This coming Thursday, my Mom will be going in to the hospital. Because of her diabetes and other problems, my 81 year old Mom will likely be having her leg amputated at the knee. She's a toughie, and a fighter, but I'm worried about her. She's already suffered through a few mini-strokes that have left her speech a little hesitant and, sometimes the word she wants, comes out as some other word.
Please take a moment, if you can, and think a good thought for her? I know a couple others have lost their Moms in the last few months, and I felt their pain. I don't know if I can deal with that pain. She knows about "Catherine" and has told me that, as long as I'm happy, she is happy, and she loves me.
Thank you in advance,
Catherine Linda Michel
Good thoughts
Not only our good thoughts but our best wishes and prayers go with her and you as well. We are there for you Cathy!
grover and Paula
You and your mother are both in my prayers may everything go well for her while she is in the hospital.Amy
You have my prayers Cathy
For both her and yourself. I wish for her to be alright and for her to pull through. And I want you to pull through too Cathy. I will be there and help you with whatever you may need. You are family.
BigCloset TopShelf
prayer blog
Me too of course, I always extend prayers for people here who ask.
How could a person (who professes to be a believer) NOT do this?
God bless you Catherine and your caring, understanding mom.
(And do take up Sephy's offer if you need it,
she's pretty amazing. Empathetic...)
~~~hugs, LAIKA
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
All good thoughts and prayers
for your Mom, Cathy. I know the pain very well.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Got it Covered Sister !
Gwen Brown
May Your Light Forever Shine
I will be praying for yo and your mother and put both of you upon Church Prayer List.
May Your Light Forever Shine
It's A Given
Positive wishes and positive thoughts for your mum,
You say she's 81?
If my mother was alive she would be that age, her and that old bat, Marilyn Monroe who was born about a month before her.
Diabetes often leads to circulatiory troubles in the elderly and probelms with healng. A woman in her fifties at work had a hard time healing up from a cracked bone due to it.
I wish you and your mom the best, love her while you still can.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
You have my prayers -- I understand
My daddy had to have a leg removed. My mother had a stroke and I took care of her for nine years (I had to quit work). She could not walk or talk, but had a good mind.
My sister is in very serious shape with diabetes, congestive heart failure and numerous other things.
I know how it is when things happen in YOUR family.
Billie Sue
Billie Sue