As I sit staring at my screen, I wonder if I've taken too much, too fast with Robin's life.
The 'problem' is that Robin has lived in role all of a week to a week and a half, but she's taken to being Robin so absolutely naturally because of the loving support of her friends and family. She's been allowed to be who she always was inside, and she wants to take that a step further as quickly as possible.
Doctor Ketzowski of course wants her to take things slowly. The way I have chapter 16 written currently is that, after meeting with another therapist for a second opinion, both agree to start her on a low dose regimen to get her started, but also give her time to change her mind.
It's been mentioned before that Kelly transitioned rather quickly, and I'm playing with using the same concept with her, that they started her off slow to make her take her time in her decision, while still providing the 'sense' as it were, that she's progressing in her transition for the sake of her mental well-being.
It's a contraversial thing when you're dealing with under-aged characters anyway. As I've been saying all along, Robin's circumstances are incredibly unique, and it's a fact Doctor Ketz will remind her of in the next two sessions. The question is, will it require too much suspension of disbelief?
Ordinarily I don't discuss major plot elements ahead of time, but this is one case I wish I had brought this up sooner. As much time as I've invested in researching this particular element, I still can't come to a conclusive, satisfying answer myself.
It's a Wonderful Story So Far
Time is often compressed in stories. If you kept it real time, there would be times when not much happened. The pace definitely isn't bothering me. Please go ahead and post it as you've written it. I'm just hoping that Linda will recover, but that things will work out so that they all stay in Alpine Springs.
Time :-D (Updated)
Well, as far as Linda's condition, all I can say now is that I've left myself certain provisionary loopholes :-D (I'm literally rewriting the ending at this point, as it felt utterly forced compared to the ending I wanted to write. It's another one of those "Do I write what I feel I should, or do I write what I would want to read?" things. "What I'd want to read" is winning out ;-))
As far as time, it's literally been a week in-story (about ten days, as of chapter 16, I think) since Robin first arrived in Alpine Springs, which was why the concern. :-D
I could artificially speed things up by moving these events to post-camp, but would require some major rewriting to make it work properly. :-D
Edit: ... Wait, I see what you're saying now. Sorry, I was distracted by a big bowl of cereal, in my defense!
That does make sense though. I guess if people hate it I can always just take it down and revise it later ;-)
Sorry If I Wasn't Clear
It does sound like you understand. The pace that things are moving in the story doesn't bother me. My only concern/hope is that you resolve Robin staying in Alpine Springs without killing off Linda. Of course, it's your story, and how you resolve Robin staying is your choice.
I'd much rather you post the story as you've written it now, rather than having to wait for a rewrite. There are too many stories that have never been completed because the author decided a rewrite was needed mid-story.
Not at all!
I was just distracted with food, and learning that we have out-of-state, unannounced visitors coming, so it was definitely a reading comprehension thing on my part. :-D
As far as the rewriting, most of the story will remain intact in either case, with only a few key events (which had their own key events spiraling outward that I wasn't happy with) being changed.
Barring every computer in the house (four of them :-D) spontaneously exploding and taking my backup disks with them, I should easily have everything finished on my original schedule :-D
I Think You Could Write It This Way
I think you could write it this way. I think Dr. Ketz could have her start on blockers to give her a bit of time to make some decisions when some of her other issues settle down. I guess we as readers don't yet know the fate of Robin's mother so that would tend to influence how far she will get with Dr. Ketz as her therapist. If her mother survives, maybe they can move her there with them and if she dies, Robin knows that she will have Margie and her friends there for her.
Blockers are
absolutely in the cards for her. I guess I'll go ahead with what I have, and then proceed from there. It's interesting that in the last revision, some of her fears as to why she wants things to proceed faster came out, at least, so it's not completely out-of-the-blue.
Still some last-minute edits to make to make sure chapter 15 feels cohesive, but I should have it up soon.
Blockers are more believable
With her mother unable to grant permission, there is a huge ethical issue with the doctor doing anything with hormones. I would think you need to work in something with the mother having somehow arranged custody to for Robin's sister, or at least the ability to make medical decisions on Robin's behalf. The laws are a state issue so a little research is called for, especially with the mother in another state.
From what I have read, Robin's step-Sister has already gotten temporary custody authority thru her lawyer. For anything he/she needs! Richard