Rumors of my death...

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... have been greatly exaggerated.

I'm sorry I have not been here. I have not been anywhere for some time. My life in short:

1) I got sick.
2) My wife got sick too and had to go to the hospital for it.
3) I got a short term assignment and it was at night
4) I got another short term assignment as (get this) a secretary.
5) I started a process of redoing my entire *other* site, the religious one, into Wordpress from the static site it was.
6) I got sick again.

Long story short, I've been really busy with life in general and just have not felt a compulsion to write. I do have more Samantha and Sissy stories trying to claw their way out, and i will be writing/posting more. The story is not done for either of them, and every now and then I get kicked in the head to do more. But I don't always have the time.

So, I write when I can, work when I should, and take care of my family. The storytelling kinda winds up as last in a lot of things. But that doesn't mean that I won't still write. I will. I promise.

EDITED TO ADD: Oh, and Mary and I had our 18th Wedding Anniversary last night. 18 years of blis and acceptance of my Joy side. It's wonderful.

Oh, and Mary got antibiotics to take care of the Bronchitis she was coming down with at the Hospital. So that's good too.


Glad to see you back

Sorry to hear that you and your wife have been ill. Glad to hear about the anniversary, congratulations on that, by the way. It's just good to know that you're still with us. Take care of yourself and your wife first, then worry about the rest of us until things settle down for you.