And people wonder

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Two videos, one is a longer version of the other.



As a holder of traditonal values, I was grossly offended by this person. She sat there,in her tight and revealing clothing, huge rings swinging from her ears and her head uncovered, Her face was painted like that of a harlot, and astonishingly she had no man there to protect and advise her!
Stone thw witch!

One supposes...

Puddintane's picture

...that fair is fair. If I had my own druthers, people like Andrea Lafferty wouldn't be allowed near a classroom, nor any member of the "Traditional Values Coalition," who suffer from their own "serious mental disorder." Perhaps we ought to make it legal to discriminate against everyone, so that any citizen could register their opposition to any other individual and they would be instantly fired and prohibited from appearing in any public place. Pretty soon, the only people you'd see in public would be those who don't offend anyone, and get along with everyone.

Heinlein had a similar scenario, in his book, Beyond This Horizon, since his future society had made dueling legal. As he describes it, most everyone with any sense became very polite, and the abrasive idiots soon killed each other off.



A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Mental disorder

A second, more measured response to this group, inspired partly by the Daily Mail article linked via nother blog.
The mantra,for that was ahat it was,repeated without apparent fore-brain intervention, was "mental disorder"
Anorexia, bulimia and related disorders. How many US teachers are affected by those serious mental disorders?

...and depression, too.

Will teachers be afraid to seek help for fear of being tagged with a 'serious mental disorder'?

Mental disorder

Angharad's picture

Remember that many of the things in DSM iv are for business purposes, the doctors were paid by pharmaceutical firms, so some of it is nonsense anyway. Increasingly, transsexualism is seen as a lifestyle choice not a mental disorder - that only arising when the individual is prevented from exploring their options by people like Andrea Lafferty of Traditional Bigots or whatever it was called. It could only happen in the States.



I am appalled at the

I am appalled at the Traditional Values Coalition, for they have perverted that which is good into hatred and vileness. If people truly call themselves Christian (as this group purports to do), then they should not condone this continued discrimination. Unfortunately, these people think they are exempt from such things.
Shannon Johnston

Samirah M. Johnstone

I am a teacher

Edeyn ... and so far I've been binding my chest every single day to not have to deal with being "let go" or some other ridiculous euphemism for being fired, because I'm in a "Right to Work" state -- which protects employers, not employees.

It's uncomfortable and hot all day, and then I spend an hour or more every night with my breasts aching, just to get up the next morning and do it again.

Now, having to be a boy / man at work leads me to essentially shifting into uber-girly-girl femininity overload when I get home out of a frantic and frenetic sense of, "I'm a girl, dammit!"

I had to have my hair cut to a boy-style, but luckily I can make it look passably feminine. Not that it does me any good -- if I want to be me, I have to stay home or go to a friend's house. If I go out in public, I'm running the risk of a student looking too closely at that chick that looks like her or his male teacher.

And today, I'm sick. The bane of teachers everywhere, I caught something from one of the kids. Just a cold, and I'll be over it before work tomorrow, but just... AUGH! ARGH! (and other "A*GH!" exclamations).

The response by people like the woman from the Traditional Values people is, of course, that I should move to one of the states where I am protected (all of 12 choices). Which, truthfully, I probably eventually will.

But why should I have to do that?

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
The Infamous Intersex Transgender Asian Lesbian Atheist Chick of the Ozarks
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

As Edyen

has pointed out teachers already suffer indignities because of fears of losing their jobs. I have a friend who refuses to facebook or any other social network because of those fears. As he put it, an inadvertent remark taken out of context would be all it would take. We do need to safeguard our children, but please we don't need to terrorize those few who care enough to teach.

