Comics Retcon Universe

How Not to Retcon

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Since I started writing for my Retcon stories again, I've received several private messages addressing a problem with my earlier stories. You see, when I first started writing these, I had made the mistake of assuming that the target audience would be primarily fans of the comic book genre (who were also interested in TG).

So I would write as if everyone knew about the characters and situations I was talking about. Just one example, in 'When Lightning Strikes' Chapter 1, I make an off-hand reference to "Akira", by Katsuhiro Otomo, when talking about a minor character.

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Crossed Out!

Well that's done, at least. So far it seems the reaction to the story is good, and I'm grateful to everyone who has commented about it so far. I added a "Chapter Zero" that explains who's who, and where they come from, so hopefully that will help the story make more sense.

This is, without a doubt, the most ambitious project I've ever completed, and I'm feeling a little burned-out at the moment. But I'm also too wired to sleep; as usual, my Muse has stolen my sleep!

Good thing I have the day off, huh?

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The Crossover Begins!

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First, I'd like to offer my apologies to anyone who doesn't like superheroes or the Retcon universe for the utter spam of stories of late as I've built up to this, my first attempt at a real Retcon crossover storyline.

Sure, we've had cameos and brief crossings before now, but this is the big one I'd been leading up to for some time now. It's probably the most ambitious thing I've ever done as a writer, and the concept terrifies me. My Muse, however, remains confident (and crazy) as she eternally stands between me and sleep.

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