This is a sad story. A post op TS murdered by her brothers, in a country that trumpets they have no gays because they are required to have sex changes. Note the length of sentence handed out, and the attitude of the father. However, murder of TG and TS folks in the US and other "western" countries are often due, at their most basic, to some male thinking is reputation has been besmirched by him being attracted or having sex with a TS/TG. Not so different in motive, I think, but increasingly different in the way the crime is seen by law. Doesn't help the victim though....
Iranian Honour Killing: Trans murdered by her brothers in Tehran
By Dan Littauer, Editor of Gay Middle East
Tehran, Iran. Farsnews reported that on April 25th, 2010 police found a 24 year
old woman dead in her apartment, on Shariati St. After an initial investigation
it became apparent the woman was called Mahsa and was a transsexual that had
undergone sex-change assignment (his name before sex-change was Masood). Mahsa
was strangled, and the police found out that her brothers were perpetrators. In
addition the brothers stole money they found on her. The two brothers confessed
to the killing of Mahsa, and mentioned the reason as “opposing her immorality”.
Their father, who in Iranian Shari’a law is the Vali’ye Dam (Masa’s
blood-owner) , forgave his two sons for the murder. One brother was sentenced to
8 years in prison, with five years suspended jail time and the other for three
with two years suspended jail time. In other words the brothers would only serve
three and one year respectively in prison for murder!
This is a painful example of how Iranian law concedes if not indirectly
sanctions honour killings in defense of any family “dishonour.” This is further
proof that for all of Iran’s trumpeting of their so called “progressive”
policies towards sex-change, many of the laws of the Iranian Islamic Republic
actively encourages terror, violence and murder. Such policies terrorises LGBT
minorities in Iran and incites direct violence that damages families and whole
communities. GME calls upon the Iranian Supreme Leader and the judicial system
to repeal these laws and decriminalise homosexuality and any discrimination
against sexual minorities. In an exclusive interview to GME, Saghi Ghahranman,
CEO of the Toronto based Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO) stated that “it is
possible to advocate and educate parents to understand and accept their children
if the law is not supporting murder, and if it does not force a fabricated
morality over loving family bonds.” She added that: “this is why we think it is
most crucial for the penal code to change in a way that preserves rather than
destroys a loving family.” Saghi believes that such imposed morality is at the
core of the legislations that encourages Honour Killings that are becoming
common place Iran.
What remains absolutely frightening... that some "Western" countries either have incorporated some aspects of Sharia law into their own judicial system or plan to, ostensibly owing to an attempt to accommodate Islam. Making room and welcoming folks of other cultures is not only prudent, it's fair and good. Making allowances for other cultures that co-opt everyone's freedom is something quite different. Iran is one of the most repressive regimes in the world, and no matter what they say publicly, this story is evidence that their practice is something entirely different, and that's scary.
Please understand that my comment in no way is meant to criticize Islam. If I have offended anyone, please accept my apology, but my concern for this community at large around the world leaves me no choice but to speak.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena