So you aren't hanging about waiting i thought i'd post a quick note.
I shan't be posting anything new here for the foreseeable although visitors to my site, might well find something from time to time.
- From feedback i have had @ 30% of the readers don't like my stories
- I don't have anything to post
- i'm too busy with other stuff to write
- I can't be bothered
The situation could change at any time - i'll keep you posted
But doesn't that mean that 70% do?
30% don't like your stories?
But doesn't that mean that 70% do?
Why if 70% of the voters liked you, you'd win by a landslide!
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
I agree
I would give a great deal to have those kind of numbers....
I am quite sorry that you are hurt.
I don't get much interest in my stories. I so seem to have about a half dozen loyal followers, judging by past experience. I liked your early bike stories; Maddy Bell, I think but when Mum died of cancer... Well, I just sort of lost track.
Much peace
Not quite.....
She only had cancer ... but she didn't die. Last hour surgery gave her a 2nd chance and she beat the disease.
is alive and well and featuring quite heavily in book 7!
The plan was to be writing a new Gaby book around now but both muse and time have gotten away from me! i'm sure it'll all come back at some point.
The reader figures were just a jokey aside, i generally get readings in the several hundreds.
The 'New' comment was referring to just that, there will be more 'old' stuff posted, Mary for example is 7 years old!
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I've enjoyed Nena and Gaby, but I certainly understand the no time/busy part.
Hope things go together for you soon.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
*rolls eyes*
So to what standard do you want and expect your popularity to be?
70% is still passing for a long time serial to boot. If you were a long running television series, you are doing terrif.
Coronation Street, Gaby is not. I think Gaby and Drew needs to progress a little more plot-wise else yes your loyal following will not grow.
I understand about the time...
But I still hope that you can post more (I'm apparently part of the majority that loves your stories!). I am still trying to catch up on all the Gaby stories, then go to the Nena stories, and I'm working on reading the Bike archives...and writing my story...Wow, I think I'm in the boat you are! I hope they serve a lunch!
In case no one has noticed, a number of former contributors have pulled pitch and fluttered away from this site. Each has had their own reasons. Most have not been quite as public as Maddy or I have been when throwing in the towel. For example, has anyone noticed Persephone is not only no longer posting, but has pulled her stories? And Maggie Finson? I expect like me, none of us have stopped writing. We've simply stopped contributing to this site.
There has to be a reason why some of the best writers are leaving TS/BC or are no longer posting like they used to. (Note: I do not include myself among the best, a point many a reader here has eagerly pointed out). It might be worth while if folks took the time and not only ask that question, but do something about it. Otherwise this site could very easily go the way of Fictionmania or other sites that are no longer being maintained. As an author who once posted here, I would be sorry to see that happen, but would not be in the least bit surprised.
As to Maddy, farewell dear girl. I wish you and your Muse the best of luck where ever you go.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Vee Formation
When geese migrate they honk to encourage each other.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Honking Madly
Persephone and I are doing just that, working away on a new collaboration that is a take on 'The Prisoner of Zenda.' As with Alfhildr, we're having a hoot. I wish every writer could be blessed to have a dear friend and wonderfully gifted writer like Persephone with whom they could work with.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
If authors feel the need to leave...
Then maybe they should take up their concerns with Erin or one of the other admins.
I'm not trying to start an argument, but if no one tries to work with the powers that be, then they can't really expect anything to change either.
If it's just "I don't like X stories", well, there's nothing any of us can do about that, but that's just a shot in the dark given past discussions on the topic.
I love Maddy's work
Gaby was instrumental in my looking for other online fiction. I was excited about Jamie and the Peach till mid story it took off into a paid book. I cannot tell what your motives were but on the reader's end it was an unkind thing to do. I felt like I had been sucked in and the rest held hostage for ransom. When the story picked up again it was difficult to pick up without the missing bits so I stopped reading it. When a new tale came along I could only think the same thing would happen without warning and did not bother to begin reading it. I love Maddy's writing and have read everything available but I am not in a position to pay for it.
Farewell Maddy, you will be missed.
Too Bad
Too bad the few effect the many please reconsider and don't stop completely your stories are Great and will always be Great RICHIE2
i have not said
that i'm leaving BC!
Or stopping writing or posting stuff.
Whilst there are some valid points amongst the various comments i'm not pulling my stuff from here or am i overly p====d off just lacking in muse and time!
I am however quite heartened by the various responses - there is life out there after all.
As to the issue of paying to read stuff - pretty much all my stuff is available for free if you look hard enough and even the newer stuff that is released first in book form eventually gets free release, the remainder of Peaches book 1 will be available on here by New Year.
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell
I don't.....
...ever read any of your stuff. Never heard of you. Maddy who?
Lol. I think you know what I really think!
I know about time; I am off for a week,so I can lay into my stories,and at the moment my muse is still talking to me, but I can empathise with what you say. I suppose I will have to do the Romantic Road some day, but it's a little short for one of my rides. In the meantime, I wll continue to follow your characters.
i have many more potential routes for you, Gibraltar to North Cape long enough?
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell
i have many more potential routes for you, Gibraltar to North Cape long enough?
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Long route
I hope one day, money permitting, to do the US perimeter.I dd meet, at the Spanish border, an elederly Swede who had ridden from Uppsala to Nordkapp, and was at the time en route for Gib, then riding home via Portugal, Made me feel rather small.
And I know a certain Joff, who circumnavigated on a penny farthing....but enough about riding, I should be complimenting your writing and urging, nay begging your continued gracing of this site.
Glad to hear
Glad to hear you'll still be around, Maddy :-D TopShelf would be a darker place without you.
Thanks Maddy
Like I said, I love your stuff!
Authors may drop out, pull their stories, BUT...
...some of us will always remember them and their stories. No matter how they feel or what has caused them to leave and take their stories with them, some of us will never forget.
I remember more than a few that had no choice, they died. I remember! I also have seen miracles happen, resurrection of a few authors that had faded away return once again.
One lesson I learned early on and that is if I liked a story I SAVED the story. I now own every Gaby book ever offered and I also posses every word of Gaby posted online!
I can fade away for months at a time and often do just that as you all know. I write, I read and I re-read ALOT! Giggle, giggle...
I have a personal library to rival a few archives! My favorite authors I have every story you have posted even those you have removed. (For my eyes only of course).
One reason I never wait to read a story until it is completed, some are never completed. (I complete them when I am so moved) Giggle, giggle...
So Maddy Bell to you I say live your life and choose as you may. I will never forget you or your writings. I have them here with me and always will until the end of my time.
Huggles all and especially to those authors I love!
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
Thanks Angel
It gives me a warm feeling when i read messages like yours and even more so when i find myself in such august company as your library!
I'm not going away, disapearing or stopping posting altogether just taking a step back for a bit.
There are moves afoot to get me riding competitively again next year which will seriously reduce my writing time whilst at the same time adding to the experience i can use in the Gaby series!
so ttfn
Maddy Bell
Madeline Anafrid Bell