Becoming Robin
~* Interlude - On The Horizon *~
I had originally written this as a comment to chapter six, Love is in the Air, but I kind of got on a roll and wrote more than I felt comfortable placing in my own story comments section, SO! I'm posting this here, and I'll probably child page it under Chapter Six for organization's sake. Thank you everyone, for your continued support. It really does mean a lot to me :-D
*grin* Just a few comments here while I'm eating a late lunch/early dinner (Granted, I'll probably eat another small meal in a few hours).
I wanted Sensei Rogers to be a little more to Robin than just another adult from the moment I wrote him in. In the first chapter Robin noted that he was watching her spar with Josh, and she wasn't sure if he was just watching him. Well, he was actually evaluating them both - Josh's potential as Robin's trainer for his own belt progression, and Robin's potential as a student.
Sensei Rogers, like many of my characters in this story, is modeled after a real person. I always thought the guy was kind of creepy at first, but I later learned that he was just eccentric, and completely harmless/a really nice person (He managed to fudge some school records to get me into Strings class my senior year, telling me he "knew I'd work harder than anyone else", after the instructor gave him a list of students, ignoring the fact that the class was supposed to be randomly selected due to sheer number of applicants :-P)
I'm not sure how Ashton and Linda's relationship will progress, or how far, but I have to admit I'm kind of smitten with the idea of someone like this as a much-needed father figure in her life besides Joe and the real-life Rambo she met over the summer (Who totally needs to make a cameo appearance again. <3 our men and women in uniform :-D)
Maria's another character I'm extremely fond of, as she's a character I sort of "cannibalized" from unfinished, unpublished past work, but that I've put *years* of thought into, just waiting for the proper medium to let her out again. Everything about her, everything she says, even the way she moves and speaks, are based on this. Yes, she is a little stereotypical on the surface, but I can promise she goes far, far deeper than that once her personality becomes more exposed :-D
On Robin's activities, she's definitely going to continue with the Girl Scouts, and I'm actually in the process of some research right now to bring that back to the forefront a little bit. It's going to be some time away before it's covered in the story, but right now I'm seeing her next summer as something like two sessions of Girl Scouts' Camp as a second-year CIT, a couple of weeks off while she and her friends catch their collective breaths from that, and then she, Jennifer, and Chelsea will be off to cheer camp.
I hadn't originally planned for her to get into cheer at all as it's something that's already been done much better in Tiffany's Dreaming of Cheers, but I hadn't anticipated her befriending the varsity squad's captain so readily either :-D
I'm not sure who will win the coveted Sophomore Maid crown yet, as the four main competitors (Robin, Stacey, Chelsea, and the as yet within the story unnamed catty blonde) all have their respective 'camps'. It's also possible a fifth name will be nominated (Allison) by an anonymous person, adding even more uncertainty to the mix on that front.
Oh yes, one last thing. Well, two last things ;-) It's not Robin, but someone's turning sixteen in the next month, and there's also still Halloween to look forward to! ^_~
That's everything that I can think of right now, without giving away any major spoilers. Words cannot express how much joy Robin has given my life. I'm glad that I can share that joy with a supportive and friendly community, and give back to the site that's given me so much.
Love and hugs,
~Zoe T.
Your presence and your talent both
have been a blessing to me. Thank you!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Con grande amore e di affetto, Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Becoming Robin Interlude - On The Horizon
I have thoroughly enjoyed your story and hope that you can put what's in the bog into a story. And I hope that you have a way to keep Robin's secret hidden if she does do cheer. Because Melanie Brown had a way to overcome the problem in her Reluctant series that I hope will give you ideas for Robin.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Zoe's talents
I think it's fairly evident that Zoe is capable of determining how to keep Robin's secret just that, don't you think. It's nice to pass along helpful advice, but the author has proved herself more than talented enough to solve this simple problem.
Zoe, Robin And You have given me so much
[email protected] That I can't express enough gratitude for your efforts. The last chapter, especially, was something I needed at just the right time. I can't Thank You enough.
Much Love and Many Warm Hugs,
[email protected]
Good to hear you have a solid sense of your characters
That explains why they come off as so real. I am enjoying your stoy, um stiry, Aaaaack! story a lot.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. The mom's low BP -- that's blood pressure not Beach Pollut... British Petroleum. Hey they HAVE T-shirts with Beach Polluter and the BP logo on them, Really.
So what's wrong with Mom? Nerve damage in the brain or heart from the car crash? An undiagnosed aneurism? Some pervert sexually assaulted her while she was unconscious in the hospital and she's pregnant? A Hospital acquired infection slowly attacking her? What what what?
Mean character bashing author -- snicker
John in Wauwatosa
The Stage is set
In regards to All Hollows Eve you have already alluded to Robin and Nikki dressing as those 2 comic book characters. "Nuff Said"
So much to read, so little time and only one of me :)
The English Teacher
So much to read, so little time and only one of me :)
The English Teacher
Spoilers... *grin*
To quote River Song, "Spoilers, love." ;-)
But you're mostly right though! There's something else going on at Halloween that I only just learned about yesterday that I'm going to keep a surprise until it comes up in the story, and there's also a little something else, a side-project I'm considering working on as a one-shot. :-D
Nicole is an alternate reaity character whose original incarnation was actually a supervillain in a superhero/villain universe I had been working on with a couple of friends, before some things happened and we sort of drifted.
The way I created the Nicole character for Becoming Robin is that I asked myself, "What would Raven be like if she'd had a real family to look after her and love her after the incidents of abuse she suffered instead of being out on her own?"
And she grew from there. Her uncertainty and insecurities are actually present in the original character too, and I would love to do a one-shot alternate/superhero universe theme with Robin and Nikki's alter-egos. Raven Wing did eventually turn hero in her original incarnation, but it literally took the intervention of someone who unconditionally loved her despite all her bile and hatred for the world before it happened.
So in a sense, Nikki's adopted parents just sort of sped up the process. :-D
Err, anyway. More bones to gnaw on. I'm not sure if I'll even write it or not ("Raven Wing" was, before turning hero, a vicious sadist, so it'd be waaaaay outside the realm and theme of Robin :-))
~Zoe T.
Interlude-On The Horizon
Zoe,all I can say is that this story you wrote is in my opinion just simply wonderful!
For many of us Robins life is a dream waiting to come true. For many others un fortunately it is too late of we start late.
Robin is a girl of our dreams that many of wish we could have been. Definitley mine anyway.
Anyway, this story definitely warms my heart to the core! :}
Thank you so much for writing this superb story and for being the author. :}
Vivien Britton-Oregon