I'm a tad dismayed that it hasn't had more readers. Part 2 especially is some of Randalynn's best writing, and that alone is saying a lot!
You can't tell from the title, but this could just as easily have been called Saving Stark. If you've read any of the Stark tales, this is what they've been leading up to the whole time.
So if you are a fan of Randalynn's, please check these stories out. Part 2 hasn't hit 1000 reads yet and that's almost criminal.
*The previous comment was an unpaid solicitation on behalf of the authoress Randalynn. She in no way is responsible for my blatant appeal on her behalf. Complaints should be directed to Angel O'Hare c/o this station.
Reader's choice
Angel, it may just be that after reading Part one a lot of us didn't feel like going on to Part 2. Public appeals like this can be very embarassessing to the author if they don't result in a big increase in votes and comments. Readers choose what they want to read, vote, and comment on.
They know they can survive
The Angel disclaimer was a joke
If you didn't want to read part 2, my little post here isn't going to force you to read it. If Randalynn has a problem with this blog, she can let me or the Admins know. It certainly not hurting her to compliment her writing I wouldn't think.
I'm fine with compliments *grin*
And i don't mind the blog entry at all. *hugs* Thank you for liking the story so much, Frank
Withheld, the second part provides some closure to the first, so even though things look bleak, I'd never leave a character in a bad way for long. If you just didn't like it? Well, that's your prerogative, but I think it's pretty darn good writing -- and I'm my harshest critic; *grin*
OK Frank, LOL... What the hell does this mean?
I quote your ending to you latest blog entry!
"*The previous comment was an unpaid solicitation on behalf of the authoress Randalynn. She in no way is responsible for my blatant appeal on her behalf. Complaints should be directed to Angel O'Hare c/o this station."
Why have them complain to me? LOL... I haven't even read the story yet, no matter left a comment for it.
Huggles Frank
I am a fan of Randalynn's writing. We have had some really heavy disagreements in the past on morals and morality. Her writing still remains some of the best and I do enjoy reading her works.
Hugs to you Randalynn
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
I like keeping your name around
Plus have to come out of your cave to yell at me :)
Pretty Kittie Frank, look just like my kittie...
Thanks for keeping my name in print! LOL...
I have just posted another story so my name will be on the front page for a few hours anyway...giggle, giggle....
Huggles dear friend
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"
"Be Your-Self, So Easy to Say, So Hard to Live!"