May I ask for everyone's prayers and good thoughts?
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This coming Thursday, my Mom will be going in to the hospital. Because of her diabetes and other problems, my 81 year old Mom will likely be having her leg amputated at the knee. She's a toughie, and a fighter, but I'm worried about her. She's already suffered through a few mini-strokes that have left her speech a little hesitant and, sometimes the word she wants, comes out as some other word.
Please take a moment, if you can, and think a good thought for her? I know a couple others have lost their Moms in the last few months, and I felt their pain. I don't know if I can deal with that pain. She knows about "Catherine" and has told me that, as long as I'm happy, she is happy, and she loves me.
Thank you in advance,
Catherine Linda Michel