for having been, over the last few weeks, ungrateful, forgetful, and just generally, a bitch. I can only plead a plate seemingly overfull of everything from my own health, personal problems, other's troubles, and many other things.
I've ignored those of you who, so kindly and with love, offered me consolations, advice, commiseration and, in short, everything you had to offer me. I've not thanked any of you, instead I've wallowed in my own self pity and depression. In my own personal pity party, I even alienated someone who I love with all my heart, and cut off all communication with her. I am, quite simply, a fool.
So... let me redress my shortcomings and rudeness by saying: THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, for caring, for putting aside your own troubles to help an ungrateful sister. Some of you have even begged my forgiveness, believing that I had taken offense at what you offered out of the kindness of your hearts.
Let me say that there is nothing to forgive. You gave from your hearts, and I, in my self centeredness, seemingly either ignored, or pooh poohed your efforts. If anyone should be asking forgiveness, it is I... and so, I do... here and now. I have no excuse for my behavior, and I offer none. Sometimes, my ego gets in the way of my common sense, causing me to believe that MY troubles are so much more important than anyone else's, simply because they are MY troubles. In short, I end up being a total bitch.
I apologize, from my heart, for any bad feelings I have engendered in any of you for what was given to me so freely and with love. I'm so sorry, and to that special someone, I hope you can forgive me.
I will enter the VA hospital Friday for tests and diagnosis. I will do everything I can to keep you all up to date on what the diagnosis is, and the possible solutions,whatever they might be. Until then, please ignore any further bitchiness from me, and know that you are all in my heart and my thoughts.
God bless you all, and thank you again, for all you've tried to do for me.
All my hopes, love, and hugs,
Catherine Linda Michel
My prayers as always dear heart....
...may you enjoy a swift recovery, free from any concern. You are in our hearts, honey. Please be encouraged and filled with peace.
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Dio benedica la mia bella amici
Love, Andrea Lena
I believe
worry and fear can make anyone a bit crazy, and that everyone needs an occassional bit of head thumping to relieve stress and a bit of why, and what now can be scary too. Its only natural when dealing with the unknown and our fears for it to surface. So I say, don't sweat it. And if you do run short of reading material, send me an email, or have someone drop me an email, and I will get something to you to read as an attachment or on a flash drive. [email protected]
I have a ton of science fiction, all the Harry Potter books, dozens of gigs altogether, along with the stories accumulated over many years.
I have a ton of ebooks too,
I have a ton of ebooks too, in .lit, .pdf, .txt, .doc and even .html. If you need any of them, drop me a line at [email protected]
May the Stars Light Your Path
Maid Joy
There's a lot of upheaval, change and uncertainty in your life at the moment, and it's probably quite stressful on you.
So I guess you've got every right to get a bit cranky and temperamental from time to time :)
The important things to remember are:
1) You've forewarned us of what's happening in your life,
2) You've realised you've occasionally acted out of character, and
3) You've apologised for doing so.
The next leg of your life's journey will undoubtedly be scary at times, but just hold on tight, go with the flow, keep a positive attitude whenever/wherever possible, and try not to scream too loudly :)
We look forward to seeing you at the other end, shouting defiantly "I SURVIVED!" :)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!