TopShelf Blogs

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Jacqui - A Maid's Story Is Finally Up


If you read my other Story, An Unfinished Symphony, you know that I blogged while I was posting it. The blog drew different kinds of comments than the story did and allowed me to discuss what was happening in the story without being bound by the narrative.

If you have an questions, let me know!

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You guys are pobably getting tired of this

::::: Doing Happy Dance ::::: (to the tune "Dance of the elephants"

You folks are probably getting tired of me, but I use the blog to remind me I'm working on Transition.

I've now lost 70 (that's SEVENTY!!!) pounds since January first. I've now reached 33% of the weight I HAVE to lose before hormones, before surgery. I just KNEW I was going to not have made it this week. My mom's 75th birthday, (awww I shoulda lost 75) was this weekend, and I had CHOCOLATE cake with frosting on Saturday. I was prepared to not have lost any this week, and I'm down another 5 pounds this week!!!

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66 Comments - "Leadership" by Angel O'Hare

Leadership by Angel O'Hare

Angel's current story "Leadership" has created quite a debate, earning it, at my last look 66 comments. Many of those comments are fairly long including 1 or 2 of mine.

The debate has been lively, with the take on the story ranging widely.

She has also allued to many P.M.s she received regarding this story including 1 or 2 of mine.

In my time reading this site, before I became active and during the year and two months since I have joined, it appears that 66 is the greatest number of comments to a story that I have seen.

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Word 2007 problems

I've just made an interesting discovery about my Word 2007, Windows Explorer, and

I used to be able to easily delete files in Word, and I could easily find the file path. Now, I can't. I also used to be able to locate files very easily in Windows Explorer, and now I notice that there are some files that I can see In "Recent Documents" in Word 2007 that I can not find with Windows Explorer, and that leads me to suspect that they are in actuality "Links" to those files. I have opened a couple of them and watched Word, go to the internet and download those files from

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Posted at Stardust ... Once the Hero 13

I saw that there was no notice about "Once the Hero part 13" being posted at Stardust and just had to mention it. Part thirteen has quite a bit of action going on and was left in a cliffhanger as was the earlier parts. Will the heroes win? Will the bomb destroy everything both above and below ground? Can Capt. Blazzar survive? You will have to read it and then wait for next week for the next exciting chapter of this excellent story.

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Lost in melancholia and reverie.

I've spent the better part of the last two days lost in remembrance of those I loved who are gone. My parents, my best friend ever, Mikey, John Denver, Mary Travers, Mamma Cass, Karen Carpenter, KimEm, and so many others.

Memories. They come as comfort and pain together, wrapped in smiles and tears, heartbreak and wonderment. I've lost or left so many friends, in so many places that I cannot recall some of them. Imagine that. People who I called friends and was called friend by them...and I can't remember their names...or even their faces. Yet I miss them, one and all.

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Nick B's newly revised story listings

Hi folks!

Well, what can I say? The Cliffside Heroine is proving to be a lot more popular than I expected, I'm really over the moon with the response to the first two chapters. The comments have been great--real food for thought for me and believe it or not, I do take heed of what I'm told.

I have to say a big thanks to Puddintaine, who made an excellent start on tidying up the mess that had become my stories, so I've taken a few hours out today to finish the job.

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birthday cards

I was in Target shopping store today looking at birthday cards for my mother's birthday when I saw the perfect one for female transsexuals. It said "When I was growing up I always wanted be like you" and open it up and it says "Happy Birthday mom and I still want to be like you".



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at the dentist's in bra and panties

Well, if that little blerb at the top doesnt get some hits, I dont know what would, giggle. Of course, that wasnt all I was wearing. I had gone to my last session with the community support team and decided that because it was downtown, I wouldnt go totaly enfeme, but could wear my bra and panties and hose under my boy clothes. It was over quick, so I decided to take care of my teeth, which have been aching the last couple of days. I am not sure the dentist noticed, he didnt say anything anyway. Life can be fun, can't it?

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Cov Telegraph: SRS in Cov/Warks cost £250k over 5 years

Yup, it's another "Sex Swap Sensationalism Sells" Strategy (I'm almost surprised they didn't use Sun-style alliteration) - this time in a local paper. (URL trimmed as it was incredibly long)

Couldn't their journalists find better things to do with their time than submit a Freedom of Information request on the costs of SRS? Apparently not... and to think it's the headline article on the paper version.

It doesn't help when the website "designers" think it's a good idea to slap a poll on whether Coventry smells or not (!) in the middle of the article text...

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Snow sculpture deemed too risque...

OK, here's the latest example of "World gone mad"...

Police in the US state of New Jersey have ordered a family to cover up their snow sculpture of the famous nude Venus de Milo after a neighbour complained.

Eliza Gonzalez sculpted the snow-woman with her son and daughter on her front lawn in Rahway following a snowstorm.

Many people praised their creation, but a police officer told them a neighbour had found it too risque, she said.

When given the option of covering the sculpture up or knocking it down, she dressed it in a bikini top and sarong.

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I need help

Okay, I've tried my best but I cant seem to come up with anything for this site mew. So I'm going to ask for help. My biggest problem is I have a hard time making small decisions, like which story to begin, which character's perspective to take this from, at what point in the story do I start, ect ect. I'd preferably like help from someone that either knows horror, likes horror, or is proficient in it. I just want to make this clear I do NOT write sweet and sentimental, my muse refuses to. So do not push me or ask me to do such, believe me, I have tried, and it did not end well.

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I thought I would pass on an update for anybody who is following my progress. I am in counsiling with 2 different groups. One is a support group run by my local hospital, and is very general in nature. It covers my job hunt, my gender struggle, and just how I am doing over all. The other is from the sexual assault center and is mostly focused on my rape, although my gender issues are going to play there too. Both groups have no problem calling me dorothy, and I am going dressed to my next session at the sexual assault center. I am rather looking forward to that.

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'Harry Potter' Star supporting LGBTQ help line

I just came across this article on

'Harry Potter' Star Daniel Radcliffe Is 'Passionate About' The Trevor Project
'Now I am in a position where I can help,' actor says of supporting LGBTQ help line.


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Randalynn's last Stark story Hammer into Anvil **Spoiler warning**

I'm a tad dismayed that it hasn't had more readers. Part 2 especially is some of Randalynn's best writing, and that alone is saying a lot!

You can't tell from the title, but this could just as easily have been called Saving Stark. If you've read any of the Stark tales, this is what they've been leading up to the whole time.

So if you are a fan of Randalynn's, please check these stories out. Part 2 hasn't hit 1000 reads yet and that's almost criminal.



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I'm Gobsmacked!

So I sent this letter off to my parents, not really expecting a reply.

Well, I get up today, ready to go run errands and while I'm throwing a braid in and getting ready for a little bicycling odyssey my mom calls. I was unsure whether to answer. After a moment's hesitation I answered.

You could have knocked me over with a feather. She says "Well, we got your letter."


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Making it legal: Same-sex couples line up to apply for marriage licenses

This was a headline this morning on my computer sign-in-screen! Richard

03-03-2010 04:24 AM PST |By JESSICA GRESKO, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (Associated Press) --
Same-sex couples can start applying for marriage licenses Wednesday in Washington.

Supporters say couples planned to line up before the city's marriage bureau opened at 8:30 a.m., and officials at the courthouse were expecting 200 or more people.

At least 16 couples were waiting at 7:15 a.m. inside the city's Moultrie courthouse, which houses the marriage bureau and is just blocks from the U.S. Capitol.

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Weed killer 'castrates' male frogs, study says

Here's a story on the CNN web site.

"The effects of atrazine in the long term have been shown to demasculinize or chemically castrate [frogs], combined with complete feminization of some animals," said lead researcher Tyrone B. Hayes, a biologist and herpetologist at the University of Berkeley.

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faith, part 2

I promiced I would write a bit more about my faith. I strongly suspect that my grandmother was the one who convinced my mom to send me to christian camp. But whatever the reason, faith became a big componant in my life. I am not sure I could do justice to what it means to me to someone who doesnt believe, but I needed that sense that somehow, in some way, there was plan, and I was included. That Someone beyond myself, greater than myself, was in charge, and He actuallly cared about me. When I found whosoever prays, it was, as it were, an answer to prayer in itself.

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Jillian Marie wrote a very short story called Inventing Me. In my comment I said I had written a poem called The Sum Of All Of Me...actually the name of the poem is I Am The Sum Of All Of Me, and fits right into Jillian's story theme. I wrote this poem in 2006, after a lot of turmoil went through me and finally I couldn't hold these thoughts back anymore. I thought I would share The Sum Of All Of Me with you. I think we can all identify with my chosen words. Thank you, Barbara.

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Well, I would like to take a sec to talk about my faith. I became a Christian at the age of 13, thanks to a Chritian summer camp. That came as a shock to my folks, as my mom was a lapsed Catholic and my stepfather was a atheist. But thanks in part to my brother's support, I made the plunge. Not having a "home church", I went to whatever church I could get to. For the first few years, that was a baptist church, and I was officialy baptised at age 18.

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So I sent a letter to the parental units.....

I just mailed this letter to my parents. I figure it's my birthday, why not?

I don’t know how to say this, so I’ll just get right to it. Mom, Dad, I am a transsexual. I am transitioning from male to female now and should have done so 25 years ago at least. I debated bothering with telling you, I know that I am dead to you per your religion and have been for 23 years. You disapprove of me for simply being gay, so I’m pretty sure you’ll think this is worse. I actually wish I were just gay, it would have made things so much easier.

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I'm Late, I'm Late for a Very Important Date...

“Procrastination is like masturbation, in the end you’re just screwing yourself.”

That anonymous quote sums up the world as we know it. We are a people who love to put off until tomorrow what we could easily do today, because there’s always something.

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Once the Hero Part 12

Oh My! Once the Hero Part 12 is up! For some reason today I had a bear of a time getting it posted. If not for my habit of copy/pasting to a empty doc just in case I would've had to start over several times. I don't normally have a problem but Oh MY Goodness I did today! So I'm not only a bit later than normally but have used up my allocation of curses for the week! The later third is still in some kind of weird format but I'll fix that as soon as I find out how!

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the talk, behind the scenes

Well, since people refuse to write this blog for me, I guess I am stuck doing it, giggle. So I wanted to talk about my little piece "The talk" for a second. This one came to me as a, er, erotic dream. Which is weird for me, because normaly I don't dream of boys. Its got me wondering a bit about dorothy's orientation, giggle. Fortunatly for my readers, I toned it down from R rated to PG. If you havent noticed by now, I am not one for a lot of graphic descriptions in any case. Besides, I think the reader can fill in the blanks just fine, dont you?

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EAFOAB Chapter Summaries - update!

You may recall a few weeks ago, I mentioned a daft weekend project of mine, to slowly produce chapter summaries for a certain story featuring characters with the unlikely names of Cathy Watts, Stella Cameron and Simon Cameron. Not forgetting Tom Agnew, Mima, Trish, Livvie, Danny, Billy, and Julie - together with appearances by Leon and his mum, Pippa and her sons, the lab technicians Neal and Gloria, Simon's father Henry and his other half Monica, several dozen other humans, and a dormouse by the name of Spike.

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Behind the scenes

On most DVDs now, they have some kind of "making of" feature. I wonder, would such a thing about one of my stories be intersting? Well, Let me tell you about the making of "The Saga of E-girl" and you can judge for yourself. When I first began to write seriously, and even put it on a support group site, I did mostly poetry, but also a couple of short stories too. But I was an avid reader here, and the idea of doing a TG story was something I wanted to try.

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Okay. So here's the deal.

After a sleepless night (up at 1AM and couldn't get back to sleep) I was picked up at 6AM for the trip to the VA hospital in Buffalo N.Y. It snowed all the way there, sometimes reducing visibility to less than 100 feet. The roads, even the interstate, were not good at all, and we saw many cars and trucks off the road in the ditches.

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I'm finally back from Buffalo,

but I'm too wiped out to write anything right now. I'll blog tomorrow. For now, let's just say that my worst fears seem unfounded. There IS a problem, but not such a serious, life threatening one.

Thank you all for caring.

Hugs and love,

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Prodigal Sons

I saw this today in the paper... interesting to say the least.
"Prodigal Sons is a remarkable study of family and identity, of what it means to love and be loved, of how much human dignity can be found in surprising places. It is made with elegance and passion and a searing honesty that can very nearly break one's heart."

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opening up the floor for questions

Looking at this blog, I realize I have only scimmed the surface, hitting the highlights. But I am not sure where to go from here, so I am leaving what to fill in with you readers. What's missing? What are you curious about? I of course will include any breaking news as it happens, but I hope I can satisfy any questions you folks might have.

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Got cut!

Hey everyone! Well I have some not so good news. Heroes of Justice did not make it to the second round of Create Space and Amazon's Breakthrough Contest. In any case I gave it my best shot and I want to thank everyone who helped me put together my pitch.
I don't know if anyone else from here tried or not, but if you did, you have my support!

Thanks everyone!


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going deep

By the time I was writing "The saga of E-girl", I was desperate to figure out exactly who and what I was. I realized I had to face fully the demons inside me. That would have been all but impossible, except I was getting support from others. I finaly plucked up my courage and published it here, and was overwhelmed by the positive responce. Thanks to that support I have made a commitment to getting whole. I have finally admited to myself what I want - I want to be female. I am in counsiling through my local hospital, and am seeing a rape counsilor as well.

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putting together the pieces

Well, after my marriage imploded, I was ready to try and find out why I behaved like I did. My first stop in this journey was a christian counsiling center. They promiced a "cure" for gays and Tg, and I was desperate. The consilor was into Jung and dream interpertation, and encouraged me to write everything down. So not long after I started, I had a flashback and grabed a pen and paper and started to write. I had no idea what I was writing until I finished and read it. It was a graphic description of one of my assaults. I started to feel ill.

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My apologies to everyone, for being a bitch, and

for having been, over the last few weeks, ungrateful, forgetful, and just generally, a bitch. I can only plead a plate seemingly overfull of everything from my own health, personal problems, other's troubles, and many other things.

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gender confusion

Maybe I was doomed to be confused about my gender anyway. Or maybe the trauma I had suffered created it. The fact is, I don't know which. I managed to bury the abuse so well, I effectively forgot, except in my nightmares. But by the time I started noticing that the girls were developing, I knew I was different from other kids. I felt totally disconnected from the boys and felt empathy for the girls. I started cross dressing whenever I could. I developed all sorts of rituals to force a gender change. But somehow I kept this hidden for everyone around me.

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end to innocence

My father was in the service, which meant I spent the first 5 years of my life moving from place to place. Its a pity I wasn't a little older, or I might have appreciated that opportunity more. To walk inside the castles of Germany, to see Paris from the Eiffel tower, to hear the chimes of Big Ben, these were some of the experiences I took for granted. Unfortunately, it couldn't last. My father, suffering from severe depression, committed suicide when I was 5. We had to return to Canada and buried him. Then things got worse.

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Transgender children documentary

Found during a link crawl from the "Princess" comic strip (see GeekGirl's earlier blog - here's a handy link), an article covering a (recent?) episode of "The Dr. Oz Show" - a US health issues / investigations show presented by Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD.

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Grief was a resident in my family from before I was born. Both my brother and I were in our own ways haunted by at least 1 ghost even on the day of our respective births. For my brother, that ghost was my mother's first-born, who had died 2 days after being born. So that when my brother came into the world, he was given the mantle as the heir to every dream and hope my parents had had for his older brother. My ghost was slightly different. While I was in my mother's womb she dreamed of a little girl. She was so convinced this dream was real that she had a female name ready - Colleen.

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The current State of play

I've noticed a curious phenomenon recently, and I've only just realised what's going on. Every day, like the sad individual I am, the first thing I do when I log on is to hit 'My Stories'. This way I can find out if anyone's still bothering to read the old stuff, or even leave a comment, or if some other sad person is deluded enough to give my ramblings a vote.

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an introduction to dorothy

I would like to take a moment to step out from behind the stories and introduce myself. I am the product of a madcap gypsy childhood, puncuated by madness, death, rape, abuse, and then a long slow attempt to bring the pieces back togethr again. I am a work in progress in many directions. Do you want to get to know me? Be careful what you wish for. The one thing I am demanding of myself is honesty. If you stick around, you will get the truth, to the best of my ability to tell it. That picture may not always be pretty.

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Speaking of Cats or I haven't posted anything useless in a while

Katy aka Katybug in the picture below used to have all black whiskers. It wasn't until a couple of years ago she started getting any of the white ones. She's going to be 11 on March 8th :)


Brittany on the other hand, who lived to be almost 19 last year kept all black whiskers


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Apparently some of you have the wrong idea,

so let me set the record straight. Tina and I ONLY have a platonic relationship. That all it has ever been, that's all it will ever be, and I am FINE with that. It's being completely alone in the house that has me spooked. As for a pet...NO freaking way. Been there, been tied down by it, Won't do it again.

I hope this clears things up from my last blog.


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I am finally going to be moving ! yay!

After a year of being totally stifled, and unable to begin my transition, I am finally about to start, come March 11 or this year. I am moving with my dad and grandparents, after his telling them about my predictament etc. So I will be busy for the next little while, though I do hope to post 'The mother in me' soon, though a date is yet established or determined yet. Hope you all good wishes

With love and light and smiles so bright

Erin Amelia Fletcher

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Once the Hero Part 11

Hey it's Sunday and that means the next Part of Once the Hero is up at StarDust! I never really intended to name these 'parts' since the only reason I split them up was for convenience in size for posting. However certain events do happen in each of them so this weeks Part 11 I've named Loose Cannons. You see Maggie did an Oops. :)

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If you believe in yourself then you will have confidence,
If you have confidence then you can do anything.
If you believe in yourself then you will be strong,
If you are strong then you can beat anything.
If you believe in yourself then you are beautiful,
If you are beautiful then you can achieve.
If you believe you are all of this then people will believe in you,
If people believe in you then you can become anything.
Believe in yourself as god and I believe in you!

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The Guardian - 10 rules for writing fiction

They asked several top writers for their ten rules of writing fiction, people like Margaret Attwood and Zadie Smith. Some are quite funny. It's a big article which they've broken down into two parts. I hope the links work.

And the second:


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Sex hormone progesterone to get head injury trial

News story on the BBC web site:

Previous studies have shown that progesterone supports the normal development of neurons in the brain, and that the hormone has a protective effect on damaged brain tissue.

If it supports the development of neurons in the brain it might explain quite a few things.

I wonder if they will be looking for any "unusual" side effects? Perhaps a change in clothing tastes?

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A positive Article


I read this article in today’s Daily Mail. Whilst this is a positive story, some of the comments on the web site leave me fuming. See the article for yourself:

I wish the family all the love and strength they need over the next few years.

Love to all

Anne G.

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Waxing Metaphorical

I have a friend who is an English teacher, and she gets these little gems from time to time. This one is from a few years back but I recently found it and thought I post it here for giggles. This is a collection of analogies and metaphors submitted by high school English teachers from around the US and taken from essays turned in by actual students.

1. Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master.

2. His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free.

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Thank You Dear Readers

Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting on Cynthia and the High School Years - Part 1. When I conceived this little series of stories I knew I was going to take it to where the story is at the moment. The early emphasis of the story was on the male to female transformations; however, I knew that one of the most important events would be a female to male transformation. A major thought was that it was the person inside, not necessarily their physical being, that mattered. I also knew that there are many of you who sympathize with the FTM or are perhaps one.

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Plagiarism claim against JK Rowling

Well we had one against Dan Brown a few years ago, now JK Rowling and her Harry Potter empire are under attack.

I suspect an example of money hungry lawyers exploiting the legal sytem - in this case the Statute of Limitation.

As far as I can tell, no one has yet linked Bike to a previously undiscovered copy of 'Velocipedes - a guide for the etiquette for young ladies using said form of transport,' (or How to ride without showing one's bloomers)by Jane Austen's second cousin three times removed (once forcibly), Lancie Headstrong.

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PCC & CPS clear Daily Mail over Gately article

Remember a few months ago when Jan Moir wrote an "extremely distasteful" article in the Daily Mail about Stephen Gately's death - and the furious backlash that resulted?

Well, it's been investigated by the Press Complaints Commission (who received 25,000 complaints) and the Crown Prosecution Service (2 complaints), and both have cleared the paper of any wrongdoing.

The watchdog's head said aspects of the piece were "extremely distasteful".

But the PCC said it was an essential point of principle that papers could print views which might offend readers.

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The last few weeks have been very difficult for me.

I have, no doubt, alienated some friends, and have been generally hard to get along with. I know that my health issues are certainly a big part of this. Not knowing exactly what's going on with my health is preying on my mind. Additionally, there is some pain associated with what's going on, and that makes me irritable as well.

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What does this mean?

Since there seem to be quite a few people from the UK on this site, I could use a bit of help in understanding a verse in an otherwise wonderful recitation on the 7 Deadly sins I found:

I got myself worked up with WRATH, aggressive and demanding.
I took a jumper back to Marks, they were quite understanding

My US trained mind is completely mystified.


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Hiplets(?) now on sale

I see that Femskin are now selling a Padded Girdle which appears virtually identical to the fictional Hiplet used in many of my stories. Only Sensotouch is missing. At around US$1000, it's not cheap, but then, neither are my Hiplets.

Does anyone have experience with Femskin products? They do appear fantastic, but they're certainly not cheap and I've not heard reviews from more than an occasional user (who could be a company plant!). For such expensive products, I'd expect the website to impress, but it doesn't make me feel over confident that the end products will match their billing.

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I'd like to thank PS, in New Zealand for taking over the Bike Archive

For quite a while, Real Life, in the form of time spent looking for work, and a few other things, got in the way of archiving EAFOAB.

I'm no longer looking for work, but the new job came with a relatively long commute, so my time is still at a premium. I would like to spend it on other stuff, and limit my time at BCTS to reading and editing.

PS, in New Zealand has been, with my thanks, collecting everything from 650 on, in the usual 50 chapter blocks.

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Yet another new career...

Pop quiz: Who has had 125 different occupations over the past 60 years, and has now decided to move into IT?

Here's a visual clue

And here's the answer:

She certainly has an "interesting" taste in workday fashion - black leggings, bright patterned tunic top, and a white sleeveless jacket - coupled with specs, Bluetooth headset and suspiciously perfect hairstyle...

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