Chat Room

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Is there an issue with the Chatroom, I can't get in :(




I've never been able...

I've never been able to get into the chat room... Can't get IRC working on my netbook and this lappy, work BLOCKS port 6667. (I use mIRC on the laptop - but other chat servers listen on a variety of ports.)


me too

The chatroom thingy over at stardust doesn't work either, so it seems like the problem is happening at the server

You know this really frosts me...

Andrea Lena's picture

Why does everybody always blame
the server when something goes wrong?

Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

Power outage on the chat room server

Hi Folks,

A fire at the local substation that supplies the power for the chat room server knocked out the power for almost an hour between about 10 PM and 11 PM EDT tonight. The power has now been restored and the chat room is open again. I might be looking into the cost of a generator for the house to keep stuff like this from happening so frequently. Last time I looked into it the cost was around $6,000 for one that would keep the house and servers fully operational.

Access to Stardust was also problematic since I haven't moved the DNS for it off of my server yet. I might get that done tomorrow.

Bob Arnold

Lightning as a spectator sport !

I was sitting in front of my computer last night about 9:00 PM and sudddenly the sky is alight with lightning. My computer desk is situated so that I look out a window that points NE, and for some reason, the storms just seem to parade for my viewing pleasure. Though, the other night, a rogue "bolt from the blue", seemed to have struck within feet of the house on my SE side and it made the hallway light up and I could hear sparks in the back rooms. No, I did not dash off to see what it was!

I'm from O re gun and we just do not get light shows like this. Right near Lake Erie, along the Grand River is much more exciting. :)


charging in

I just knew that somebody had to be powerless to do this. Suggest a battery back up with sealed lead acid cells trickle charged off the line and sine wave inverter. solar cells too if you can swing them, if you are in any one of several states there are substantial finical aids to do this.

It's part ignorance, and

It's part ignorance, and part hubris.

The ignorance part is that people don't understand how their programs work. These are the computer equivalents of the (mostly women, originally, but now a lot of men operate that way) people that think that a car should run forever if you put gas in the back and turn the key in the middle. Oil changes, tire rotations, and other services are things that other people do. These people don't understand that the route to that server could be down, or their ISP could have problems, they have a virus, or, yes, the server could be down.

I have two customers that continually call me and complain that one of my mail servers has to be having problems - of course, the other thirty customers using the same servers, as well as me, aren't having ANY, but that doesn't matter to them.

The hubris part is the unshakeable belief that it can't be THEIR system, because they A) have a mac, B) paid a lot of money for it, or C) it just can't be because it's THEIR machine, and it runs solitaire fine.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Not the sercer, i can enter

Not the sercer, i can enter o.ô

(01:48) * Conectando em (6667)
(01:48) › Nserv (*** Looking up your hostname...
(01:48) › Nserv (*** Checking ident...
* Pedido de Identd de
* Identd respondido: 1531, 6667 : USERID : UNIX : UYAXtrn
(01:48) › Nserv (*** Found your hostname
(01:48) › Nserv (*** Received identd response
(01:48) › Nserv (*** If you are having problems connecting due to ping timeouts, please type /notice E520DE49 nospoof now.

By Yuki-chan

"People don't change. They may want to. They may need to. But they simply don't." House M.D

Sorry my poor english, i am from Brasil >_<

By Miri-tan

"People don't change. They may want to. They may need to. But they simply don't." House M.D

Sorry my poor english, i am from Brasil >_<

Please let it drop folks

I've explained the problem with the chat room server and there is no need for ANYONE to get upset over comments made here.


Bob Arnold