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News story on the BBC web site:
Previous studies have shown that progesterone supports the normal development of neurons in the brain, and that the hormone has a protective effect on damaged brain tissue.
If it supports the development of neurons in the brain it might explain quite a few things.
I wonder if they will be looking for any "unusual" side effects? Perhaps a change in clothing tastes?
It Explains Why A Lot Of Men Are So Clueless!
It explains why a lot men are so clueless LOL! The whole men are from Mars, Women are from Venus idea may have found it's origins.
But !?...
Can anyone see the ones who most need such treatments (USA Football players... ect.) taking such meds and possibly growing breasts!?
It would definitively change the landscape of todays high school sports teams! :-)
Will the geeks/nerds finally get some quiet time in schools?
Will the bra get then its companion undergarment for males, the Bro ?
Will men in clothing design then be forced to design a bra that STAYS on the shoulders? Instead of always slipping?
Will men then begin to color-coordinate their undies ? ?
Will ah... wearing a Bro, not catch and pull on all that chest hair ?
STAY TUNED to this channel folks!... for the answers to these and other such interesting questions! ;-)
Pattie B.
I can't see men color-coordinating their undies - so many have trouble color-coordinating their outer clothing (to be honest, some women have troubles here too).
Do Bra's catch on chest hair?
As with any "medication" an individual's mileage may vary. And, the risks of such a med needs to be balanced against the potential gains.
Now, to put the tongue through the cheek... As you say, the men most likely in need of such a helper are the ones least likely to be interested in the benefits it might provide. Come to think of it - should one partake of progesterone, and develop as suggested, imagine how uncomfortable the battle armor that US football players wear would be. OUCH! A change might be needed there, too.
All kidding aside,
it sounds like the treatment will be for only four days immediately following the head injury. On the other hand, "Say...doc? I'm having some memory lapses. Could we continue the treatments indefinitely?"
SuZie ;)