TopShelf Blogs

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Did i imagine it?

When I logged in earlier today I'm sure I saw a new story by Nancy Cole. Like the favourite morsels on my dinner plate I elected to save it for later while I took care of other internet 'duties'. Now it's gone! What a disappointment.

I hope it's merely to receive a little more polish before releasing it to the hordes ... or am I really going illusional?


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The Working Girl Blog #07: Back from my trip to Minnesota

The Working Girl Blog #7:
Back from my trip to Minnesota, or
Went on a business trip, met a girl, and now I think I'm in love

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Blog About: 


UM, I'm OK now?

Well, I had to try to live as a Man again; try to get my family back; and try to find balance in my life.

  1. I found out that Female is the balance in my life.
  1. I found out that my family's issue with me was not about my being a woman, but about the lies that my x told about me. I don't even know what those lies were, because my son won't tell me. Is this familiar to any of you?
  1. I got 5 years of hair growth taken off. She gave me a lesbian hair cut. She thought I was a FtM.

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Watch Europe's air traffic close down...


[EDIT Unsurprisingly as news of the site has spread rapidly today, the server is very busy. You may need to refresh a few times before it will let you in.... the config panel is supposed to have a user count, but whenever I've been in today it's stated "Too many users!"]

So far, the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Sweden appear to have closed down their airspace.
Helpfully, the Health Protection Agency have advised there's no health risk from the plume (unless you're flying a plane through it...)

Here's apparently what the Captain of the 1982 flight in which all four engines temporarily failed told his passengers - talk about understatement!

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are all doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress."

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63 years young today.

So why do I feel three days older than dirt? I'm so frustrated right now with the VA, with life, with damn near everything actually. I won't go into any of that in this blog, since you all have your own problems to deal with. Remember that BUTTON story that Grover posted? If that damned button was right here, right now, I'd jump all over that thing... in a freaking heartbeat, and have NO regrets about it after!

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Moving to France - will we make it this time?

I suppose you are all thinking, "that bugger Nick has done it again" aren't you?

I don't blame you.

Since Pen's mum's death, things here have been a little topsy-turvy and frankly, I don't know which way is up. Having been looking to try and complete my web course and write several stories or at least, keep up with Jamie and his problems, we have now decided to try again for France.

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H'okay so...

Just to let you know... I am partially done with the next Sorority Boy chapter. I have no idea how much longer it will be though as I am trying to finish up a few other things right now.

I have a few new story ideas in my head right now, but I am planning to not let them out until I have finished Sorority Boy, my Kim Possible fic and maybe a few other projects. Some fun stuff but we'll see.

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Wonderful hopes....

Watching this video reminded me of a time when the world was new and bright and I was young and hopeful.

The wall had just fallen a couple of years before and it was a time when we all wanted something better than the clusterfuck we've got...

2 songs that meant a lot to me then.

I wanted to give yawl the 1989 video, the one that gave me hope for a better world back then, but I think this one is more appropriate. Sadder, wiser, but still hopeful.

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I Have Noticed

That a few of my stories have garnered over one thousand reads. Now, I don't know how many are a quick glance and how many arer where the story is read, but it shows that I am doing something right.

I admit that my first stories werenb't all that good, but thanks to Sephtrena , Beth, and Nora, I hve gottrn better. And I must thank Maddy Bell for letting me do the Gaby fan fics and the author who've let me do a TransBike story for them.

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"Reflection" - These lyrics really hit home

Normally I don't do this, but I felt so moved that I just had to pass this along. I don't know how familiar you all are with the hit Disney movie, "Mulan", but it's been one of my favorites ever since it first released.

It's based on the legend of Hua Mulan, and tells the story of a girl who cross-dresses as a man to join the Imperial Chinese army to keep her father safe. Prior to this incident in the animation adaptation, she has a disastrous run-in with "The Matchmaker".

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3rd Grade Cross Dressing Fashion Show

N.J. Elementary
School Cancels
Fashion Show

A school
superintendent in
New Jersey says a
led an elementary
school teacher to
mandate that all
students -- including
young boys -- dress
as women in a now-
canceled fashion
show to honor
Women's History

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The Working Girl Blog #05: Having lunch at the office

The Working Girl Blog #5:
Having lunch at the office, or
maybe I should just keep my door closed

I spent the morning with my three team leads, talking about user requirements, and the fact that we had some questions that only the client can answer. Actually, a whole lot of questions. I had a short five minute talk about it with the boss. The upshot of it was was that all four of us are on our way to Richfield, Minnesota tomorrow.

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Blog About: 


I Am Considering Posting My Autobiography To This Site

I am considering posting my Autobiography to this site. I wrote it back in 2004 as a way to let my family know how and why I came to transition. I am hoping my story might inspire others who are just starting this journey. Would anyone like to read it? I came across it when I was going through some old papers yesterday and felt inspired to share it here on BCTS.

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Life imitating art.

It seems that life is imitating Bike - I know it goes in cycles - but the Royal Mail has just issued a new set of stamps about endangered UK mammals. It's interesting the hedgehog is included, as is Muscardinus avellanarius about which I write reams. The pictures are worth a look, pity it won't shame the Japanese, Norwegians and Icelandians to stop killing whales for spurious research, which we all know goes straight to Japanese restaurants - disgusting people.


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Writers Block - Get A Round Tuit

At long last we have
a sufficient quantity
of these so that each
person may have one
of his own.
Guard it with your
life. These TUITs have
been hard to come
by, especially the
round ones.
This is an
indispensible item. It
will help you to
become a much
more efficient
For years you have
been saying, "I'll do
that as soon as I get a
round TUIT."
Now that you have a
round tuit of your
very own, all those
things that have been
needing to be
accomplished will
surely get done!

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Well, it seems like i am stuck, in more ways than one. I have paced the boundries of my cage and cant find an exit anywhere. Without a decent job, i simply cant transition. I cant get a decent job without schooling, and I cant afford schooling (dumb mistakes in my past mean i cant get a loan, either.) Meanwhile, i am also experiancing a lack of movent on the story front. I have about a dozen ideas, but cant seem to put anything together. ah, well.

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Latest Daily Wail research

There is a school of thought which states that the Daily Mail is engaged in an ongoing project to classify every inanimate object into those which cause cancer, and those that prevent cancer.

Perhaps not quite as daft as Facebook increasing your risk of cancer (!), apparently turning on a light when you wake up to relieve yourself in the night can cause it...

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The Working Girl Blog #04 - My New Reputation...

The Working Girl: Blog #4
My new reputation as Choco-Monster

I was sorta dreading today, as there might be some fallout from my tough stance in the meeting last Friday.

But I guess it worked. Sort of. But I don't know how to feel about it. Everyone seemed a little over-solicitous. I mean, everyone in the team greeted me Good Morning today - several said "good morning, boss," or chief, or ma'am, or something like that. Well, I guess I had no choice - don't know enough to be the chummy boss, so I guess I had to settle for the by-the-book boss.

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Lots of things to say...

There are lots of things to say about Afghanistan's plains, but I think Metallica has done something really important here and I wanted to share the video with yawl.

I might write a story to go with this, but honestly, I think anything I might add would be a pitiful effort beside the story they tell. This is something worthy of Kipling.

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Chrissie is now in ebook format

You asked for it and we heard you and now we have granted your wish. Chrissie by Barbara Lynn Terry is now in ebook format and can be purchased from the following eRetailers...

Amazon Kindle
Sony Reader nook (users can access content on the iPhone/iPod touch via the Stanza app)

Please enjoy your ebook and now that even though it says it is fiction, it is 97% fact, because it is only volume one of my autobiography.

Love & hugs,
Barbara Lynn Terry

If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be.


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Next Tuesday

Mrs. D's biopsy has been postponed until next Tuesday. The lack of urgency and the well-wishes and personal testimony by some here would seem to indicate what everyone has been so encouraging about - it's merely precautionary at this point and that's a huge relief for all of us here. Thanks again for your prayers and thoughts and encouraging words. Andrea

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Transsexual considering return to politics

Georgina Beyer, a former Mayor and Member of Parliament is considering a return to local body politics.

Beyer has eye on mayoralty

Beyer considers Masterton mayoralty bid

Georgina Beyer (Wikipedia)

I predict that if she stands, she will be successful in the October elections.

Political Service

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A video featuring a speech that could be delivered by any one of us.

The video is from a STNG episode which had Ryker falling for an androgenous person from another world who's civilization frowns on having only one gender... in fact, they consider it a crime and they have a "cure" for the perverse members of their civilization who commit the crime of having tendencies of being only one gender.

The defense speech given by Soren, the love interest of Ryker, could be delivered by any one of us, whether we're TG, TS, CD, TV, IS, or whatever.

Watch, listen, and tell me what YOU think.

Hugs and love,

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One way to get published.

For all the writers on this site who want to get their books published and sold to the public, take heart.
The article in today’s Sunday Times shows one mans unorthodox approach to selling his books.

As Rupert Murdoch will shortly be charging for this news site, please read it for free whilst you can.

You never know it may work for you.

Love to all

Anne G.

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No One Would Believe It

if I wrote a story with this plot. My ex-wife and her husband are spending a few days staying with my wife and me. Last night we had a house concert in our living room (we are avid folk music fans and producers) and were talking with the artist at dinner. He was telling how he almost married a woman, but she called it off at the last minute when she realized she was a lesbian. Now she and her spouse are good friends with the musician and his wife.

When the heck did reality veer off into cliche filled fiction?

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Another trip around Mt. Sinai

In the mid 70's there was a song on "contemporary" Christian Radio. The Refrain was
Take another trip around Mt. Sinai
Till you learn your lesson...

So, I'm taking another trip...
It's been a horrid month. A couple of people I thought were friends turned on me once I came out to them. Go figure. Somehow I didn't think it would happen. They knew about my TG issues, but a month later I'm chopped liver.

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Apologies and a request

My apologies. Earlier this year I accidentally deleted all of the pictures in my file. Their absence, coupled with the references in commentary and blogs and stories, has affected the database. I removed references and/or restored pictures in all of the stories. As older stories of others to which I provided commentary appear in the Random feature, I am deleting references to the pictures that were deleted in order to help repair the problem.

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Jogging for the first time in five years

Jogging for the first time in five years
(this is a Working Girl blog)

I took the advice of some of the people who wrote comments in my previous blog, and decided not to take up my office-mates' offer to shop today. I really wanted to - reeaaally wanted to, but I think they're right and it's the smarter thing to do, even though it makes me a bit sad.

So. Instead, I decided to go out for a jog at seven this morning. I haven't done any serious exercising for five years, since before transition, actually (though I'm not exactly a sporty girl, I did bike for fun a lot before), but I thought I'd start exercising this morning and burn up some of this leftover adrenalin from yesterday.

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Blog About: 


I know I said I wasn't going to, but... I'm sorry. I need to vent again

I want to just curl up and cry right now. I'm sorry. I know I said I wasn't going to post another blog so soon, but I need this. God, I need this.

Coming back to the top here to say, I changed the rating because of language. I don't regret what I said. I needed to say it. Just a fair warning in advance because Zoe's PMSing in overdrive.

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Taking the first step

Last night after I posted my previous entry, I curled up in bed and watched Top Gun. It helped a little, but there was this nagging feeling that I just was not doing enough.

I honestly cannot remember right now if I mentioned this in my blog, in a response, or in a PM, so in case it's the latter I'm going to go ahead and explain it here before I get to the weird dream I had last night when I did finally sleep ;-)

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Got through my first meeting

Got through my first meeting, or
"I'm the boss, so stop sassing me"

(this is a Working Girl blog)

What a long day. I'm totally drained. Most everyone's gone already, but I'm hanging around for a bit, writing this blog and winding down. Nerves I suspect.

Well, my first meeting in my new company went better than I expected, or feared.

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Blog About: 


To Whom It May Concern

Danielle J. after getting upset at what she regarded as offensive comments on one of her stories wrote a blog that was unpubbed by volunteer editors for TOS violations. After some discussion, the editors unpubbed Danielle's stories at her request. They were not deleted by Danielle J as I at first thought when I woke up and got involved and saw the stories were not listed under her name.

Her blogs and stories have been restored to BC, except only the blogs that were part of the problems.

Blondes have more funds

A recent study from the Queensland University of Technology shows blondes earn 7% more on average than women with other hair colours, and tend to marry men who earn on average 6% more than other women's husbands.
The survey of 13,000 women showed that the difference in pay was not connected with other factors such as height, weight or education.

On the other hand, a study by Lycos in 2008 showed that 78 of the world's top 100 billionaires had wives or long term girlfriends with brunette or raven hair...

Rules for Using Numbers in Stories

Rules for Using Numbers in Stories

by Puddin’

One sees all sorts of advice on using numbers on the Web. Here’s one example out of many:

Daily Writing Tips — the basic point of which is “spell out numbers under ten,” with plenty of special rules to modify the basic advice, as well as common variants of the usual rule.

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Wearing a suit to my first meeting

Wearing a suit to my first meeting,
or "I'm so nervous, I'm about to hurl"

(this is a Working Girl blog)

Some probably know I resigned from my last job just before Christmas last year. And there were lots of reasons why. Truth was, it was an ill-timed decision, but I just couldn’t stand it there anymore. Too much work, not being given credit for most of it, no respect from your coworkers. All too cliché, I think.

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Popular stories thingie

There used to be a popular stories, current and all time link whatsit on the right. Is the removal to do with the other problems?

By the way, I think that Erin and and Bob have done wonders to keep things going; a lesson to another, not so good but well known site which went down for slightly longer.


Warning Will Robinson! Warning! Zoe incoming!

*cough* Sorry. I couldn't resist a wacky title for what is going to be, I'll be honest, something I should probably be posting on a generic blog somewhere.

But as I've expressed in the past, I feel safe here. Erin is such a sweetheart, and I trust others to be as respectful as I try to be.

This is going to be long, boring, rantish, and dramatic. I can't help that. So if you don't care, please, please, please stop reading now because this is more for me to get some things off my chest than anything, and again, I apologize for that.

a girl moment breaks the hold of depression

Well, i had a moment at work that reminded me the how powerful a "girl moment" can be. I had been really struggling with depression, and yesterday one of my co-workers (who i have given some of my story) was talking about working at a sexual aide shop, and I asked about shoes, and ended up telling her about the mules I bought. I know its weird, but for just a moment, we were just 2 girls talking, and it toataly lifted my depression. Meanwhile, I am going to be busy for a bit working on my next story. I will check in, but probably wont be on much untill its done.


My novel Chrissie is now in e-book format. Xlibris hasn't told me if it is online yet or not, but it is in e-book format. If you know how to look for it, it should be there, because I was told it takes 24 to 48 hours to get it online. They haven't told me the site(s) yet, but I am waiting. I am going to see if I can get it into an audio book also, but that will be a while yet. Thank you in advance for your interest.

Love & hugs,

Laughter works better than Prozac or Zoloft...

Edeyn Okay, so I've had a rough week. I don't need to grouse more than I have, and steps are being taken -- no, I'm not suicidal... if that matters to you, thank my belovéd for providing me with a reason for living.

But I was so far down that I cried until I had no tears left. Literally. I mean, I was sobbing and wailing... but there were no tears left to come out. I exhausted my tear ducts. So... today, we (roommate and I) found a bunch of INANE but fun jokes on YouTube ... some are old, some aren't, some are horrible groaners, some are laugh until you can't breathe, some I had heard (or even told) before, and a some were brand new to me.

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weird dream

Well, I had a very wierd dream. I was having dinner at a resteraunt on the top floor of this building, and afterward, after i had left, realized i had left behind my brother's guitar. I went to go back up, but was not allowed. So i went around, and joined a tour group walking through the building, hoping to find my way up. I left the group, and found myself in a pool, and someone threw me a pair of trunks, and i realized I was naked. Instead of putting them on, i tied them to my front, because i was wearing a backpack, which covered my rear.

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Wuthering Dormice - As Easy as starting to read and not putting it down

After being rather nicely put in my place the other day after commenting on another blogger's premise, I went to Holly's compilation and copied the first 50 chapters. I think that was late yesterday. Finished those and have copied the next fifty chapters. Will probably finish those this evening. Other than being especially well written, sweet, delightful, insightful, tear jerking, giving warm feelings to the tummy, I don't understand what the stir is all about. Excuse me, I have some reading to do.

:) Portia

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Back on Main Server

Update - Apr 7 4:51 PM PDT - The site is back, in most of it's glory. The problem turned out to be the voting module not being compatible with the latest release of the database software. So, no voting on stories until I figure out a replacement module or they update their code. And no reporting on old votes, either. Sorry.

Most everything else has been turned back on (or will be) except: reporting comments to moderator (flag for administrator) - that module conflicted with the one that makes Random 5olos possible so it had to be taken up into the mountains and sacrificed to an angry god, sorry. Also, the little clock at the top of the right column that showed what time the server thought it was had a problem when the updates to the search index was run, don't ask me how but the clock interfered and until someone writes better code than my own jackleg module (I wrote that one) we'll have to do without the clock. Isaac says hi.

Many thanks to Bob who did the major work on this debug. We should buy him a bag of chocolate or something, he likes chocolate. :)

- Erin

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Eating: My favorite pastime, or Does this make me look fat?

Eating: My favorite pastime, or
"Does this make me look fat?"

(this is a Working Girl blog)

I didn't go with the girls in the office for lunch this afternoon. I begged off and made do with my favorite senbei rice crackers and a nice cup of tea in my little office.

No worries, though. Nothing amiss. In fact, when I checked yesterday, I was within my target ideal weight for my height n build (Yayyy!). Which got me thinking now about diet n stuff.

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Blog About: 


Sorry to everyone who was offended

My sincere apoligies to anyone who was offended by my little essay. (Which, judgeing from the responce, was most people who read it). I hoped to get a conversation going on the subject, and boy, did that succeed, but never meant to hurt anybody's feelings. Right now i am debating trying to reword it better, or maybe just dumping it entirely as a bad job. I will think about it for a couple of days, and then decide.

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I used to use SKYPE a lot; spending hours talking to my friends. I used to talk to one of my friends in Qatar, who is a patron of BC, and another who lives in Saudia, plus several people here in the US. Then the service overseas, began to gradually deteriorate, and then the finally in the states. It got so I kept it on and mostly talked only to those who called me on it, if the service was working that day.

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On Cross-Dressing and TG

On Cross-dressing and Transgender

There are, in my opinion, a number of levels to cross-dressing and transgendered tendencies. (For the sake of this essay, I will only deal with Male to Female, mostly because that’s the side I know best).

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felling better, and a sneak peak

Well, i am feeling better. Finished beating myself up, and picked myself up and got going again. its a marathon, not a sprint, right? Meanwhile I thought you guys and gals would enjoy a sneak peak at some of my upcomming projects

Comming soon:

Join Walter on his search for The Perfect Excuse

Where little Luke just needs A Little Nudge

Step into Group Therapy

Spend your vacation with A Summer Princess

Jasmine must deal with A 2nd night in a Small Town

A certain wizard's apprentance pays a vist to The Big Mall

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If We Can Put a Man on the Moon...

then why can't someone invent a hanger that will keep a wide necked blouse from ending up on the floor? Ever since men decided that staring down a woman's cleavage was a desirable option, designers have made blouses that have necklines approximately the circumference of a small city so they can peer down into the the Valley of Flesh. So why are even those wide hangers with the little indents for straps on them still too small to keep a blouse securely on them?

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If at eleventh you don't succeed...

Edeyn So... yeah. Some of you may remember a short story compilation involving TG situations that was soliciting stories, it was posted on here about a year ago, give or take... it was called, "Scheherazade's Façade" and you could enter as many potential pieces during the submission cycle (01 November, 2009 to 28 February, 2010) as you wished as long as each was a separate submission.

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all dressed up, and unable to go

Well, I feel like a coward. I was going to go to my local pride center again tonight as dorothy, but after i got ready, i was overwhelmed by anxiety. I was trying my best to force myself out the door, when I saw a kid go by outside, and just couldnt make myself leave the house dressed. Sorry folks, I feel like i let you guys down, like i am going backward instead of forward. Sigh.

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The Cynthia Chronicals - Volume 1 Coming to a Close

The penultimate posting of the Cynthia Chronicles is now up. To me, Chapter 8 represents the most important chapter in Cindy's life since her first encounter with The Wizard many years before. There are several chapters and tales under construction that may eventually appear in The Cynthia Chronicles - Volume 2. These will follow the further adventures of the group as they go through college and beyond. We will find out what the major motivation has been behind The Wizard and his group's actions.

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The Spirituality of This Day...

On this special day of spirituality, I wish to be thankful for my 'cyber family'. Thank you Drea and Alison, commonly referred to as Mom and Gram. Without your support and wisdom, and good will, my little world would simply be filled with the pain of others. You have provided me with the love and advise that I haven't had in quite some time.

May you both have strength, full days, and all the blessings this life can provide...

A grateful, emotionally overcome, lil' Irish Brat

And to the friends I've made in our little community, I pray that your words never cease.

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Are there FtM's here? OH So HOT!

I have noticed some FtM story activity and wondered who wrote them. If an actual FtM wrote them then I would like to say welcome. My one time therapist was one and we got along well, but curiously as soon as I moved on, he won't even say hi on the street now. Hmmmm. Most of you that I have met are very pleasant and youthful people.

God! I just saw some transmen on a web page. I got ta get me one of these!!!!!

Tmen, you are so HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!T Take me, beat me, make me squeal!!@!!


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To all of you who have been wondering if I have fallen off the face of the Earth, I can honestly say that gravity works on me too and I am still here.

Pen's mum's funeral was held on Thursday and I have been busy helping with the arrangements, most notably, the Order Of Service booklets. My job was to produce pictures of Rosamond that would hopefully show her as we best remembered her and from the feedback and number of people who were keeping their copies, it was mission accomplished.

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a conversation with my ex

Well, I took a plunge yesterday. I finally owned up to the ex what i was feeling and thinking. She is convinced that if i will only pray the right way, allow God to work, that I will be cured of this need to be female. She simply will not listen when I tell her that I have prayed, I have tried, and nothing has changed. So she took me to a friend of hers place, and tried to double team me, but even the friend admitted that they would refuse to hospitilize me to try and cure me of this. The ex wants me to talk to her pastor before taking any steps towards being female, and I said i would.

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Victorian Corset Fiction

10 years ago, there were some interesting Victorian Era Corset Training stories lurking on the internet, and I used to enjoy reading them once in a while. They were not TG and some dealt with coeds in finishing school. One which was TG in a sense was "Prisoner of Fashion", or something like that. I notice that these sites and sources have basically disappeared. :)


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Can you recommend a good place for breast forms?

Well, I went to put on my forms last night, and one of them has decided it was time to develop a tear in the form. I've temporarily used a tip from the The Breast Form FAQ 4.0 at using the adhesive parts of band-aids, but I'm quite sure that is a temporary fix.

Unfortunately when I went to the site I have bought them many times before "" and they are no longer there. It comes up to a search site that is definitely not what I was looking for.

Can anyone recommend a reputable site I can use to replace them?


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Whatever Next?

My latest effort in my Gaby Dorset trilogy is with my editor having its 'ead 'it. I hope to get it to Mad over the weekend, and presumably she'll add it to her site when she does the next update. I'll post a link - if I can remember when it goes up. There's a bit of a bike race in this one, just for a change.


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A slip of the tongue?

Was remembering something that happened at my daughter's birthday party. We went swimming, and after I had changed into trunks I realized I had to go back out into the public area to get something. Well, I was suddenly struck with a feeling of being indecent, exposed, because I didnt have on a top. Even my daughter commented on it, as if she had expected me to wear one. She sometimes seems to struggle with calling me "Daddy" and sometimes slips and calls me "Mom".

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Hard Sell 2

Hi Everyone! After the events Dear Understanding spouse explained in her blog we found PC Shield (Our Anti-Virus provider) hit us with a 50 buck 're-new' charge for our two computers without notifying us of it. Being on a limited fixed income this is a BAD thing. Can anyone suggest another Anti-virus that doesn't take business lessons from the Mafia?


A Very Upset

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I Hate the Hard Sell!

I know this has nothing to do with TG elements, but I know a lot of you are computer savvy, as I am not.

Yesterday, my computer somehow caught a cold. A trojan horse or virus, I'm not sure which, was acquired. I called the local tech support number that was listed on the anti-virus program Grover and I use for our computers.

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Alien: Just feeling a little sad and blue

Alien: Just feeling a little sad and blue
(this is a Working Girl blog)

I can't sleep. And I'm feeling blue tonight, perhaps appropriate for a... Well, I don't really know my status is now, given my current... situation. Our parish priest back home hasn't said, one way or another. I'd like to think he did that for me, but I don't really know.

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Blog About: 


Did anyone's Marriage survive transition?

This is important. I have a friend who wants to transition, and thinks that their grown children and present wife will be fine with it. She has not talked with the children before this time about it.

I think that if there is any chance of success, then the wife and children need to have known about the situation for a long long time, and it will take a woman of astonishing fortitude to survive it. She will read this blog.

Many Blessings


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thanks, and "Gregor's" story

Well, once again, I am reminded not to make decisions when in the middle of a depressive episode. Thanks to everyone who encouraged me to keep writing, I am feeling better emotionally. Besides I have a story to share, and I dont know any group who would "get" it like you guys and gals will, or so I hope.

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Not trolling for Votes - But, Seeking Help

Dear Friends:

On Monday, I posted my second story, a story I wrote for the March Contest, entitled "The Consequences of Foolishness." It, as of my last check had just about 1100 reads, 27 votes and 1 comment. I think the number of reads is great. I wish it had received more votes, but the number is small but okay. I am not using this post to troll for people to read it now, and vote for it. However, I am disappointed by the lack of comments. The only one I received was from my good friend Andrea Lena DiMaggio, and I appreciate it.

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I wish to offer my sincerest apologies to all of the authors here on BC. I have been a member here for almost 40 weeks, and have been a visitor for several years. Up until now I have been a “lurker”, reading stories and not voting or commenting on any stories that I like or dislike. I have read the blogs, and generally scan the comments at the end of stories, without adding anything of my own. (Though I have started to vote for stories that I like). I truly enjoy this site and most of the stories that are posted here, I like the community feeling and mutual support that is offered.

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While 80 stories were posted during the last week here on BCTS, another 94 older stories were edited and reposted by the authors or one of our volunteer editors or commented one by some reader. Now in some cases, that was just us opening up the story to file it into one of the new author pages but still, I don't think any other TG fiction site has so much activity going on with older stories. :)

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