I vow to thee my country.

I am quite sure that some of you have doubts about my loyalties because I am Muslim. And, in light of the actions taken by a few pseudo Muslims, one would think that the rest of us Muslims would really pitch in solidly to rid the world of this vermin. I served during the Vietnam War, and the fact that I did not go "In Country" sometimes makes me feel like an interloper when I see myself honored alongside those who actually saw combat.

I get a lot of exposure to the international community and every single person from every single country I have met all want to come to America. I am sad that our politicians do not always make good decisions and that the ones to bear the brunt of their incompetence is the soldier. The soldier does not get a vote as to the legitimacy of what he (or she) is asked to do.

Let me assure you, that if I ever get the chance to terminate a terrorist, in support of the US, I will do it with all malice. I am past the age of service, but I can probably still shoot better than most. I love this country that gave me the chance to choose my own gender and my own religion.


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