I am able to contact and communicate with you all from my hospital bed.
Yes, I am in the hospital -- technically, the ER right now -- but there is WiFi... Have laptop, will surf!
Anyway. Argh.
in the last 9 hours I went from having clear urine to a stream of solid blood.
:( The doctors don't seem to think it something serious, so I'm trying to avoid the panicking. I wasn't in any pain, but came to the ER anyway, as urinating blood is not exactly considered healthy.
I did that!!
Turned out to be Kidney stones in my case..
Good Luck!!!
Same here. Very, very unfun. But not as bad as it could be!
Get well soon. And drink more lemon aide (higher than lime and oranges in citric acid which prevents that build up.)
Get well!
Hospitals are not good places. I hope you can leave soon assured that your problem is under control. I never like it when a small problem starts to grow and you wonder if you should seek help or not. Are you right or wrong, with your health as the bet. The first time I suffered though the stones without help. The second time I didn't waste a minute. Those things hurt!!!
Get well and read some good stuff!
I'm in a hospital right now too.
allough in my case, I'm working right now. At least I'm supposed to be working. LOL.
I hope you feel better soon.
Jessica Marie
I sympathise with you Edeyn
Admin BigCloset TopShelf
& TGLibrary.com
A year ago almost
I was in the hospital with cardiac issues. The first time, I was all better about 36 hours after being admitted but because a heart catherization was going to be done and my being on cumadin, my PT/INR level had to be just right. So I spent in the hospital, 4 of the last 5 days I spent online or watching Classic Television DVDs(Mission Impossible, Voyage to the BOttom of the Sea)
The hospital didn't have wifi. Which really made me it touch for me after I had heart surgery and I would have about 30 minutes of computer energy and find myself spending 20 of it getting the laptop to warm up and signed onto aol dial up.
I'm such a computer addict. A check of my old blog posts show I blogged from the hosp. less than 24 hours after my first admission. If I recall Jenni brought my laptop. What a good daughter I have. :)
Get well soon.
Einstein described insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the result to change. Was Albert a reader of TG fiction then?
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
Been there, done that...
And, it IS VERY scary! In my case, the ultimate diagnosis was "accute prostitus"... Though the first trip they just called it a "urinary tract infection"... Yes, there WAS a second visit to the ER - the next night... And THAT time, they admitted me. ("Hmm, it should have settled down by now.") 3 days later, I was out, and back to normal... Though, it was 4 years before the urin had no blood in it. (And, the docs really weren't worried - or acting worried - the whole time.)
Good Luck.