TopShelf Blogs

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Dirty Little Secret

If you were to believe the vocal minority who write most of the comments and probably do most of the voting for stories -- no one likes forced fem.

Their wailing and gnashing of teeth anytime a story ventures close to femdom asserts that such writing should be banned from this site as inappropriate.

Recently two very good authors suggested to me that they wanted my help to make sure their stories didn't cross the line into femdom. They were concerned about adverse reader reaction. Arrrgh!

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Saotome and Tendo family video profiles

Okay, there is this guy on YouTube that seems to have made it his mission to profile everyone in the Ranma ½ Universe, but most of them, really... are kinda crap. Little more than fanboy fap-bait. Some are good... but these four... these are EXCELLENT:

There are some general info profiles if you want to look through this guy's other Ranma ½ Character Profiles, but really... he doesn't seem to get a lot of the characters. Of particular interest to the crowd here at TopShelf may be the (rather insultingly done) profiles of Kurenai Tsubasa and Kuonji Ukyou.

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Kittyhawk Goof

I made a mistake on Kittyhawk 10 that I just fixed. It involves the conversation between Melissa and Tina on the plane. I mistakenly had Melissa saying she's not into girls, which of course she is! Since that affects her relations with Arachne, which Tina says is interested in Melissa, I thought I should point it out. Sorry for the confusion!


P.S. Thanks to John for pointing the error out to me, I really appreciate it!

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To All Of Prairie Girl's Friends

Melissa Dawne Northe, my Sister by choice has her auto biography A Tragedy Of The Spirit posted here, and her friend Melanie Dixon authorized my posting of the revised version.

We both wish that her friends would either leave a PM with me. or Melanie, or post a comment telling how her story affected you. I will then gather the comments and pm's to post a sequel Triumph Over Tragedy. Please respond, because although her stay here was all to brief, like a candle in the wind, her life ended all too soon.

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A funny

My apologies in advance for posting this here, but it was too good to pass up. I usually only send to a select few but.....
It's all how you look at it!

For all of us who feel only the deepest love and affection for the way computers have enhanced our lives, read on.
At a recent computer expo (COMDEX), Bill Gates reportedly compared the computer industry with the auto industry and stated,
'If GM had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.'

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You all, or if you hail from the South, y'all!

I wanted to write a note of thanks to everyone here, whether writers, or readers, or kind and patient administrators and other lovely sisters (and brothers,too.) I go back to NYC on the 28th for more testing. My tremors have only abated somewhat, but my doctor assures me that much of it can be addressed with an adjustment in medication. That's the "bad" news. The GOOD news is that you have become such good friends and family to me over the past few months.

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Another Sex Dispute, but This Athlete Has Four Legs

I thought someone might be interested in this article about a non-human intersexed athlete:

I wonder if most species of mammals have about the same incidence of intersex conditions?


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Having internet connection problems

I can't access the internet via my broadband connection and am waiting for the techies to contact me in the next day or so. My posting of stuff may thus be delayed as I'm using my dongle and netbook computer. This is slow and it loses the signal when it feels like it, losing me whatever I was doing.


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The good news is that we have found a house to rent.

I looked at a bungalow last week and it was right on the main Shaftesbury to Salisbury road and was painted magnolia - which looked grubby before we'd even started. The outhouses turned out to be worse than useless and she wouldn't let us put in a cat flap for Sammo.

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My sister is starting Basic Training

I just wanted everyone to know my sister (she adopted me when I started to transition) is going to the Army Basic training Tuesday, and while I am terribly proud of her, I am scared and sad at the same time. I have my many ups and downs as we are very close and we have been inseparable for 6 or 7 months. I am amazed at the openness and acceptance of this younger generation. I have received so much support from so many 20-30 year olds, and while females are more quickly to accept me, many 25 - 35 year old men have defended me when others were verbally tearing me down.

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Access Blocked

Hello Everyone,
This morning I was shocked to learn that I was blocked from accessing this site, as well as Fictionmania, Crystal's Story Site and Sapphire's Place. The notice I was shown stated that was banned from this network because it had been classified as having nudity, pornography and sexually explicit material.
Excuse me, but I missed the announcement that the first amendment had been repealed!
Has anyone else experienced this? Is readership down because of it?

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I posted a response to a comment for my story, Providence - My Treasure, My Little Sister. It is not my intent to preach or persuade anyone to change their own point of view. You folks are too precious to me, and I only mean to express my heart and the perspective and world view of my stories. After posting, I thought about my response to the young lady who wrote the comment. I wanted to encourage her, and certainly anyone else who has read the story and my other work, but I do not want to insult or offend. Please forgive me if I have offended you in any way. You are all so dear to me.

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The essence of a Woman

The link below is about several women who were given AIDS by the same man; an action I find despicable, but that is not why I posted this. I had a brief glimpse into the heart and soul of a woman while watching what they had to say in the youtube interview. Listen carefully to each of their statements and it will make you a better writer. There are certain things that a woman will seldom say to a man, and I doubt that they say these things much to other women. There are certain things that a girl just won't confide to others.

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Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

Mary Travers, of Peter, Paul and Mary, passed away on Wednesday after a long battle with leukemia. Bob Dylan wrote 'Blowin' in the Wind', but it was Mary's powerful voice accompanied by the harmonies of Peter and Paul that made it an anthem for a generation. She will be missed.

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This is a GREAT story by Randalynn

I first read No Obligation about 13 months ago or so. I just re-read it again these last couple of nights. This story sucks the reader in and grabs hold of you and doesn't let you go until you are done with it. It's the multifaceted fantasy of an epic character who starts out male and ends up as a young female Wyatt Earp for the universe.

Wonderfully written, no weak parts to it, and shows the power of love and compassion.

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Tomorrow is the BIG DAY!

Tomorrow morning, at 5 AM, I set off for Columbia S. Carolina to meet Grover and her wife, Paula. I'll stay with them through Sunday night. Monday, Grover and I will set off for Atlanta Georgia and the biggest TG conference/convention in the world, Southern Comfort! I'm really looking forward to this trip, and to meeting people I've only talked with on skype, or in chat rooms. Holly, Ariel, hopefully Gwen, Scotty Bishop, and who knows who else will be there.

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Condition report... (Why I have not written owt for a while)

Boo! (Or 'told you I was ill...')

Well, first of all I would like to thank everyone whom sent kind wishes whilst I was in hospital. It was not fun nor was it one of the more pleasing moments of my life. Anyhow, it sort of went like this:

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Intersexed Fish?

Here is a link to an article on Feminized Fish. The male fish are now producing eggs and showing secondary female sex chacteristics. They say this is from birth control bills and hormone treatments being dumped in the water.


Jenna From FL

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Moving house - hi folks, it's me again

Hello all you out there. I'm just taking a few moments out to let any interested parties know how the move is coming along.

So far, it isn't.

It's a bit like decorating. You spend days and days on the preparation - if you're doing it right - and then suddenly, it all looks finished.

We're still on the prep.

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I would like some advice, help etc

I cut my bangs bymyself today, and screwed it all up, to such a point I hid the shame by taking my raizer and shaved off the stubs of my bangs. It was my first time ever doing it bymyself, mum usually performs that task on me.

Never went to any form of hair establishment since i was 7. scared and excited, don't know what to do. Some sites say grow them out but hide them though is difficult. other sites say cut all hair to length with the bangs bad idea, as i have finally for the first time in my life besides having my bangs cut been able not to have my hair cut.

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It explains so much.

A friend pointed out this link on another site. It explains so much in the movie Star Wars. I hope any Star Wars fans out there enjoy this as much as I did. Star Wars Explained. (While you're at it, go watch George Lucas in Love. It explains a lot as well... Story has it that Mr Lucas enjoyed this video.)

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Angel Marquez

I will be starting the next installment of Angel Marquez. It will take her through to September Just before she starts school. That will enc this book and I will continue her story in book two.

The weather had been hot and the room with my computer was not air conditioned and faced the evening sun. So it was unbearable to sit and write as hot as it was.

Thank you for your patience,


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Back to the big Apple

Off to NYC for consult with Neurologist and other docs for plan of treatment. Weakness in arms and shoulders along with more shaking has my wife worried. It's in God's hands, either way, but I have to admit I'm scared. Thanks for all your prayers and support. You dear ones mean the world to me. Thank you for your friendship. And a special shout out to my little sister for all her comfort over the weekend, along with my three adopted sisters as well. God bless and see you soon! 'drea

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I Hate Being Told What to Do

We spend much of our lives in the pursuit of creating options. Family options. Friends options. Economic options.

It's natural to be unhappy when someone who shouldn't restricts our options by telling us what to do. In other words, we put a high price on our individual freedom.

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October Story Contest

Ok. I have the idea for the Contest and will post it and the rules on September 28-29. Until then... it's remaining a secret. But I guarantee It will be something everyone can do.

It will certainly be a first for BCTS =^.^=

Sephrena Lynn Miller
BigCloset TopShelf

ps: Last week both of my doctors determined my operation can be handled out of the hospital and at the Doctor's clinic outpatient wise. So i do expect pain but no long stay. The downside is I have to visit a wound care clinic a few times a week to ensure my problems close up. ^^

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Does anyone else have this problem at BCTS?

When I check in at BCTS WITHOUT logging in, I am always missing a few blogs and stories that I can only see if I am logged in.
For instance right now, as I AM logged in, I can see Gamma Trials; Working Relations -6; & Homecoming Princess-Princess Found 12; AND I can see a blog PCOS. But if I log out, they disappear and the last story I can see is Easy As Falling Off A Bike 762.

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PCOS "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

I stumbed upon this while looking for "paint" to spray on the part of my scalp where the hair is a mere shaddow of its former glory. :( It looks like these girls suffer with many of the symptoms that the Intersexed do, and Male Pattern balding. In short they have far too many Androgins. So, not really knowing much about medicine, I am wondering if this is just a form of being Intersexed. The incidence is very high; about 1 in 10 women, and I wonder if some day things like this will help our society to get away from the binary gender model?


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Rube Goldberg isn't dead.

Rube Goldberg lives, in a computer, In Holland

HEMA is a Dutch department store. The first store opened on November 4,
> 1926, in Amsterdam. Now there are 150 stores all over the Netherlands.
> Take a look at HEMA's product page. You can't order anything, and it's
> in Dutch; but just wait a couple of seconds and watch what happens.
> Don't click on any of the items in the picture, just wait and see what
> happens.
> This company has a sense of humor and a GREAT web site designer!

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Finally done it

I spent ages this morning trying to get Internet Exploder to download the sites I wanted to visit. For some reason it doesn't like Top Shelf. I was cross anyway, because I should have been doing a bike ride today and had to cry off because I wasn't very well. So after taking another long period to download an alternative - this being my netbook with dongle connection, which claims to work at 7.2Mbs, but is more like 5Kbs - I am now writing this with the good offices of Firefox, amazing what you can do with cheese. Thank you Mozzarella for your assistance.


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OK, I know one post on this subject has been locked and I agree with that decision.

I didn't lose any friends on 9/11, but a friend of mine was there(in NYC)and sheltered a lot of people when it went down. I have lost friends in the subsequent wars.

I will not make any political commentary of any kind here, and I would ask yawl to please follow suit, but I would like to ask one thing, that we all take a moment to remember our honored dead.

That, I think, is only proper.

Thank you.

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May We Never Forget September 11, 2001

May we never forget this day and all the loved ones who lost their lives. I will always remember where I was that day. I was out on the floor working in a factory that made home interior products. My boss came out and told us what was happening. We knew that the world would never be the same ever again. It is hard to believe it has been eight years. It seems like it happened yesterday.

[Moderator Edit Note]: Sephrena I have turned comments off because this just crossed the line of civil commenting. But this topic is worth viewing, so it will remain viewable.

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Rush to Judgment

Why does everyone assume that Amy is raped at the end of the story. (See “I “Saw”That”) Is our society so depraved to assume that any kind polite man who offers help to the downtrodden is automatically a bad person. It is assumed that she would be raped because the scene closely resembles that of the beginning, the problem with making that leap is that both were polite.

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Semenya tests show she is intersexed

(sounds like she has Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS).)

Caster Semenya is a woman --- and a man.

SYDNEY (AP) - World 800-meter champion Caster Semenya of South Africa has male and female sexual organs, the Sydney Morning Herald said on Friday, posing an ethical and political quandary for athletics' ruling body.

Semenya's reported condition could have grave medical implications.

The Herald said extensive physical examinations of 18-year-old Semenya ordered by the IAAF have shown she is technically a hermaphrodite.

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A revision worthy of so much praise

A little over a year ago, I read a story that captivated me. That story was "Tragedy of the Spirit". The Authoress was a friend whom I met years previous. Mellissa, She was a wonderful friend whom had a demeaner of strength and determination I have only seen a few times in my life. When I read "Tragedy" the first time I was overcome with raw emotion and sadness as to how the human spirit can be wrecked by such sensless acts of violence towards children, let alone human beings. I would never had imagined what Mellissa went through until I read her story.

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Cavendish wins again.

The Manx Missile makes it two in a row at the Tour of Missouri, and his twenty third win of the season - including six stages of the TdF.

The downside is that I won't see him next week when I marshal on the Tour of Britain, because he's in the US. However, Bradley Wiggins is riding so that should be good. Remember he came fourth overall in the TdF and gave Lancie boy a bit of a fright.


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At a dead run?

After having typed in my blog yesterday, I received a phone call.

Now before I go on, I should point out that we only returned our documents to the solicitors about a fortnight ago, which meant that it should take a further four to six weeks before exchange and completion. Now you're up to speed, I can press on...

Yesterday's phone call was a bit of a revelation.

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I am very thankful for the love of my new friends

True to Life End of the Summer Essay? I've been up all night crying, although I wouldn't describe it as a cruel fate like one of my stories. I debated with myself about whether to discuss my health, since I don't want to make it more of a focus than it already is. Yesterday was Labor Day, and I attended the obligatory end of the season picnic with my family. What could have been horrible turned into glorious.

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where does one draw the...........

Where does on e draw the line between depression and just not caring about keeping up one relationships with family? Today I'll have to think of how I didn't spend the holiday, too seem that I have a life, but I really just don't .. oh well happy happy god's another false front to the people at work. And having to put a front to mom that hurts the most but she'd never understand really....

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Finally some movement

Well, I'm finally able to start writing again. I had the aortic valve replaced in my heart August tenth and even though the body was willing, I couldn't wrap my mind around writing. For some reason I just didn't want to write. Today I finished the next installment of Princess and sent it to Sephrena to edit. Hopefully it will be up soon and I'll be able to get my butt in gear to continue the saga. Thanks all for your patience, Arecee

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Oh dear, not more from Tanya Allan?

I have just posted the start of another WORK IN PROGRESS to my site. It is called The Rats Of Hell, and it will be posted here soon.
You can see it now at:
Also the second part of Badger's Set

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On the move?

Hi all.

I must apologise to a number of people here - I hope they know who they are - for not doing this in a personal message, but things have ramped up a gear or three here.

We have a definite buyer for our house and whilst it pains us to have to leave, selling up does at least give us the opportunity to start afresh and clear our debts, which have mounted by leaps and bounds over the last year since I haven't been working.

We have not exchanged yet, so everything's not a done deal and we're hoping that nothing goes wrong between now and the fabled completion.

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Oh well, there goes my perfect record...

I was really hoping to never miss a day of Venus Cursed!, but that's out the window now, isn't it? Sorry about yesterday, things didn't go quite the way I expected. I went to a flea market with some relatives and didn't get home until four or five, which was as I planned. Not unexpectedly, I wasn't able to get much writing done on the way over and back, either. But I'd planned on spending most of the rest of the day writing. But things kept cropping up to interrupt my plans until eight or nine, and by then I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open!

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Home at last.

Well it's great to be home. I just got back from my sisters house in alabama last night. Man it was boring down there. I took my nephew to school and back every day. Round trip it was an hour and 40 minites. Other than that I could not do much. I was broke. No money to spendy. Then my sister only had dial up for interner and her computer is like 10 years old. It took 10 minites to check my email. I went to a books a million store to use their wifi and it cost me $4.95. I had to keep entering my password for the day. it sucked.

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Jaycee Lee Dugard Trust Fund


Jaycee’s grandmother (Joan Curry) worked for Viewtech for almost 25 years. Many of us vividly recall Joan’s relentless efforts to recover Jaycee. Many, both here and at Volt Information Sciences (our former parent company), helped Joan produce and distribute flyers and posters following the kidnapping and for many years thereafter.

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Doubly Enthusiastic

Please excuse my youthful exuberance in commenting twice on the same story; it was exquisite, though, wasn't it? Also, I added some things and edited some things in my latest chapter of Providence - The Valley to make it more cohesive and read better, I hope. My apologies to those who have already read the piece, and thank you so much for supporting me not only through my literary endeavors but my health problems as well.

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Ear Bug Warning?

Ear Bug warning?

Now, I don't want to seem too paranoid on this and I know that there is no proof yet. I recently got one of those Cell Phone Ear Bug thingies, and I just love it. Today, I went to lunch with a girlfriend who got one much before I did.

At breakfast, she saw my Bug and told me that she did not think it was good to wear it all the time because hers caused earaches. I said ok but left mine in but just a few minutes ago, I developed an ear ache.

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I have made offensive comments and I am deeply sorry

I'm not exactly sure what I said because the blog entry was depublished and I did not save it on my own machine.

In any case, apparently I have offended people and I apologize for this.

Specifically, I apologize to Kristina and Angharad.

I am sorry, I did not mean to be offensive.

I would be more specific, but I'm not sure exactly how I offended.

I will no longer darken your doors.

I abase myself, beg your forgiveness, every other way I can think of to say that I am truly sorry and I hope you can overlook my intolerable rudeness.

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Strange Days

Admin Note: Sephrena I have disabled commenting because this thread is spiralling towards argument. It's best to leave this be and agree that some cannot agree on this issue.
Sometimes, I kinda doubt my femininity. I mean, I grew up with images of women who were just as strong as the men they loved, but to be honest, I think I’d have to call myself a Warrior woman if I’m any sort of woman at all. Think Red Sonja, except more militantly feminist.

I suppose today at the dollar store would be a perfect example of what I mean.

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Days go by...

I have been having the itch to write for a few months but nothing really gelled in my mind.

I have gone back to school and I have my GPA up to over a 3.7. I am trying very hard to get a *real* job instead of the dead-end mistake I have now.

So, since I am home recovering from a UTI I decided to start hashing something out.

Working Relations is just a springboard to get into a good story. The transgender aspects fall in later.

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New story coming soon...I hope!

I've just posted the title page for a new story I'm working on. I know, I know, what about the other ones that have been languishing? Well, I'm still trying to get to them, too. Venus Cursed! is taking up more time than I anticipated, especially since I've got two side stories going now! I'm not abandoning POWYHL or KittyHawk, really! I'll try to alternate or something and get something out on each over the next few months. I can't promise anything, of course, but I will try!

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Not finished yet....

HI all. I know at least a couple of people are waiting patiently for Unfinished Business part 5...It is in work and should be ready soon. I've been doing some research for it (which is taking a bit longer than I thought) and will be posting it very soon, but I'm not certain when. I have run into a snag with the story that I didn't anticipate and it is causing me to regroup and think about the way to go.

I've also brushed off some stories I started long ago and will be posting them soon as well as continuing sagas.


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Bike, Totally Insane, Whatever Next etc.

I'm away for a week commencing 25th September. I'll be abroad - Menorca again, and I don't think my dongle will work there, so I won't be posting for a week.

I've done a new episode of Whatever Next, my Gaby fanfic, which I have to finish editing. I hope to get that to Maddy over the weekend but with her computer problems, I can't say when it'll be posted.



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Not enough conflict?

When I started reading TG stories on the web many years ago every story I read was interesting since I had never read stories with TG protagonists before. Finally someone I could identify with who was dealing with things that mattered to me.

After a decade or so this identification is still important so I still read TG stories but now the story has to provide something beyond the mere basics - the tropes of TG fiction such as self-discovery, the process of acquiring the clothes and paraphernalia, the salon experience, the shopping trip, the talk with the parents, the visit to the shrink... You know the list.

I now believe that in order to please long-time readers such as myself there are three main ways to make a TG story interesting.

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Maybe my little corner of the Ozarks

Edeyn ... really is as shining and wonderful amidst a sea of horribleness, like I used to believe. You see, I LOVE the area I grew up in. I knew all the towns around it were rather intolerant and backwards, and... for a long time, I told myself that my hometown was different. Then... well, I decided I needed to stop fooling myself. I had been more than severely abused by my family in that town. I had been everyone's favorite target for bullying -- to use Ms. Allread's term, I was the town "Plague" there... and had been convincing myself that it was a great place anyway.

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Mille Grazie!!!!!!

Good News Bad News Good News. First, the Good News: Essential usually means "Gotta have it," but in my case it means Essential or Familial Tremors, which apparently is what I have. My difficult morning was not a surprise to the doctor, who explained that the more stressed I got from the initial tremors, the more it exacerbated the tremors. I've been prescribed another medication that is expected to be of immediate help and eventually mitigate the condition, but I also dealing with some sleep issues which we'll be dealing with as well. Second, the Bad News: It doesn't go away.

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One of the hardest things I've ever had to do,

I had to do last weekend. I must digress.

For the last 20 or so years of my life, I've been in with a bunch of guys who I loved like brothers. We've been there for one another and they are all great guys. I felt privileged to have been accepted by them as a friend. Almost every weekend we'd do stuff together...movies, RPG gaming, cards, trips to Buffalo to a place called The Super Flea, and much more.

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Ups and downs with apologies!

Being somewhat Bipolar (still being ruled in or out by doc) I have my moments. As you may have read from the previous few days, I can be glib and witty, or sardonic, and I apologize for my swings. Today I am devastated. I took a job for which I am vastly overqualified since I have been out of work for four years. I haven't been able to return to counseling as a career for a variety of reasons, and I have expressed my fear on more than one occasion that I may never get back.

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Yea, verily, Yea!

The pellet with the poison is in the Flagon with the Dragon, and the Chalice from the Palace has the brew that is true. Oh no...the Flagon with the Dragon broke. The pellet with the poison is in the Chalice from the Palace and the Vessel with the Pestle has the brew that is true. Or something like that - Rent or buy the Court Jester with Danny Kaye!!!

"She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones!" Dio ti benedicta! 'drea

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New Story on WORK IN PROGRESS Page

I have added a chapter to WHY ME
a new chapter to SECOND CHANCE and the first two chapters of a new story... A GIRL CAN BUT DREAM

check them out on

Oh yes, and as the page would get very long indeed, I have given each of these stories pages of their own.


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