Well, nobody even tried to guess the character that is based on a well known character from another author. This could mean i did a better job of disguising her than I thought, or it could mean nobody cares, take your pick. I have tried very hard to be kind to everybody here, so I hope its not the latter. I have a little piece I am working on that i hope to be finished soon, then i plan to get back to working on my "Wild Cards" story. For those who are not familiar with the series, I will put a short glossary of terms at the end of the story.
Ace or Joker?
Or maybe introducing Jacks, Kings, and ... well, considering the genre of this site... Queens.
Oh, and it could be option 3... people weren't familiar with the character in the first place.
There is already a queen in that universe, the 'black queen', where a Joker mutation is so unviable it results in death. I looked for the hidden character, but once again, as someone who doesn't read comics, I had not a clue.
For me, anyway, it wasn't that I wasn't interested in your story, I just had no interest in trying to figure out who the other character might be. It certainly didn't seem necessary to my enjoyment of your story. I get annoyed at some stories that depend on the reader being familiar with some other story by some other author, which I may not have read for any of a variety of reasons.
. . . .
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Not Guessed Either
I assume you are asking about the young lady in "Dreams and Truth", Nor did I realize that there might be a link to a character in another story. So frequent is the generation of stories on this site, I fail to read many. Still I found the story very enjoyable and hopeful.
I still
have no idea whom it may be.