old floppy discs, (God! Doesn't computer technology move quickly!) I came accross the original copies of some other stories. I'll be overhauling these eventually and also sticking them on Big Closet.
Busy at the Royal Welsh how this week. Took my two nieces there today aged 6 and 4. God they don't half ask some tricky questions when they get amongst the cattle, sheep, horses and pigs. (And they always seem to be anatomical questions!)

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NS Opinion: Don't foster the gender divide

Interesting article spotted in this week's New Scientist:

"IN 2010 we need to ask afresh just how deep the rabbit hole goes when it comes to gender politics - and how far we are from digging ourselves out. Our beliefs about differences between the sexes have an impact on society vastly out of proportion to the magnitude of those differences, from female scientists defending their mathematical and technical expertise to boys accused of lacking the communication and emotional skills to succeed at school."

New Scientist: Opinion | Out with pink and blue: Don't foster the gender divide | 19th July 2010

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