TopShelf Blogs

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Singularity updated

I posted chapter two as a child page to Singularity, but it didn't show it on the main page. Am I doing it right? I want people to be able to tell when I post a new chapter... Anyway, maybe this will do for letting people know. Anyway, if you have any suggestions, reviews or criticisms, feel free to PM, email or comment on the stories!


P.S. I nearly forgot, I deleted a little at the end of the first chapter, I like the way I rewrote it much better. Big thanks go out to Shadowolf for ideas and suggestions, inspiration and heavy prodding!

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Just did a search and couldn't find my site on Google. It only came up with my site when I put in very specific keywords that I knew couldn't be in any other combination on other websites. But things like "Transgender fiction" didn't list me in the first three hundred returns. Same for "transsexual fiction", "transgender stories", "transsexual stories" and then combinations of stories with only story.


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My SPanish and about my trip to Spain

I had no idea that it would be such a headach to order in Spain. I knew the language difference so I thought I prepaired. I took several years of spanish in college, I have a friend thats mexican that she helped me also. I took a trip to Madrid Spain thinking that I knew enough spanish to get by reasonibly but no where near fleuntly.
So imagin my shock when I tried to talk to a waiter the first day only to get a dumb look back that told me 'What is this moron trying to say to me' lol.

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I am sorry about the time delay on my stories

How ever I had been on a trip overseas recently and I injured myself over there. I ccame back in alot of pain in my back. That has prevented me from sitting at the computer and typing. I am finally getting back to my stories which I totally intend on finishing, when I am able.

I posted a very short one for you all tonight and I hope it is good. It was all i could do for tonight as it hurts to sit in a chair for any long period of time.

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Incredible Musical Performance

I received this link from a family email a while back and I have kept forgetting to share it with everyone here. It doesn't have anything to do with TG or anything like that. But this rendition of Toto's song Africa is one of the most incredible things I have ever seen or heard. The link is:

If you have ever heard the song, you will be 'thunderstruck' by this group of talented musicians.


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Emotionally shattered

I must say that for a while today, I thought that I was going to spend some time on the Psych ward. I had just read where the 11 year old who spent 18 years with her captor was feeling extremely guilty about having identified with her captor.

Reading "Venus Curse" today caused another shock wave in the force for me. For a while I felt very traumatized by it.

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Bonzi has a girlfriend

She's called Izzy and is a tortoiseshell and white shorthair. I'll do a photo when I get a chance - Bonzi of course doesn't know yet that there's a another female here to nag him, but he'll find out when he gets home. She's busy (I know busy Izzy but I didn't name her) exploring the place. I hope within a few days they'll have settled down together without blood on the ceiling.

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Do others?

Share the frustrations of carefully, or even occasionally, cleverly wording a comment to a blog or story, pressing submit only to see a fault notice come up and one's efforts disappear into the void?

I suspect the major culprit is MS and their idiot offspring Internet Exploder, although it does tend to happen more on this site than others I visit.

Obviously it's happened again hence this blog.

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One & Other - Mandy

The Fourth Plinth is the name given to the empty plinth in the north-west corner of Trafalgar Square in London. It was originally designed by Sir Charles Barry and built in 1841 to display an equestrian statue. There were not enough funds available at the time to create a statue and so the plinth was sometimes referred to as the 'empty plinth'.

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I'm in some pain from arthritis in my wrist. I've been on my meds for about two weeks and while they're helping, I've seen an increase in tremors in my hands during my dose time. I am having a difficult time concentrating while driving as well. I know you've all been so kind to me over these past few weeks, and have been encouraging to the newbie, patient beyond measure and supportive in helping me learn how things works and how to be a better writer.

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For those who like my work. Those who do I thank you. Prince to Princess 6 is now in the works. A childhood friend died a little after I put 5 up. I comepetely lost the will to write, I had to kick my azz to get my self back on track. Thank you to anyone who has read it and is really in to it.

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This is neat!

Thank you everyone for reading the sequel to "An Incremental Journey". I notice that a large number of readers have gone back to that story as well as reading the sequel, "Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend". I know that is an assumption. Someone has been even so kind as to vote on the predecessor. Thank you so much. Now, if we can just get some comments on "Cynthia and the Reluctant Girlfriend". They are most helpful for future stories.

Portia Bennett

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1000 reads - After 3 years 37 weeks

It doesn't really matter to anyone but me, I know, but the first story I ever posted to BCTS, Two Roads finally hit 1000 reads/hits today. The story was posted on December 4, 2005, back before voting was even a concept.

In part this milestone was the result of a surge of hits that came about yesterday from Joannebarbarella's blog about old stories, which led to a record breaking 22 hits in the past two days. Thanks Joanne!

So, since I can't set off some fireworks here in my homestate, consider this blog to be my celebration of that milestone.

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Quick update

I know I keep saying I'll get to KittyHawk and POWYHL, and I will! Really! Unfortunately I've had some muse issues lately, and I'm looking at three busy weekends in a row. This upcoming weekend I'll be at Sac-Anime, an Anime/Manga convention in Sacramento. Then I have a doctors appointment the next day to find out why a couple of body parts I'm looking forward to being rid of have been hurting lately. Then the bowling league I'm in with my brother, sister, and father starts back up again the next day.

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I'll take Manhattan

I spent last night at the Epilepsy Center of the New York Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan. After a delightful hour of getting hooked up to electrodes and such, I enjoyed and hour and a half of uninterrupted writing, and I was glad for it; I can't wait to write when I'm not writing, and I can't wait to finish when I am. The most curious thing; the technician was a nice young man who actually had the same kind of face as Ben Kelly, my counselor character and alter-ego of Katie Kelly.

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Mille grazie!

Another foray into the Big Apple for a Video EEG and Sleep Study to help diagnose the tremors. I had a conversation with a good friend of mine who is a physician as well as a fabulous musician. He confirmed that my previous medication could have caused the tremors. And another medical professional explained to my beautiful bride that the tremors may not be uncommon for someone of my....ahem....age. Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive and loving at this time, since I am scared and sad.

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Settling and return to writing.

Just a post to let everyone know I finally found a job. Over the next two weeks I am my family will be settling into a new apartment. I ended up having to go out to the Midland-Odessa area to find a job, but it will do nicely I think.

With the issue of job hunting finally off the table, I am able to devote time and mind to writing again. I am hoping to have chapter 20 of A Little Fox Tale completed by the end of next week.


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Strange Fruit

The other night I had a conversation where females competing in sports came up. I mentioned that it wasn't that many years ago that women were prevented from running long distance races in the Olympics for fear their ovaries/uretus would drop out.

Can anyone lead me to confirmation of this? I really think this was the prevailing CW in the sixties.


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South African teen wins 800 amid gender-test flap - Olympics - Yahoo! Sports

I saw this on the Yahoo main page, and I thoght that we as a family should read this article. I for one, wish her the best.

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In the book of Genesis, Leah says, "Give me children or I will die." Our stories and our characters are our children. When Jill said that her stories sucked, it was said out of frustration and hurt, and likely borne out of the actions of others that were misunderstood or misinterpreted. Nevertheless, it does hurt when our children are ignored; try being a parent when your little girl or boy isn't invited to the party or included in kickball or tag.

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My Echo went well on my heart(at least I think so) My heart rate was close to normal today and the test went rather quickly. Anyone who has ever had this test done knows that they make you wear that awful gown with the front open. It was just as cold. My nipples were standing at full attention LOL!. I spent a couple minutes cleaning gel off of my breasts( I just hate anything slimy Ewww!!!) I got to school and the Financial Aid people ruined most of the rest of my day by splitting my grant in half and awarding an exact amount for each semester.

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Chopping Block

Well I found out today that my boss has to eleminate one full time position from our department. One of our senior guys is going to retire after he has some surgeries but if that is not soon enough then someone will have to be laid off. Now senority is not suposed to exist is the hospital where I work but it does. If they deside to go by senority then my neck will be on the chopping block. I have been there for 8 years with the execption of a few months in 2007, but even that leaves me in last place as all the other full timers have been there longer in one postion or another.

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About me...

I've often vowed never to start a blog, as I'm sure I wouldn't find enough "stuff" to fill it with, let alone make it interesting enough to avoid curing insomnia. However, I'm willing to give (almost!) anything a try, so here goes nothing...

By now you're probably wondering who the heck this strange creature which suddenly invaded the comments of several BCTS stories a few weeks ago is. If not, click back and find something more interesting to read.

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Life Sucks

Life sucks every day I wake up and get out of bed
Life sucks every time I pick up my meds
Life sucks all the time because of the pain
Life sucks I wish I could stop the Rain
Life sucks I want to get hit by a big truck
Life sucks I wish I had some bucks
Life sucks just because it can
Life sucks when you got to be a man
Life suck that’s all
So go on living your life and have a ball

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Hmm, a sort of balanced tabloid article for a change...

Okay, so considering the publication, it could have been far worse. These two are friends and I shall inquire as to how on earth they managed to get the Sun to agree to not do their usual tricks with this. All kudos to them, they have more courage than I am sure most folks have.

Anyhow, the article here:

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Author Pages -- Not for content

Author Pages, marked so under the Publication menu, are for organizational pages, only, not for content like stories, blogs, poems or character or story notes. Please, if you have marked ANY of your stories as Author Pages, go back and change them to Fiction or whatever is appropriate. Thanks.


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Standing Up to Life Book 3: Update on Progress

Standing Up to Life Book 3:

Hi Everyone,

Over the course of the last few months I've had a lot of readers contact me and ask when I would be posting my third book. I've had to tell them at every turn that I think it's going to be late summer this year. Unfortunately late summer kept becoming later and later as I've had a particularly rough and stressful last year. It got to the point that I could barely write much of the time, so I kept running into setbacks and major writers block.

During the summer, and particularly the last twenty days or so I have finally managed to get the motivation, the muse, and the time to work on the book. As such I would like to let every know I just finished the rough draft about forty minutes ago!

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looking for a story again

i am looking for a story where a young man goes to his cousins house for the summer and gets a job as a weather girl and in the end stays a girl and gets a job as a reporter oh and teh cousins own /work a catering company been lookngfor this one for a while but cant seem to find it again
and thank you with hugs for any help

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Sex swap police scandal

The Daily Express triumphs again! This was the headline article on Saturday 15th August 2009. It's about the formation of a support group by transgendered police officers/civilian workers, which might get some funding to set it up. This is cutting edge investigative journalism at its...never mind, bloody tabloid comic.

I hope the link below works.

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Shopping Advice

Hi everyone. It looks like I might be spending a week down in Alabama at the begining of September. I will be in Russellvile. It's about an hour from Huntsville and about 15 minites from musell shoals. I'm wondering if anyone knows of any transformation salons or good shopping for a girl in boy mode. I have the day free when my nephew is at school. I'm definatly looking to expand my wardrobe.


Jessica Marie

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Follow up to How different?

I've received several requests/hints to do a follow up to How different from us. Is there much enthusiasm for it? I am emphasising now that would be it - I'm not creating any more serials until some of the older ones are finished. However, if there's enough interest I might do a follow up as the relationship between Mollie and her dad might be worth exploring. What do you think, readers?

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Have you read I Need A Hero yet?

If you haven't, may I humbly suggest you go and do so? Grover has improved with each posting, and this story is no exception to that rule. I truly believe that this Grover's best effort yet, and being a friend of hers, I want everyone to see and appreciate this wonderfully funny story. If you have a funny bone, this tale will give it a good workout. I've never done anything like this before, and I hope Grover will forgive me for gushing about her story, but it's just that darned good. See for yourself.

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My Health

I would once again like to thank everyone who has been so supportive of me during my recent health problems. My tremors have reduced significantly with the proper dosage of medication, and my doctor assures me things will be pretty much okay, even under the worst case scenarios, baring any new things they might discover with the EEG I'll be having on the 22nd of this month.

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I found her

Hi everyone. Earlier today I posted a blog looking for help to find a authors stories. Andrea DiMaggio was nice enough to show me to the write webite for archived sites. I did not have any luck at first. I no longer had the write url for the lost website. Finaly, I poured through my histories on my computer and found the URl. I had tried it one last time before I deleted it from my favorites.

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