Oscar R.I.P.

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I always knew that this day would come, I just never expected it to happen so soon, You see for a little over three weeks now i have been taking Oscar one of our two much loved cats to the vets for treatment for a lump in his neck, Right from the start of his treatment we were under no illusions, It was pointed out from the start by the vet the most likely diagnosis was cancer and the prognosis was not good, Nonetheless we felt we had to give him a chance, After all the vet could be wrong! Yesterday and today however the poor little fella was in a sorry state unable to bear anyone near him and refusing all the food offered to him, So we made the only decision possible and took him back to the vets.

So why is it even though i know i've done the best thing for him i could and helped out of all his pain and misery i feel so bad.... I loved that little fella, He is going to leave a big hole in my life Gooodbye OSCAR old lad i'll miss you



He was part of your family


The loss of a loved family member affects us all, no matter whether they are human, canine or feline.

As such, you have to let yourself grieve, while knowing that with the grief process things become easier as time goes by.

I've euthanised two of my three cats this year. Both were 13 years old, with FIV. Number three has this disease, and while he's definitely slowing down, he's hanging in there. Sadly, I know his end is going to come sooner rather than later.

I have a photo of the ‘gang of three’ taken a few years ago as they waited on the back steps in the afternoon sun for me to get home from work and feed them. When I'm feeling a bit down, I pet #3 and look at the photo and remember happier times.

Profound Sympathies

It's hard

to lose one of our little ones. Cat,dog or some other pet, when they become a member of the family their lost hurts.

Big Hugs!


I'm so sorry you lost your purry friend

I'm so sorry you lost your purry friend.
They do work their way into our hearts, and when their time has come, we miss them as members of the family.
I lost a cat to cancer years ago, and one to kidney disease; I still miss them, and always will.


Reality is a nice concept - but it doesn't hold up to close examination.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

Death of a furry fried

I had to put down one of my furry frieds last Easter. She had breast cancer and no quality of life, and we had to make a sad decision. The vets send us a very nice sympathy card, and when I went in to settle the account, I was treated very great sympathy.

I have leaky eyes as I write this, but time does become a healer. I see a similar cat in the neighbourhood, and like to think her spirit still lives.


Sometimes all that works is a hug.

Part of your heart

Paraphrasing what another said, they are not only part of your family, they are part of your heart. It hurts now, in time it will hurt less, but that will never change that you have loved, and been loved. The kind of unreserved love that says "I don't care who you are, I love you for what you are. Children are that way also, sadly they grow out of it, but a companion like a dog or cat never does.


"Being a girl is wonderful and to torture someone into that would be like the exact opposite of what it's like. I don’t know how anyone could act that way." College Girl - poetheather

"Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by the moments that take your breath away.”
George Carlin

I am commanded

Angharad's picture

by Bonzi and Izzy to send condolences, I include my own with them. 'Cats leave paw prints on your heart,' according to a fridge magnet I have. As I bought it, I tend to agree.

Healing hugs.



I cried more for my old cat Charlie than my own mother

But then mom did too as I held him as the vet euthenized him.

Now the cat's that adopted us after he passed are getting old, almost fifteen now and are on a kidney diet and some added potasium powder. The girl, Calie, a calico -- hey the Evil Blonde TM named them -- gets saline under her skin every day to help her ailing kidneys and only complains a bit. Her big orange brother, Rusty -- another victim of the Blonde one's naming scheme -- is in the room supervising me as I type.

As to tumors on necks, mom hid hers and we were too embarased to ask her until thyroid cancer was too advanced.

So sad.

John in Wauwatosa

P.S. As long as you are healthy, once the last one passes, get another pet or pets, with the appropriate vacinations and any tips on sanitizing the most contaminated areas in the house to be extra safe.

There are countless strays in need of a good home so it is in honor of your fallen friends not a dishonor to them to adopt some more.

John in Wauwatosa

A heartfelt thank you

to everyone who has left a message in reply to my blog, It's nice to know that even though we have never met you all took the time to write a few words of sympathy, It was very much appreciated and even though nothing will bring my little tiger back i cannot tell you how much it means to me to read your all kind words.


I,ve just been told by the vet that it was a cancer of the lymph nodes and had spread to his other main organs so the little fella never stood a chance.

I urge anyone who has lost a pet,

to read Grovers story: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/fiction/9087/another-cat039s-t...

Grover wrote it for me when I had to put my little buddy down, bit I think it speaks to everyone who has lost a pet. I know it helped me get over the loss.

Many warm fuzzy hugs from someone who know how you feel.

Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg