A few days ago we had a discussion on this board about GLBT and its in-fighting.
Thanks are due to Erin for allowing this discussion to continue, even though it was frought with peril. Thanks are also due to all those who took part in a civil discourse regarding an important issue.
After thought, I felt a need to clear my remarks publicly.
I said, "No . . . Penny. Your anger shouldn't be aimed at those who lump you in with gays. Your anger should be at those who have saddled you with the prejudice that makes you feel upset that you are considered gay."
Penny -- I want you and others to understand that I don't think you're prejudice. I have nothing to base such an opinion.
My remarks were aimed at society as whole -- a society that continues to demand that gays prove their right to basic freedoms. Consider the hubbub around Adam Lambert the last few days. How homophobic can you get?
Penny -- you have an absolute right not to want to take on all the baggage society imposes on gays. Who would want that?
Just wanted to make that clear.
Decency vs Homophobia
I caution people to be careful when it comes to the issue of Adam Lambert and not confuse those who wish to have standards of decency on the public airwaves with homophobia. Pardon my French, but I'd be damned if I would want my children to see such a crass display on TV. I mean, where do we draw the line, both as to what is allowed on the public airwaves and, more germaine to this discussion, what we consider to be a simple exercise in good taste and homophobic hate speech?
If you wish to label me a homophobic because I don't want some attention monger egomaniac simulating a blow job on TV, so be it. I've been called worse.
Nancy Cole
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Crass is crass
Regardless what kind of wrapper Lambert delivered it in he crossed the line. He did it for shock value and did not have the good judgement to do otherwise. He will probably pay the price of not being invited to perform live again on television so what did he gain. You certainly are not a homophobe for finding this display distasteful. I did not see it but heard enough in the aftermath to not want to see it in replay.
A shame, he probably had a great chance of going somethere.
Call your self Whatever You Want
When my children were children (under 14) they didn't watch pop music awards. Over fourteen they've seen people "simulate" blowjobs in a variety of settings. Heck, I would be surprised if at age fourteen they weren't giving and receiving blowjobs, even though we didn't allow dating until sixteen.
Entertainers have been "simulating" heterosexual intercourse for quite some time on TV.
Is a blowjob disgusting because it's homosexual sex?
Was it my idea of great theatre . . . hell no. Crass? Surely. Beyond something you can see in almost any half time program on NFL football? Only in that it "simulated" homosexual sex.
Think about it.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Re: Penny's
I just want to point out one thing; Angela is referring to a different Penny; probably a shiner one, hee hee.
Just wondering, how many Penny's do we have around here?
Your comment
Judging by your outfit, dear, I expect that you are likely the shiniest (and sweetest) Penny around? Oh, and your overall question about pennies? Makes perfect cents!
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
That would be me.
I spotted Nick's attempt to explain something and more or less self-detonated. I guess I'm just not quite as thick-skinned as I thought I was.
The discussion was spirited and fair, and certainly made me think more carefully about the subject matter.
Heh. Drea, I'm reminded of the old saying: "The US Mint - you know they make cents".
Penny (Lane)
PS I'm called Penny but I don't want you to think I'm cheap.
the life of brian
in the midst of all this (i see i missed most of the debate) i'm reminded of the bits of monty python's life of brian where the various revolutionaries argue among themselves about who is more oppressed, culminating in a scene in which the people's front of judea fight the judean people's front when they meet in a sabotage raid on the romans.
sadly, such "us against them" thinking is rarely as funny in real life.
not as think as i smart i am
Self censorship or mass censorship
Whats on the televison can easiy be turned off or the channel changed. I (IMHO) think that the television is our biggest producer of trash and we allow it into our house. I'm not a big proponent of TV, I watch approximately three hours a week.
I enjoy going to community theater, to concerts ie classical music/Jazz/Big Band. I just saw a new progressive musical concert that combines classical music and rock and roll. the group is called Avian, it features the newer composers and an electric guitar as part of the ensemble.
Adam Lambert all I know is he was the second place finisher on American Idol a show I don't watch.
The problem with TV is it sex sells. a Majority of the shows seem to have a sexual theme or have commercials that are sex driven.
As far as oral sex being displayed, watch how some of the ladies lick an icecream cone in a TV show. I don't think one is a homophobe if they are disgusted with watching someone imitate oral sex. its not being crass or a prude its called common sense to get it off your own personal little or large garbage receptor.
All we have to do is mass write the sponsors of the shows, telling them we are refusing to buy their products because of what they are standing for. hit them in the pocketbook and they listen.
Jill Micayla
May you have a wonderful today and a better tomorrow
Jill Micayla
Be kinder than necessary,Because everyone you meet
Is fighting some kind of battle.
Sounds like I'm lucky
to be living on the other side of the pond. Adam Lambert? Eh? I don't even watch the UK version of the alleged show so I wouldn't know who he is, but on the slim evidence of the comments above I don't think I missed much.
It's sad that people who obviously don't actually have any real talent, unlike for example Susan Boyle, have to resort to such cheap stunts to try and win themselves more notoriety. Very few seem to last beyond the brief flash of fame they win initially. Andy Warhol wasn't far wrong, was he?
Now, as to homophobia, I have a small confession to make. That is, that I find a lot of what homosexual males do to be distasteful. I would not want to avoid or discourage homosexuality for that reason, though. I of all people know that many normal folk find what I do to be just as distasteful to them. GLB people have just as much right to express themselves as I do, and if a situation of discrimination with one of them came up I would support anyone affected by it. It's the old saying "I may not like what you do, but I will defend your right to do it", sorry I can't find the citation.
Angela, of course you are exactly right in what you say above.
Adam Lambert
He's talented.
He admits he got carried away.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
One more opinion...
...from my perspective, I sorta understood where he was coming from; that this stuff is usually accepted by the viewing public in the context of "hetero" or "lesbian" simulation perhaps, although he didn't quite say it that way. A double standard, or triple? My problem is that is is in bad taste no matter who performs it; regardless of the context. My solution, which I believe has been offered already...I don't watch the stuff. Give me Sportscenter or Paula Dean or Sell this House...or dare I say it? SyFy? Lambert is very talented, but he was just a little too loud for me when he was on American Idol...at my age my ears are more sensitive...a nice ballad or soft rock...dear God, I'm getting old.
And on the eighth day, God created the REMOTE to address all this crap!
P.S. Do you like my new outfit...I just got it today?
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
I'm with Nancy on this one!!
Tell me! When the hell did sex become a spectator sport??
Sex to me is something between two people who love each
other and want to express that love.But,I'm old fashioned.
Haven't even heard of
Haven't even heard of him?
But when it comes to sex on the telly I get sort of flustered.
For me all sorts of sex is private, I can't remember seeing any scene involving sex that didn't made me feel like a peeping tom. Well, straight porn then, but those left me indifferent just the same.
But a good book :) With fantasy and flair, that catches my interest. And real sex of course with someone you really like. I'm probably coming along as quite boring thinking of it :) Not much of a 'sexathlete' here am I?
Thinking of it I find my own fantasies better than most porn I've seen, or to be truthful, all porn I've seen. Which doesn't say much. The number I've watched can be counted on one, okay then, two hands, no, not repeatedly.
Other than that I find sex to be sex. What you like is what you're going to watch, or in my case, read.