Freedom of Gender Expression

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Tired of the old limit of male/female in gender selection boxes when signing up for accounts on websites?

I've admitted to being a terrible game addict, but this has led me to find one of the most interesting gender selection lists of any site I've ever seen. There's the typical male/female options, as well as boy, girl, dawta, bradda, funky monkey, jedi, ninja, pirate, and a whole host of other options. Freedom of gender expression? It looks like they have it right, though the option of "none of the above" is missing -- but with the options they give you (a list of something like fifteen or twenty in all) why would you need anything else?

Melanie E.


Spoilt for choice?

Angharad's picture

can't decide whether I'm a ninja jedi female, or a female pirate!



I went for "Funky Monkey" myself

The site's called great old games, and it's actually a really cool site. Most of the titles there are old DOS-based games that aren't normally compatible with XP/Vista/7, but I guess they got permission from the parent companies to embed really good emulators, 'cause they've been updated to run fine :P

Melanie E.

A link would be appreciated.

I don't suppose it includes Lemmings does it? It, and Elite on the BBC micro, is one of the few games I ever got addicted to. I suppose I'd have to select 'outlaw' as my status.

I'm still trying to work out why you'd be an addict of terrible games.


Hehe :P

The sight is great old games, or GoG as they call themselves.

I haven't seen anything they sell higher than ten bucks, they give lots of screenshots, and it seems to have a fairly active user community to boot. Not much to do with TG content, if anything beyond my interest in its gender system, but a good gaming site :P

I don't know about lemmings, but I did see Gobliiins, which I've heard should be of similar interest to Lemmings players.

Melanie E.

SEX !!!


I like the open ended ones that just ask Sex? I always
put "Yes please"!!!!



I get so uptight about this one I still feel angry at the box on a birth cerificate. I wonder what a registrar might say if, when one went to register your child, you told the registrar to leave the sex box blank until the child decided later.
Any lawyers amongst you?
Question:- are the registrars legally required to enter male or female, girl or boy in the box provided?

If so, why?

My birth certificate has got lies all over it anyway!
My parents already had issues when I was born in 1946.

One more lie in the 'sex' box might not have made much difference anyway.

