The Huffington Post did an article about this and references the In The Life documentary that will be showing in various markets.
This article has a link to the documentary. Caution, have kleenex ready.
Transgender Issues: The Additional Challenges of LBGT Aging
Here's a direct link to the documentary.
Much love to all,
How tragic that a person,
as warm and loving as Krysanne was, was forced to live alone, simply because of phobias among her family and the general public. The tissue alert is real, and I feel very humbled and frightened because of my own aging issues. I've said it before and I'll say it again: THERE HAS TO BE A PLACE FOR THOSE OF US WHO ARE AGING, FOR THOSE WHO ARE ALONE, FOR THOSE WHO HAVE NOWHERE ELSE TO GO, where we will be respected for who we are, not hated or feared for what we are.
Being trans is not an easy thing, and all too often, we DO lose everyone who used to matter to us. Thank GOD there is our online community that helps us stay in touch with our sisters and brothers out there who might be going through the same fears and trials that we are.
There are probably thousands of Krysannaes out there right now who need someone, just to be there, to supply the human touch that is so often missing in a transperson's life. I hope that someone will show up for them, as I hope there will be someone to be there for me, should I ever find myself in Krys's situation. I do have a Health proxy, a Power of attorney, and a will set up now, and I urge every one of you to do the same, if you have someone you can trust. I also have a network set up so that, if something DOES happen to me, I don't just simply vanish from the internet and leave all my family of choice wondering where I went.
R.I.P Krysanne and all others like you. I didn't know you, but your story touched my heart and made me think. I'm sorry your last time on this earth was so difficult and I wish I could have, somehow, helped you.
As for all of you reading this, from my heart, THANK YOU for all you've done for me, for your kind words of support and encouragement. You truly do not know how much it means to a crotchety old broad like me.
Hugs and much love,
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
It hurt to watch this
It was so damned sad and so damned unfair.
Bailey Summers