TopShelf Blogs

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Where Tina works.

If you're wondering if Tina will be back (in Something Feels Strange) to catch the bad guys, the answer is yes. I'm getting close to being able to continue the story. Thank you for your patience.

I did notice that is running a story today about the very facility where Tina works. If you want to see what it looks like, go to

Look for more SFS in about a month!

- Tiff

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gave myself a present

Well, I had a bit of a rough day at work. It turned out i had not finished a job i was given yesterday, and I got in trouble. I had had a real struggle with it and made the mistake of not telling my supervisor before i left. So before i left, to cheer myself up, I bought a dozen pairs of women's socks, so I can replace my male ones. Then tonight, I stopped at the dollar store and bought a little bracelet and a bottle of lavander body spray. I also arranged to meet the pastor at the church on saturday, so thats done. So I feel better.

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Transgender Rights Debate in Massachusetts

A Transgender Rights Bill is currently being debated in Massachusetts. The Republican Govenatorial candidate has said that as govenor he would veto the bill despite the fact that his running mate is a co-sponsor of the bill.

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Stuff I need to talk about.

I'm starting this because I'm a bit upset over all things an online journal. It wasn't even mine. No there was this public post that led to this really well written opinion about how she perceived men. I actually felt under attack by it. Not in a crushed male ego kind of thing but...I really try to be a good guy, I like old fashioned manners the whole nine yards. I'm not however an old fashioned trog. I love women, most of my close friends are women, I'm a firm supporter of all of a womens rights including in my opinion that being treated like a lady is a right.

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The Working Girl Blog #17: I can't reach that high

The Working Girl Blog #17:
I can't reach that high, or
Why did they have to put the furshlugginer box of bond paper at the top

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:


Nothing much to write about today's boring workday,

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Dream Fears

I know, I just posted one blog, and now I'm posting another! But this one is quite different, so I thought it best to keep it separate. I had the strangest dream the other night. I was online visiting the sites of transgender fiction authors in my dream. I had come to a site that updates regularly (It wasn't any real site, but it reminded me of Maddy's site), and there was no update. I was surprised, so I looked into it and found out the author was dead, murdered! Another author who posted on that site who, in my dream, was another favorite, was also murdered!

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Chocolate causes depression?

"You can prove anything you want with statistics!"

How true... especially when it comes to the Aztec ambrosia - chocolate.

In today's BBC news comes the revelation that chocolate lovers 'are more depressive', according to experts. Similarly...
29 Jul 2009: Calls to downsize chocolate bars
24 Dec 2007: Dark chocolate 'not so healthy'

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Comment Games

There have been some blogs lately about wanting comments to stick to the story, rather than meandering off on specific aspects of it or whatever. Which is fine by me if that's what the author wants. Comments on my stories have often devolved into jokes and general playing around. I just thought I'd make it clear here that not only am I okay with that, I encourage it! I often get in on it myself, especially when I'm in a mood. ;) So by all means, have fun!

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My feline protector

Today my feline protector Zoe began her final journey. We noticed she was losing weight, but suddenly she stopped eating altogether last week. Taking her to the Vet, we found she had both some kind of liver and kidney problems. Hoping it was just an infection, we left her there over the weekend so she could get the fluids she needed as well as the care. We hoped that would enough for her to recover. That wasn't meant to be. As with so many other things we hadn't the money to take things further. The Vet recommended exploratory surgery, but that was far out of our financial means.

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The Working Girl Blog #16: Working with girls is different..

The Working Girl Blog #16:
Working with girls is different from guys, or
"Yes, the PowerPoint's fine, except for the font - it's not cute enough"

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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Will it get better?

Let's just be clear about this. There is no thought or implication of doing the "S" thing, OK?

I know that others have faced what I did a couple weeks ago. And usually after a period of bemoaning my circumstances, I have managed to bounce back fairly rapidly. But, this time just feels like a mortal wound in my soul.

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Caster ... "WTF look whose talkin' "

I am so "NOT SPORTS" that I never ever, ever never thought I would be writing on the olympics. I was looking for something else today and happened upon a photo of Caster Semena at the finish line with the defeated trailing out behind her. I have just tried very hard to ignore the whole debacle, but now that I have seen the other competitors, GAD, look whose talking? Many of her competitors look more muscled and masculine than her! So, what is going on here? Is it really about her Kariotype or is it just about sore losers?

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I Have Always Depended On The Kindness Of Strangers

I have been a little uncomfortable with the debate on "ownership" of stories. The theory is fine. An author owns their story and the rights to deal with that story as they see fit.

Dead easy, right?

But then you get to the somewhat more messy realities. A week or so ago I was trying to post a story and I was having Hell's own difficulties with formatting; can't blame anybody. It was me that was stuffing it up. Eventually I posted it. I took one look and (shock! horror!) deleted it. My pride wouldn't allow me to leave it there.

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Right to Write?

A few years ago a writing magazine suggested over 25 million people are attempting to write fiction for commercial publication. That same article stated that less than 2,500 people in the world make a living as a commercial writer.

Another blog has discussed the ethics of authors’ rights regarding posting online for free and later publishing for sale.

To me the bigger question is — how do those authors expect to make enough money from publishing to make it worthwhile?

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Baby steps....

It was Saturday night, the evening after the airshow(so I thought).

I was a tad pissed, but not too much. I had been unable to even see the airshow from my house, unlike the normal deal where the stunts were mainly focused on one of the airbases’ runways which happened to be not more than a mile or so from my house.

Anyway, when our sort-of kid called and said he was taking the boat out to the harbor to watch the next day’s airshow, I was excited. I had to argue it out with hubby, but I was determined to go, and I was determined not to go as a boy.

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my story shorted my down cycle

Well, i managed to shorten my down cycle by completing my latest story. Be a nice trick if i could do that every time. I had a conversation with my brother about my gender struggle, and he is convinced i use it as some kind of escape, probably because of my rape. Ah, well.

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Great Gugamooga

Wow... 105 words leads to 26 and possibly + posts by others and a response thread by Nancy. Holy Schnikes!

Wow... I mean wow...

Anyway... thank all of you for your responses and for keeping things from getting too far out of hand. Some really interesting discussion.

To answer a few issues raised in the course of the conversation:

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Dating Drama.

Hi Everyone. Well today was a interesting day. I went on my first date. Thats right. I'm 28 and today was my first date. Kinda pathetic huh. I met a guy through a gay dating site. He contacted me first and we have been talking every day during the week since. we went out today. He's a great guy, but I just dont know what to do,say or how to respond to so many things when on a date. I'm not even all that comfortable being affectionate with people. He is a very affectionate person and it throws me off my game sometimes. we went for a walk and then we went for pizza.

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Anothwr great weekend

What a great weekend, Went to the Pacific Coast Dream Machine event in Half Moon Bay, California. What fun. It was sunny and the temperature was just right, about seventy,and I got a sunburn. The machines were awsome. There were around three hundred cars of all descriptions, airplanes from the second world war which did a flying demonstration, WOW. There were steam engines and a real steam roller which they actually drove down a paved road between runways.There were muscle cars, hot rods, restored classics, and the best thing was that they were cars owners felt very good about.

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Facebook Group to Prove Breasts Don't Cause Earthquakes

I think someone has made a boob with this news article !
A one-woman mission to
prove breasts don't cause
earthquakes has swollen
into a shirt-straining
global movement. Prepare
yourself for Monday, the
inaugural "Boobquake."

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A bit of a question

Okay... so I have a bit of a question.

I have two stories that aren't complete and need some work but I kind of need a bit of feedback on them. Since I plan on getting them actually published I have been trying to decide if I should give you all a little bit of them or not, just to get feedback. They won't be up for long but the feedback would help.

Since Nancy and Persephone posted Alfhilder and then removed it I figure that it is a possibility.

What do you think? And Nancy? it would be great to get your 2 cents.

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Te Deum - Bryn Terfel Jones

I have just finished listening to the first act of Tosca by Giacomo Puccini, a production by the Metropolitan Opera. The evil Baron Scarpia sings to the background of the very sacred Te Deum about how he wants to ravage the beautiful, flamboyant Floria Tosca. Bryn Terfel (Jones) did a fabulous job as the evil chief of police. He'll get his in the next act. His performance literally brought tears to my eyes. It is such an emotional experience.

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The Working Girl Blog #15: For some friends

The Working Girl Blog #15:
For some friends

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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Boys Will Be Boys Chapter 3

I just posted the real third chapter to Boys Will Be Boys (with "The Real Story" added to the title to help clarify things). I added "The April Fools Edition" to the name of the previous version so it should be clear enough which one is the real one and which one the joke. Hopefully no one's too upset with me for my little April Fools joke! It's the first time I've done any kind of April Fools joke, anywhere, so I'll blame inexperience if I went too far with it or offended anyone. ;)

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The Working Girl Blog #14: Going out to lunch

The Working Girl Blog #14:
Going out to lunch, or
Being a girl means never having to pay

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

I think I mentioned the guy in one of my earlier blogs - you know? That manager that started the whole standard documentation brouhaha? Well, he asked me to lunch today. Yeah, I know.

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The end of a Journey

Well, Sorority Boy is finished. I may or may not do an Epilogue, so you all can know what happens to one of our favorite college girls. I honestly don't know right now.

This story began for me back in 97 when I was at Goodfellow Air Base in San Angelo Texas as a way to cope with being in a place where I didn't have the opportunity to dress when I wanted to or needed to. I transcribed those hand written notes into the first part of this story and this ties up a lot of the loose ends.

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26 is up, Please forgive how much time I've taken....

Yesterday, my muse struck me hard. I nearly got in trouble for going too long on my break. But the last few paragraphs came to me and I had the good sense to jot them down.

Thank you all for waiting..

Oh, I haven't thought of a preview for the next chapter, mostly because I haven't figured out what part of it I could take a snapshot of and still leave you all waiting to see it.

I'll just stop wondering for a bit and try to get the actual chapter finished.

Ally Kat.

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Bike: 23 April 2010, 11:45 AM

It's a good news - bad news situation. As of a few minutes ago, I have officially caught up. Now, like so many others, I am sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting for the next episode. I guess the good news is that I can get back to my own writing that seems to have been put on hold. My muse was as entranced as I was.

Thank you, Angharad, for propagating these little bundles of sweet entertainment.


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OK, some Iranian cleric has found the answer to why we have had so many earthquakes lately. Women! Women in provocative dress, to be precise. Seems the almighty is angry and letting us know about it by shaking things up. (Myself, think he's quaking with laughter, but who am I to contradict a Holy Man?)

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The Working Girl Blog #13: Woke up on the wrong side

The Working Girl Blog #13:
Woke up on the wrong side, or
I'm mean today

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

You know that hackneyed old phrase, "waking up on the wrong side of the bed?" I don't know the etymology of the phrase, but I know what it means. And I think I did indeed wake up on the wrong side this morning.

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I don't understand this?

Um' well, I understand the idea behind overclocking a CPU and infact used a machine for several years that had been overclocked by a friend of mine who was an INTEL engineer. That was 1998 or so. So here is this video, but I don't understand what they are saying about it. Does it mean that they are running a 300 Hz chip at 5000 Hz?

Much Peace


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Sig Other - A View

I had a problem the other day. There were several tractors, other bits of mobile farm machinery and lethal looking things that would mince you up and spit you out if you were silly enough to get in the way all going up and down my little lane..

To explain, I am surrounded by fields and have just a small lane to the front. Hence the farm traffic.

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The Working Girl Blog #12: Bringing up my seven-year-old

The Working Girl Blog #12:
Bringing up my seven-year-old, or
I don't care how old she is 'coz she's mine

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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Anyone lost a Wallaby, in Doreset, England

Just read a story on the BBC website, about a lost Wallaby, in Dorset, England.

That is a long way from their natural home, though actually there are some to be found out in the wilds of Derbyshire.

Wonder if Cathy, Angharad and Bonzai will make any claim of ownership.


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To Allay Concerns

I'm alive.

To say I'm doing well would be an overstatement, but life continues. I have managed to rouse myself to start editing for John in Wauwatosa, and that's going reasonably well.

(Think about it. How serious and depressed can you stay when John gets his manic muse going?)

Amazon? Ma'at? I hope they'll get fully untracked, but no promises on when that might occur.

My thanks to those who've offered encouragement.

Nicole (a.k.a. Itinerant, Nikki, ...)

PS: Thanks to Angharad for continuing my favorite soap opera. ;-)

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Am I getting edited and unpubbed a lot?

In the past few days, I have been called "irritating, arrogant, and other stuff". I noticed that my last two posts have not survived. So, is someone deleting me, or am I simply, stupidly not hitting the second screen? I know that some of you don't like me, but... I dunno?


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The Working Girl Blog #11: A conversation in the bathroom

The Working Girl Blog #11:
A conversation in the bathroom, or
"Are there napkins left in the vending machine?"

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

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My Stories

Every now and then I re-read some of the comments to my stories as well as the stories to see if I might be able to add anything. What I notice is a pattern to all comments, whether they are for my stories or someone else's, and that is this. Several people pick out a part of the story and only comment on that, others comment on the whole story, and still others like to nit pick about this or that, and it has nothing to do with the story.

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The Working Girl Blog #10: Learning to dress in "business...

The Working Girl Blog #10:
Learning to dress in "business casual," or
Girl clothes are fun, but I miss pockets -
The new meaning of VPL

To see all of Bobbie's "Working Girl" blogs, click on this link:

Be warned - nothing major happened today, so today's blog will just be a lot of folderol about nothing. Hope you aren't too disappointed.

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Nobody Doesn't Like Sarah Lynn's Writing

If you’re looking to read an excellent story, you might just want to read Boys’ School by Sarah Lynn Morgan.

This is a story for those who love scintillating/realistic dialogue, compelling characters, and engaging plots.

As you may have noticed — I have a tendency to complain ad nauseam about votes, comments, and hits.

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BBC Radio 4 play

For those of you who can access it, this is a play in five daily parts over this week about a gay boy living in a Nottinghamshire village, whose best friends are called Gloria and Chrissy (they're boys too).

It's based upon a real diary of such a person. A coming of age drama.

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Why do i let them do this to me?

Well, I let my family bully me into getting my hair cut. Even my mom, who I thought was on my side, helped, and in fact provided the money. And they used my daughter to push me too. I gave in, and feel rotten about it. I make myself the promice that this is the last time i am letting them run my life.

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Bike Episode Summaries - Update!

(Me) I thought it was about time to give you lot a progress update on the Bike episode summaries. Remember the last time I posted, I'd done episodes one to 103, plus 900 to wherever we'd got to by then. A lot can happen in a few weeks, and the number of episodes covered has grown to over 600. There's also a cast list and a title page.

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DIY Voting

Like many authors who publish on this site, I gain a great deal of satisfaction from knowing that many others have enjoyed my work. Comments are wonderful, but there are typically around seven times more people who would normally vote without leaving a comment. With the indefinite suspension of the Voting System, it means that I would be blind to all those readers.

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Sorry for the delay

I tried to post Toil & Trouble 3 yesterday, but my internet connection had gotten so slow I couldn't get the page to load to post it! I tried for two or three hours before giving up. I had to go to my grandmother's house today to help clean it up so it can be sold (she died last month), and I just got home from that. But it's up now, and the links to/from VC are up, too. It's kind of short, as it was a last minute thing because none of the other story chapters I've been working on were ready for posting yet. I'll try to do better next week.


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Recent Thoughts

I have recently been thinking deeply about the way our society is towards our children regarding the LGBT community. atleast with my family and the neighbors around me. More often then not, I've gotten into a fight with someone, about letting someone be them selves, be they gay, transexual, bi, or straight. And more often than not, I get the urge to deck them when they get the smug look on their face when they think they've provided proof that I'm wrong.

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Did i imagine it?

When I logged in earlier today I'm sure I saw a new story by Nancy Cole. Like the favourite morsels on my dinner plate I elected to save it for later while I took care of other internet 'duties'. Now it's gone! What a disappointment.

I hope it's merely to receive a little more polish before releasing it to the hordes ... or am I really going illusional?


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The Working Girl Blog #07: Back from my trip to Minnesota

The Working Girl Blog #7:
Back from my trip to Minnesota, or
Went on a business trip, met a girl, and now I think I'm in love

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UM, I'm OK now?

Well, I had to try to live as a Man again; try to get my family back; and try to find balance in my life.

  1. I found out that Female is the balance in my life.
  1. I found out that my family's issue with me was not about my being a woman, but about the lies that my x told about me. I don't even know what those lies were, because my son won't tell me. Is this familiar to any of you?
  1. I got 5 years of hair growth taken off. She gave me a lesbian hair cut. She thought I was a FtM.

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Watch Europe's air traffic close down...


[EDIT Unsurprisingly as news of the site has spread rapidly today, the server is very busy. You may need to refresh a few times before it will let you in.... the config panel is supposed to have a user count, but whenever I've been in today it's stated "Too many users!"]

So far, the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Sweden appear to have closed down their airspace.
Helpfully, the Health Protection Agency have advised there's no health risk from the plume (unless you're flying a plane through it...)

Here's apparently what the Captain of the 1982 flight in which all four engines temporarily failed told his passengers - talk about understatement!

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain speaking. We have a small problem. All four engines have stopped. We are all doing our damnedest to get them going again. I trust you are not in too much distress."

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63 years young today.

So why do I feel three days older than dirt? I'm so frustrated right now with the VA, with life, with damn near everything actually. I won't go into any of that in this blog, since you all have your own problems to deal with. Remember that BUTTON story that Grover posted? If that damned button was right here, right now, I'd jump all over that thing... in a freaking heartbeat, and have NO regrets about it after!

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Moving to France - will we make it this time?

I suppose you are all thinking, "that bugger Nick has done it again" aren't you?

I don't blame you.

Since Pen's mum's death, things here have been a little topsy-turvy and frankly, I don't know which way is up. Having been looking to try and complete my web course and write several stories or at least, keep up with Jamie and his problems, we have now decided to try again for France.

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H'okay so...

Just to let you know... I am partially done with the next Sorority Boy chapter. I have no idea how much longer it will be though as I am trying to finish up a few other things right now.

I have a few new story ideas in my head right now, but I am planning to not let them out until I have finished Sorority Boy, my Kim Possible fic and maybe a few other projects. Some fun stuff but we'll see.

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Wonderful hopes....

Watching this video reminded me of a time when the world was new and bright and I was young and hopeful.

The wall had just fallen a couple of years before and it was a time when we all wanted something better than the clusterfuck we've got...

2 songs that meant a lot to me then.

I wanted to give yawl the 1989 video, the one that gave me hope for a better world back then, but I think this one is more appropriate. Sadder, wiser, but still hopeful.

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I Have Noticed

That a few of my stories have garnered over one thousand reads. Now, I don't know how many are a quick glance and how many arer where the story is read, but it shows that I am doing something right.

I admit that my first stories werenb't all that good, but thanks to Sephtrena , Beth, and Nora, I hve gottrn better. And I must thank Maddy Bell for letting me do the Gaby fan fics and the author who've let me do a TransBike story for them.

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"Reflection" - These lyrics really hit home

Normally I don't do this, but I felt so moved that I just had to pass this along. I don't know how familiar you all are with the hit Disney movie, "Mulan", but it's been one of my favorites ever since it first released.

It's based on the legend of Hua Mulan, and tells the story of a girl who cross-dresses as a man to join the Imperial Chinese army to keep her father safe. Prior to this incident in the animation adaptation, she has a disastrous run-in with "The Matchmaker".

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3rd Grade Cross Dressing Fashion Show

N.J. Elementary
School Cancels
Fashion Show

A school
superintendent in
New Jersey says a
led an elementary
school teacher to
mandate that all
students -- including
young boys -- dress
as women in a now-
canceled fashion
show to honor
Women's History

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The Working Girl Blog #05: Having lunch at the office

The Working Girl Blog #5:
Having lunch at the office, or
maybe I should just keep my door closed

I spent the morning with my three team leads, talking about user requirements, and the fact that we had some questions that only the client can answer. Actually, a whole lot of questions. I had a short five minute talk about it with the boss. The upshot of it was was that all four of us are on our way to Richfield, Minnesota tomorrow.

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I Am Considering Posting My Autobiography To This Site

I am considering posting my Autobiography to this site. I wrote it back in 2004 as a way to let my family know how and why I came to transition. I am hoping my story might inspire others who are just starting this journey. Would anyone like to read it? I came across it when I was going through some old papers yesterday and felt inspired to share it here on BCTS.

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Life imitating art.

It seems that life is imitating Bike - I know it goes in cycles - but the Royal Mail has just issued a new set of stamps about endangered UK mammals. It's interesting the hedgehog is included, as is Muscardinus avellanarius about which I write reams. The pictures are worth a look, pity it won't shame the Japanese, Norwegians and Icelandians to stop killing whales for spurious research, which we all know goes straight to Japanese restaurants - disgusting people.


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Writers Block - Get A Round Tuit

At long last we have
a sufficient quantity
of these so that each
person may have one
of his own.
Guard it with your
life. These TUITs have
been hard to come
by, especially the
round ones.
This is an
indispensible item. It
will help you to
become a much
more efficient
For years you have
been saying, "I'll do
that as soon as I get a
round TUIT."
Now that you have a
round tuit of your
very own, all those
things that have been
needing to be
accomplished will
surely get done!

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Well, it seems like i am stuck, in more ways than one. I have paced the boundries of my cage and cant find an exit anywhere. Without a decent job, i simply cant transition. I cant get a decent job without schooling, and I cant afford schooling (dumb mistakes in my past mean i cant get a loan, either.) Meanwhile, i am also experiancing a lack of movent on the story front. I have about a dozen ideas, but cant seem to put anything together. ah, well.

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Latest Daily Wail research

There is a school of thought which states that the Daily Mail is engaged in an ongoing project to classify every inanimate object into those which cause cancer, and those that prevent cancer.

Perhaps not quite as daft as Facebook increasing your risk of cancer (!), apparently turning on a light when you wake up to relieve yourself in the night can cause it...

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The Working Girl Blog #04 - My New Reputation...

The Working Girl: Blog #4
My new reputation as Choco-Monster

I was sorta dreading today, as there might be some fallout from my tough stance in the meeting last Friday.

But I guess it worked. Sort of. But I don't know how to feel about it. Everyone seemed a little over-solicitous. I mean, everyone in the team greeted me Good Morning today - several said "good morning, boss," or chief, or ma'am, or something like that. Well, I guess I had no choice - don't know enough to be the chummy boss, so I guess I had to settle for the by-the-book boss.

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Lots of things to say...

There are lots of things to say about Afghanistan's plains, but I think Metallica has done something really important here and I wanted to share the video with yawl.

I might write a story to go with this, but honestly, I think anything I might add would be a pitiful effort beside the story they tell. This is something worthy of Kipling.

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Chrissie is now in ebook format

You asked for it and we heard you and now we have granted your wish. Chrissie by Barbara Lynn Terry is now in ebook format and can be purchased from the following eRetailers...

Amazon Kindle
Sony Reader nook (users can access content on the iPhone/iPod touch via the Stanza app)

Please enjoy your ebook and now that even though it says it is fiction, it is 97% fact, because it is only volume one of my autobiography.

Love & hugs,
Barbara Lynn Terry

If I have to be this girl in me, Then I have the right to be.


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Next Tuesday

Mrs. D's biopsy has been postponed until next Tuesday. The lack of urgency and the well-wishes and personal testimony by some here would seem to indicate what everyone has been so encouraging about - it's merely precautionary at this point and that's a huge relief for all of us here. Thanks again for your prayers and thoughts and encouraging words. Andrea

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