You know what has been amusing me lately? The difference in numbers in the stories. What cracks me up is to see one chapter that has a large number, the next a smaller number and the third a larger number. Are people skipping chapters?
Just something I have been thinking about.
Chapter Read/Views?
I'm assuming you are talking about read/view count?
I know it's often been commented that people tend to go and read back past chapters when new chapters are posted. Sometimes they go back 2 chapters, sometimes one. Sometimes not at all if the postings are close enough together. So it's hard to pinpoint just what is causing the irregularity that you see.
You are probably right
There's likely some correlation to how long since the last chapter was posted.
Too long and for some of us ADD aflicted people its a whole new shiney thing (it's that 1K of volitile static ram we operate on)
I'm soooooooooo guilty of this!
I don't very often see...
The bounce up... I just figured it was people that lost interest in the story. Any bumps (up) on mine are probably due to my going back to look at the page - in hopes of seeing a new comment. :-)
Though, on some good author's stories - Like that lady that writes about Russian Mobsters & Bikes.... I can't always read them in order - and will come in having missed 2-3 days (due to life - I know, lame excuse). So, I'll hit the last page(es) 2 or 3 times for only once for a older one. Or, sometimes I'll go back to one too far, to one I've gone back to before, and bump it's # a bit higher.
my take on this
I know for me its often so long between chapters and I read practically everything posted on 3 sites... every day... that I have to go back and remind myself what was going on.
I find multi-chapter stories quite painful to read. I often let the story advance without me until I estimate that a significant portion of the story has been posted... course when I do that I have to go back and remind myself
Do the Less-Seen Chapters...
...have fewer comments? I normally revisit almost anything that I've read here if a new comment has come in since my last time on the site. So I'd be "credited" with several reads on a more-discussed chapter and fewer on one with less discussion. (Of course, I don't know how true that is for other readers.)
Not always. But some of them
Not always. But some of them do have high comment counts.
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