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New research: Blondes more aggressive than darker haired women

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Women with fair hair are more aggressive and determined to get their own way than brunettes or redheads, according to a study by the University of California.

Researchers claim that blondes are more likely to display a “warlike” streak because they attract more attention than other women and are used to getting their own way – the so-called “princess effect”.

Even those who dye their hair blonde quickly take on these attributes, experts found.

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back with a vengence

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well its nearly a year since i used my blog and one of my new years resolutions is to keep it going this time round lol.

to those that know me knopws who i am and what i write.

well i am keeping my fingers crossed that my transition is being completed this year and we will have to see.

to those watching my stories Heaven can wait part four is in the works and the mystery of the hall will continue also and a late christmas story is flowing out of the keyboard.

to my extended family i am back twice as strong and twice the little

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An "Agony Column" Letter From Gender-Queer Man

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Thought I'd post a link to this here, as it relates to the emotional and practical issues many of us have to deal with at one time or another.

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Finally..... the next chapter of IT's WHAT I WANT by Tanya Allan

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Hi everyone.
I know, it's been too long. Anyway, it's here now, and you will see the problem that I faced. Donna's story had sort of reached the end, but as I was enjoying the characters and there were unanswered questions, I've done something crafty....

.....what is it?

You will have to read it to find out.

Oh, and I've started the next chapter already.

I have posted it to my own site first, but I am sure it will be here within a week or so.
Find it at :

I hope you enjoy it.


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Sarah Palin

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Am I missing something?

There is no "Comment" bar at the end of "Sarah Palin" (on my screen anyway).

Is this an error or a pre-emptive measure to prevent a flame war?

I just wanted to say that the story explains everything, but how does she spell "potatoe"?


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Censorship Again Rears It's Head

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I guess my comment about Eve was removed. I was just expressing an opinion that was not meant to to be offensive. I was just frustrated about being teased so much about the story. Just when you think the answers would finally come. It just got frustrating. If I offended, I'm sorry. As an author, I believe in getting to a point in a story and not dragging something out too long. I have seen too many Soap Operas milk a plot line too long sometimes and it gets to be frustrating after a while. I never wanted to hurt anyone's feelings. I just love the story a lot. I was just being sarcastic!

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OTH Part 6!

Hey everyone. The next chapter of Once the Hero is up at StarDust. I was running a little late today but it's up now. I've finally nailed down the last parts so we'll looking at 14 total parts/posts. The divisions were made solely on the need to keep them down to about 10 to 12k each. I did try to find reasonable good places for the splits but some of them are unbalanced, a little lacking in action. Trust me as we countdown to the end action will not be missing!

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Alright, since I made too many mistakes in my Tail of Two Bloods story, I'm going to revise it to make the chapters longer, and more understanding. I didn't get too many suggestions, or any...really...for my story so I'm going in blind for a second try. ^^; Wish me luck BCTS.

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A bit of advice for authors

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Go through your story list, and make sure all of your one-shot, solo stories are marked as such!

When the update that allowed stories to be set as either series or solo was put on the site, the default setting is series. If you want your solo stories to be able to be grabbed by the "Five Random 5olos" feature (which is pretty awesome), then go through all your solo stories real quickly and make certain that that ARE marked as solos!

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new Gaby forum now live!

Hi there folks

After yesterdays miserable posts here's some better news, a brand new Forum for the discussion of all stuff Gaby and my other scribbles.

So if you have anything to share with other Gabfen pop along to

Hopefully we'll see some return to the bouyant exchanges that took place on the original Maddy Bell forum - was that really seven years ago?

Anyway, enjoy


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Gender Testing Hangs Before the Games as a Muddled and Vexing Mess

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Today's New York Times published this article on gender testing in sports. I think the paper has had generally good treatment of the issue.


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"Customers who bought this item also bought..."

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Doing the rounds (and even got a mention on The News Quiz)...

Look at this item on Amazon:

Now look at "Customers who bought this item also bought..."

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A curse broken

I have a curse.
How do I heal my brokenheart?
I can love yet I can not be loved.
I search for it the world over,
Yet it can not find me I am unloved!
My heart breaks with every step!
When I think I found it my heart breaks again.
I scream out in pain while noone can hear my agony.
When I am on the threshold of giving up,
You appear before me out of the blue,
I made you cry and you made me feel loved.
The curse is broken! I thank you as I weep tears of joy.

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To find love

What is it like to go around loving everyone you meet?
You know what its like to feel love for others,
But you never feel like someone loves you back.
Its soul wrenching to watch yourself,
Greet person after person who can not understand.
You can not stop tho because you have to find the one.

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Readers of Once The Hero

Hi everyone! I have a question and am looking for advice. At this point in the story, most of what I presented in the 'Bikipedia' exposition has already been covered in the story. I always knew that big whopping piece of information was clumsy but I felt the need to lay down the background so I could get into the meat of the tale.

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Thank you, Erin!

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I'm not sure whose idea the "random solos" was or who implemented it, but I imagine if it wasn't you, then you at least had a big hand in it.

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading stories I haven't seen for a long time, and I know it's the only explanation why my own meager three stories keep accumulating a few hits per week.

No one could convince me that I'm on any par with the best story writers here, but I did post them hoping that others might enjoy or otherwise find something of value in them. Evidently others are still at least opening the links.

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Gaby's Manx Tale

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Appears to have become the most viewed story on this site, according to Popular Content, with well over 32,000 hits.

I know Karen J joked about having hit on it 28,000 times on a slow night, but as long as she read it each time - it's one of my better efforts - I don't mind.


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Stunning sand art from the Ukraine

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A friend sent me an email which says:

You don’t dare miss this amazing Video Clip . . . but, first, read this properly, all the way through…

This video shows the winner of "Ukraine’s Got Talent," Kseniya Simonova, 24, drawing a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table showing how ordinary people were affected by the German invasion during World War II. Her talent, which admittedly is a strange one, is mesmeric to watch.

The images, projected onto a large screen, moved many in the audience to tears, and she won the top prize of about  £75,000.

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help Help HELP Editor Needed

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Good Evening ALL,

I am in need of an editor or two. I have two stories actively being worked on, one a Serial Comdex...(eight chapters, 3-5 more) and the other a much shorter story, "Between Christmas and Hell."

What I'm looking for in an editor:
1) Someone who will smack my nose with a newspaper and say no no no! Bad Writer
In other words someone who isn't afraid to make suggestions or tell me I'm wrong!
And then won't get bent out of shape if I don't always take their suggestions.

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YAY I'm getting my testicles chopped off ;3

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Great news gals and guys I'm going in for a orchiectomy on the 20th thanks to a very special friend of mine mew. So YAY my testicles are getting chopped off!!!! Ever since I learned I may never be able to get SRS thanks to my marfan syndrome, I've been kinda down, but this really made my day mew. I'll be going in on the 20th, and I'll be back who knows when. Everyone have a great day meow *huggles* ;3

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Sanity check here?

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I've been out on disaster relief twice before; to Honduras after Hurricane Mitch. Of course that was 12 years ago, and I've had a broken back since. Still, I get around OK, and I'm only 63. I't thinkin I'd leave the Hijab and skirts at home. I am still a very good electrician and for me it comes down to my personal freedoms as opposed to a clear need. I'm thinking I'll make a couple calls tomorrow to see what develops. It would be a financial stretch for me, but I just feel driven.


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52 weeks 3 hours

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Today I have been a member of this wonderful site for, as the clock in "My Accout" shows 52 weeks and 3 hours.

It has been great fun and I have met a lot of wonderful people here, and read lots of great well written and interesting stories. Thanks to Erin and the others who run this site. I also took the plunge and sent in a small donation in celebration of my anniversary.


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I am going to be AFK for awhile due to a death.

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My best friend Tina's, Granddaughter died suddenly, at the age of three months. I don't know how long the process and everything is going to take, but my place is with her right now. Forgive me, and please say a prayer for little Tehya (Tay-uh)


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A Great Lady

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I just read an obituary for a 100 year old Dutch lady named Miep Gies. She and her husband were the couple who sheltered the family of Anne Frank and another Jewish family in Rotterdam when it was occupied by the Germans in WW2.

She had been an employee of the Franks and gave them sanctuary (along with a few other employees) when the Gestapo were "cleansing" Holland of Jews and it was she who preserved the famous "Diary of Anne Frank" and returned it to her family after the end of the war.

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Problems accessing BCTS

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Since I've gotten a new computer, I've had problems accessing BC with both Firefox and Explorer (up to date versions).

The only thing that has changed is that I'm running Windows 7 now instead of XP. All other sites I try to access work normally.

The error messages I receive are either "Problem accessing page cannot connect to server" or "DNS Lookup Error" once I refresh about a dozen times I get through, but it's getting old real quick. Anyone else having a problem or know of a solution?

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A simple question?

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Spawned by this image, spotted on Twitpic:

Sex: Male or Female?

It sounds an easy question, but the UK's Identity and Passport Service evidently recognise some people may have problems with it.

They provide context-sensitive help for their online passport renewal form, and the help for the gender question reads thus:

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I still need authors for my universe.

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I posted this in February of 2009. Since then, only one writer has taken up the challenge. In a thoughtful, emotionally charged short piece, Grover wrote exactly what I was looking for. A beautifully written story that embodied my hopes for this universe.

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The Case Of The Haunted Scrotum

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Okay, here's an odd thing. I found a reference to this in Andrew Sullivan's blog today, but his link didn't work. I poked around a bit and found the original article referenced. It's a .pdf of a scanned page from a medical journal, a bit over 250K, including what appears to be a scary picture of an illusory face inside a scrotum. (At least this is the first illusory face I've seen in a while that wasn't claimed to be Jesus!)

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Well, A Splintered LIfe is finished. I am really happy by the way people reacted to the story. That has been a nice surprise. I was worried about that, because the story is different from most of my other stuff except Bound and La Faccia del Maestro. The fact that the first chapter has 96 votes at this point is pretty cool.

So, thank you all for reading it and FYI... you will probably all be amused by my next story, which I am hoping to counterbalance A Splintered Life. We'll see just how successful I am.

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Dream Ambition with a touch of Reality

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As a CD, my dream ambition would be to totally pass as a woman - not just on a casual encounter, but in a work or social situation on a day to day basis. I'm realistic enough to realise that this is unlikely to happen unless some of the devices I read about on this site really become available.

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TG=More Readers?

The newspaper headline:

Sex-change officer recovering after being hurt at checkpoint

Sometimes, I wish the media would just report the news, and not try to sensationalise it. The officer was just doing her job, and her gender status had nothing to do with the incident, afaik.
[Click the headline to read the story.]

This story should have been reported as: “Police officer hurt at checkpoint.”

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Not just a commentor any more

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Hi everybody. I have been reading BigCloset TopShelf for awhile, and occasionally commenting on some of the stories for a shorter while. So I decided to tell anybody that is interested about this silly person that is me.

First, to avoid just repeating stuff that I have written elsewhere, here is the link to a tiny website that I set up back in 2003 through my ISP:

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I See You

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"I See You" is one of the lines in James Cameron's movie Avatar. While it doesn't have any TG in it, there are transformations both physical and spiritual. Gwen's recent admission that she'd seen the movie 3 times in 3D no less has made me admit that I've seen it twice, once in Imax 3D and once in only 3D. It is one heck of a visual treat, but for a story that many seem to put down for being simple and had already been done, it has made me cry. Twice. I knew that scene was coming but I still was reaching for those napkins I kept handy just in case.

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Adventuresome Adventures on the Epic Quest of Epicness with Edeyn & Heather

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Now, how do we want to do this? What font do you wanna be?

Um... pick one?

Okay, you get to be Georgia Italic and I will be Comic Sans.

... sure.

Now, what do we want to say?

Well, you started the Epic Quest of Epicness by leaving here, so...

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Those nice Islamic people...

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It seems that forced marriage is becoming an increasing issue for gay Muslims. An interesting report from the Beeb.

Whereas the Guardian reported on legalisation of gay marriage in Portugal, despite it being a Roman Catholic country.

An in China, of all places, a gay pageant.

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My chilling experience.

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Ok, for a while now, I have been feeling very unsettled. I've had thoughts of doing everything from moving to New Zealand to reverting back to Male. It has all felt really weird.

So, over Christmas, in spite of the fact that I'm Muslim, I put Handel's "Messiah" in my sterio and played it a couple times. I just love it. Well, three times since then, the sterio has started playing it all by its self. Once I came home to find it playing. The remote is infrared, so I did not think anything like a cell phone or play station could cause it, but I didn't worry about it too much.

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Healing a Princess news

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First off, Chapter 31 is nearly complete and will be posted as soon as I finish and edit it.

Second. After storyboarding the next chapter and some intense brainstorming (yes it hurt), the story may be heading in a 'slightly' different direciton. (insert evil laugh here)

Now back to your show.


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How to count...

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How to count...

by Puddin'

As a writer, you're meant to put words on blank paper. Accountants, on the other hand, are paid to put arabic numbers on paper with lines on it, which makes all the difference. Arabic numbers are not words, they're symbols, which don't actually translate all that well into real words. There are a whole set of rules that are absolutely mandatory when writers write using numbers, mostly to avoid confusion, but also to avoid looking like a rank amateur. The two instantly diagnostic symptoms of amateur writing are bad spelling, and the inappropriate use of arabic numerals.

The first thing a writer has to know about arabic numbers is that they're not precise, even though they look like they ought to be, and it's usually important for a writer to get the words right all the time. If you write: "Sam said, ‘It's 7:00,’" what the heck did Sam actually say? "Seven?" "Seven o'clock?" "Sevenish?" "Seven on the dot?" "Seven exactly?" "Seven AM?" "Seven PM?"" "Seven in the early evening?" "Seven in the morning?" "Oh seven hundred military time?" Those bare arabic symbols say nothing at all beyond what an accountant might dream of, and leaving important details as an exercise for the reader is rarely a good idea.

Every professional writing venue has what's called a "style guide" which details many of the rules associated with putting words on paper for that particular venue. Newspapers have style guides, as do magazines, as do book publishers, as do many web sites. This article addresses only the use of numbers, and offers explanations, which is rather more than most style guides do, since the typical response to submissions which don't follow the rules is to toss them into the trash.

Number Styles

Rule One — Spell out every isolated single-digit whole number. Arabic numerals should be used for large numbers, exact times, exact amounts, and certain other specific situations, but the exact point at which numbers become “large” varies. Some venues treat ten as a large number, but see rule two.

Correct Examples: The two of us went to town. I have 10,763 unique clips in my paperclip collection.

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Hey fellow Browncoats, I was flipping channels, bored, and found Serenity on SyFy. Wash just bought it. Now I can't wait for Randa to get out the next chapter of her fanfic. Hurry, please.

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looking for a story

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i am looking for a story where a man dresses up as awomen and falls for the mothere of a son who likes to dress up and once they meet she asks him to help her out and drive a coach bus for a church group i cant remember the title and would like to read it again hoping some one might be abl;e to help me out here?
thanks and hugs from sarav

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Overdue, but two new chapters added to my site

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Check out a new chapter at the end of CHANGED FORTUNE
and another chapter to A GIRL CAN BUT DREAM.
I have a few more chapters to go up soon, but this will do for the moment. Incidentally, I will be asking Seph to post some of these on this site as from this week.


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Next mile stone completed

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Hi all,

Just wanted to update my internet family (that is you all in case you are not paying attention) on my transition. I have just completed my second to last milestone (or back out option) and got my breasts augmented. As is typical for transgendered, I did not have lots of room so was only able to implant (boy do I love that word ... IMPLANT) 401cc's. Basically, I am now a full 38b and love it. The operation happened on Friday, and other than minor pain, I am able to enjoy the results of my doctor's handy work.

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I edited and proofread the recent story I posted and I'm hope someone can tell me if it is any better now

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Yes I'm asking for more comments. I went though the entire story line per line of Allens Discovery chapter 2 and did alot of changes, edits and corrections to make it easier to read. There were alot of errors and sentences that just didn't make since when I went over it again.

I am wondering if it is better now.

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Part 5!

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Hi everyone! Part 5 of Once the Hero is up at StarDust. As you know I put up Part 4 here at BCTS yesterday because of time constraints today. I may have to do that again due to my schedule meaning one or both updates may be on Saturday instead of Sunday. I honestly don't see how Ang and the other serial posters manage it! :)

Stay tuned to this Rocket Channel for more exciting information!



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The Girl in Me, Be posting again soon

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For all that have been waiting patiently, for the editing etc, unfortunitewly i had/am having computer issues so instead of pure reposting i'll be editing them by the instalements already here at BC-topshelf. The next instalments may be posted before I edit the rest. I had seceral more instalments, well about 2 or 3 idf i remember correctly, but a virus or something in my computer has totally swiped my writings all of them. So once again, the lepricauns arent all that in my favour lol.

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Tanya Allan- Is she OK?

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I am a HUGE fan of Tanya Allan. She had some health issues a couple of months ago and I was under the impression that she was on the mend. That being said, she has not posted on this site or her own in almost two months. Is she OK? Does anyone have any info? I wish her well and hope to see more of her work soon. I REALLY miss it, it's wonderful writing.

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Does the female G-spot exist?

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The latest research suggests it may all be a myth, or even Skene's gland aka the female prostate - which in itself isn't always recognised or even found in all women apparently.

For those who wish to read more:


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I notice that for the past couple of days a copyright notice has appeared on my stories, and many of the others posted recently.

As it obviously takes time to do, there has to be a good reason why it's being done. Are we being plagiarised and sold for huge sums of cash - or in my case used Mars bar wrappers?

I'm not complaining - never managed to find the key for an umlaut let alone a copyright symbol, and I am happy to admit ownership of my witterings, so just curious, like Alice.

Angharad chwilfrydig.

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Do the ends justify the means?

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I have a story published on Stardust called The Chosen.

When I wrote it, I envisioned a time in the not too far distant future, when the world was facing a crisis.

The story is about a world where girls are no longer being born. The consequence of this was, eventually we as a species would die out.

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Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome

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Here is the Wikipedia condensed version of what AIS, PAIS, and CAIS are, and depending on what authority you read or which case studies, AIS sufferers are scientifically classed as female because of the amount of estrogens in their bodies, regardless of the XY chromosomes or male testicles. The testes produce way too much testosterone in AIS sufferers that by some quirk of fate, it turns into estrogen. You are free to draw your own conclusions.

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So, any geeks out there?

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So, anyone have a favorite backup/recovery plan? I just lost 2 terrabyte drives and they took the other 2 with them (all satas). For some reason, the usb drives went out as well and took the drivers for the 2 other tb drives with them. I know the 2 drives still have their data intact (used a sata to usb adapter on my XP and linux boxes, but the 2 that started the mess are not spining up. Any suggections other than a total rebuild?

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Sammy J's "Is It Me"

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Erin shut off the comments on Samantha Jay's blog and I don't want to discuss Forced Fem -- so I'll take the discussion on a different path.

When a person decides to write and post a story they create an implied contract with the reader. That much I think we can agree upon. It is at that point that we, the authors of BC, hold vastly different opinions.

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New Susan Brown story on Stardust

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Just to let you know that I have posted a new story called The Chosen on Stardust. I will be posting it here, if I get a positive response about a week later.

Any new chapters will be published the same way.

So if you have few minutes to spare, pop across and have a look!


If anyone knows how to make the story look nicer, especially on the Stardust front page, I would be grateful for any help. It's not as easy as BCTS!

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Question about my story

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I got a question for all you at big closet who have been keeping up with my story. Is it going in a good direction? This is the first time I've shared a story with anyone. So I want to know where I could improve, and what's capturing your attention. I really want my story to grow. and as selfish as it may seem, I want it to be popular. I want my writing to grow into it's own world.

Kitten ^^

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A story idea in there somewhere....

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I was reading a news article online, and thought there was a story idea in there

My thoughts are about a hotel security manager watching patrons attending a conference, where one 'lady' attracts his interest. Not sure where it goes from there, but its a start...

I really laughed at the last paragraph or so, with the sex toys and a nuns habit...

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Yesterday I was reading a story from the Random 5olos list and had to leave before I was finished. My brain has vapor locked and I cannot remember the story title nor the author. It was about a 13 year old withdrawn boy who goes to stay with his aunt in California and reveals to her that he is a girl inside. If anyone can help I would be thankful.

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Amused Heather is Amused

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So, the story I was worried about posting has become my highest rated story along with the most comments with one post at 30 and another at 32. This is the most I have gotten for anything. Kind of crazy.

Also, as an FYI, there is one more dark chapter than the last two chapters end it. I have finished editing them but there might be some posting issues as I am going on an Epic Quest of Epicness with Edeyn this weekend. So... I may have to prep everything to make the uploading easier if I have someone else do it.

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All of us have our calling. For a while, I thought my calling was to be a monk. That passed.

Currently I feel my calling is to express a qualified opinion regarding hits, votes, and comments at least once a month.

There appears to be a number of people who think the number of votes a story or part of a story receives has a correlation with the quality of the writing. In my experience this just isn't remotely so.

In order for the law of large numbers to come into play -- which makes statistics creditable - there obviously has to be LARGE numbers.

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I don't get it?

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I've followed the complains of some of the authors on this site as to the loss of readers as a series progresses. I've also had that happen too, but I wonder why one chapter in the middle of a series gains 1300 reads? All of the chapters of Show Me The Money have been averaging around thirty two hundred reads and for some reason chapter twenty-three has almost forty-six hundred, and then the reads go back down to thirty -two hundred again. Sorry, but I don't get why that one chapter gets that many reads than the others? Arecee

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Bike 864

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The next part 864 of Bike has been written, I very nearly posted it tonight, but then thought you'll get too fat if I feed you too much.

I must confess that the character of Julie came out of the blue as I started to write, and I had difficulty stopping when I did. However, the plotline seemed so magnetic that I had to write some more - I know, saddo or what? So tomorrow's episode is about twice as long as usual, over 2200 words.

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Small Changes!

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Hey again everyone!
First things first! Part 4 of Once the Hero is up at StarDust!

Now the rest of the story. HER and Kimmie has both PMed me about grammar errors within the story. Being the wonderful people they are they volunteered to help proof and fix those. What this means is there are going to be small differences between what is posted at BC and StarDust until I can get around to getting everything caught up.

Both HER and Kimmie has my deepest thanks for their work.

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Well, I've done it.

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I've passed the point of no return. I told hubby tonight what I have been doing for the past 2 months, to wit, HRT

Self prescribed and incredibly irresponsible, yes. Preferable to the alternative (which I almost did) of suicide?

You bet!

Will hubby throw me away? I dunno. I hope not. I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

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Adam's own

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I will go with Adam's own for the moment. I may change some more of it to make it 'flow' better, for me that is :). On the other hand, one becomes kind of blind writing, and .. So if you see what you think is a blatant mistake, write me and say so.

Anyway, if you don't mind I will stay with that one and Jellyfish for the moment. I need to finish both, as well as some others. So if I do write something new it will probably be 'short stories. What do you think of Jellyfish btw, Is it boring? interesting, or just plain rubbish?

Gotta admit that to me it's kind of interesting :)

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Looking for a story

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I've been searching for a story nad have not had much luck. I don't remember the title or character names. THe gist of the story is that a young man in his teens or early 20's was magically put into the body of a girl the same age. His body dies and he has to live her life. He now she has a boyfriend/fiance who in his previous life as msle was his best friend. Evnetually they get married and she realizes she is truly in love with him and he figures out who she was and all that.

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Moralizing in comments

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There's been a rash lately of people moralizing about other people's stories. If a story offends you morally, you're probably not the target audience. It's probably a fantasy story based on a concept that makes no sense to you. Getting on a moral high horse about it makes you look prejudiced and clueless. Better to just say the story did not appeal to you if you comment at all.

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A Brief Thank You....

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I wanted to thank Erin and everyone who works to keep this site running for the new Random 5olos feature. Like several of us, I arrived here this year, well after this site was established and offering such great fiction. I felt a little overwhelmed at trying to catch up, given all the great writers who were here, some already with huge volumes of stories.

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Trying to make 'Adam's own' readable?

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I've tried to fix on 'Adams Own' a little, don't know if it's noticeable though :)
Up to half chapter 3-10. I don't like that it's so phreaking big, half would be enough especially when, ah, 'editing'..

Hope you had a nice start on the new year. The sad thing is that we all lost something in the exchange, namely the old one :)

Never mind, it will all become clear as I look back at this one too.
Well, hopefully so.
Take care now.


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