TopShelf Blogs

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I Had A Really Good Electrolysis Session Today

I had a really good session with a new Electrolygist today. She is very TG friendly and even teaches her own classes. I allow her students to work on me and she gives me a reduced rate. I got to try the latest technology in Electrolysis. It uses sixteen probes at once and the current pulses at a slower rate. It is very comfortable and I was not bothered by it much at all. The other side of my face, they used the traditional single probe. It is a cakewalk compared to Laser. It felt like someone had put 100 lit cigarettes on my face. I had tears rolling down my face.

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Thank you all so much!

Thank you all so much for your kind words last night. They truly helped me through a crisis in my life. I think it is sorted out for now, but I do not expect the road ahead to be much easier. Hubby and I have some really major issues to work out and I can only hope that they work out in a way that I like and that he likes as well.

We argued for almost 18 hours last night, but we wound up sleeping in each others arms.

A large part of that is due to you folks here, and for that you have my eternal gratitude.


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transgender, horor and mythical monsters all mixed together?

I started writing a new story, I posted the first chapter on this site and on Crystals. I am enjoying the idea and writing it. How ever I wonder if this is a good idea. I havent really recieved the feedback I had hoped for. I guess many readers dont like horror with a transgender twist in it.

On crystals, I got this review: For pity's sake, let us know it's a story about vampires so we don't waste our time. "Vampire venom?" Puhlease!

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I have a fairly major problem. I'm stuck in a situation I don't know how to solve. I've spent 20 years trying to be the male my husband wants me to be, demands me to be. I've come to the point where I can't stand it anymore and I don't know what to do. He has never even let me dress up in the house, apart from anyone else, because he is so against me even trying to look female.

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KittyHawk continues...

I've had several people encouraging me, or otherwise indicating they would enjoy, a sequel to my Mayday story, KittyHawk. I've played around with it some and, thanks to the many excellent suggestions made, have decided on how I'm going to continue it. I've already started and hope to have something up soon. I've already put up a title page and attached KittyHawk to it. I hope those who have expressed an interest aren't disappointed with what I've come up with.

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Nasty Sinuses, We Hates Them Forever

Well, at least this time they are getting me out a dental appointment. Ax murderers behind the eyes and oozing body fluids at both ends are not a good time to go to the dentist, not to mention the choking and gagging fits. I'm going to take some pain pills and take a nap and maybe call to see my regular doctor this afternoon.

I'll be here, I'm just not firing on all cylinders.


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NO more Thai BF

For months I have been crying about my hard assed Thai Boy Friend. Well, finally, he is out, gone, kaput, thrown out! Yes, he always hurt me and he kept both my hands tied up just keeping him happy, the Cur!

I have two new Boy Friends and they are soft and real to me. They are probably about as real as any BF I will ever have. OH, such love, I have for them.

You too can have yours from


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Medical Professional Sensitivity Towards LGBT

I found this article about raising medical professionals' awareness and sensitivity towards gay and trans patients. On the one hand, it's encouraging that there are efforts and energies afoot to do this. On the other hand, it's sad how ignorance and discrimination can exist in the medical community, just as elsewhere. The third paragraph of the article is of particular relevance to our little community here.

I have access to this through a subscription from a free Medscape blog site for Med students entitled "The Differential" (no, I'm not a med student -- I lied when I signed up for the site.) I found copies of it adapted for other websites, so I'm going to assume its copyright is either absent or permits that. Rather than post a link that probably won't work for anyone not subscribed, I'm posting the full text here.

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Major Virus or ?? problem.

I don't know what I experienced, but this afternoon, my computer got Schitzo, so I tried to scan it with Norton, and left for work while it worked. I came home 5 hours later and it was still scanning the same file.

I shut it down and restarted; had to unplug it. When it restarted everything seems normal, Norton says it updated, and I have all green lights.

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Bike - 655.

Tonight's is being written as you read this. I've been marshalling on the Tour Series race at Exeter. Actually, I was selling programmes, but it helped the event, which was raising money for prostate cancer charities. The riders all 50 of them were hurtling around Exeter at far from safe speeds, there was at least one crash -but it was good spectator sport.

I've only just got home, so tonight's bike will be racing along as soon as I can write it.


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My Furry Child, Brittany Passed Away Today an Obit of sorts

Brittany, passed away today. She was 1 month shy of her 19th birthday. She's been my constant companion over the years. She came to me via ex-wife when we got married. Within 24 hours of meeting, Brittany and I were friends. When my back collapse made me virtually bed-ridden for 3 years, she was always with me. She's had various health issues over the years, and I've managed to keep her going. The last 6 months have been hard as Brittany developed high blood pressure and lost her sight. She'd lost her hearing a few years ago as well.

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Dear Abby Came Through Today

In Dear Abby's column today (05/27 - second item) "Nervous in Northern California" asked if she should tell her employer that a person that she had already recommended for a job is transgendered. Check out Abby's answer:

Edited 05/28/09 9:13 AM CDT - Updated link

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Jewel box search

I was doing my weekly check of the jewlbox and found one listed 4 years ago. It is called Illiana by Kay Lavander. The prologue is not even listed on her author's page. She posted 2 segments of what is supposed to be an epic length novel, and then nothing. Has anyone seen her or it around anywhere else. Does anyone know if she ever posted anymore. I haven't gotten into the story yet, but it looks as if it might be interesting with all the other magic stories that have been done recently.

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Negative Comments

The authors of this site go to a great deal of trouble to provide stories to entertain you, the readers. If you disagree with something, or find a story lacking in some way, the worst thing you can do is to "OUT" the author who has taken a great deal of time to produce a tale for your delectation.

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The Top Shelf Girls. Poised to invade SCC

For those who know about SCC this blog will be, perhaps, a bit redundant. For those who don't know, SCC is the biggest TG convention/conference in the world! It's been being held annually for the past 18 or 19 years and attracts TGs of all stripes, from all over the world, to Atlanta Georgia.

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Cliched Male fears about waking up as a woman.

Hello all! Over at my blog at I am trying to work out a different way for a male to "work through" being changed into a female. I could go through all the cliched "OMG I'm A GIRL!!!" things that have been done to death.

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Testing my memory...failing: Looking for a Story

A few days ago, someone asked about a story on the TG Fiction Yahoo group and it started me thinking but not coming up with an answer. Someone there mentioned Brandy Dewinter's "Only for You", which is a very good story but not the one I was thinking of to answer the query.

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Gender test

A few days ago, I thought that someone Blogged about a new Gender Test, and I took it. I was so tired that night, that I kept falling asleep while doing it and I think it could have taken me an hour and a half.

The dastardly, damming,dissatisfying and discouraging test rated me as a "0". :( I felt somewhat disappointed, because in my own mind, I am as much or more Woman than any other Woman. I thought that was it and it was over.

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Pyrrhic victory.

We live in a 200 year old stone cottage (they're very common round here) and the walls are really rubble-filled double piles of stones. One disadvantage, amongst many, is that they provide spacious accommodation for small rodents from time to time. We don't usually have a problem in warmer weather; mice infestation is normally a Winter problem and relatively minor. Not so right now.

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Fear of Discovery.

This has raised it's head again in my 'never-ending' tale of life and dormice. It's done so because it is a constant problem. My own transition was quite public and was known to hundreds if not thousands of people locally. I've also been 'outted' in the press two or three times, including mention on local TV and radio. So short of sending out six billion letters notifying everyone on the planet, it meant there'd be some who didn't know.

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BBC Radio 4 Today programme, included a piece on a project to monitor and reintroduce dormice on the Isle Of Wight, which isn't far from Portsmouth. In one wood alone they have 400 nesting boxes for dormice.

I'm delighted that my story is reasonably close to real life, and even more so to hera that in areas where they are being monitored, the rate of decline seems to be decreasing. Go for it Spike!



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first person, more than one point of view In first person

I am working on an idea for a new story I intend on posting here, but, yeah theres a but, I think this would really work good in first person POV. But there are several characters that I would like to go into to that are quite important for the flow of the story.
So I am thinking of entering the main characters POV and then changing POV to another to show the scene from another

Is that Possible, WOuld that be too jaring? Has that ever been done before for a published noval

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"I Hope You Don't Mind Me Saying This..."

Revised, with minor corrections and additions.

"I hope you don't mind me saying this," said June, the vivacious, large-bosomed, tattooed, gum-chewing, 30-year-old bartender, looking me over again, "but I think you might actually look," pause for emphasis and hand gesture, "better like this."

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TG Tropes

In everything there are certain stereotypes that get played upon constantly whether people intend to or not. Everybody knows that not everyone fits them, but when we think of whatever subject they apply to, they immediately spring to mind. 'Baseball players do steroids,' 'the good guy always wins,' these are just a couple of the more common stereotypes and tropes that people can easily identify from popular culture.

Here's my question: what do you consider to be the stereotypes of TG fiction? There's a ton of them, so they should be easy to list. Bonus points for catchy names for them.

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I've posted a snippet of my latest project, Forged In Fire, at my TGLibrary site. This is a military sci fi story very heavily influenced by the works of David Weber, so if you like that kind of thing please give it a peek. Be aware that this genre includes violence, explosions and even harsh language!

Oh, and this is a totally raw draft, so please, there is no need to point out the typos. I will get to the proofing in time, but right now I'm primarily interested in overall impressions. On my site you can also find some background material about the story setting.

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Update: Helping T folk

Well, giggle, I had gotten confused and was not on the panel but in the audience. I did get to make my points in the question and answer period. There was a Drug Company rep there and I am sure that I pissed him off. Had I known before hand, I'd have misbehaved much more.

I did not allow them to take pictures of me because I have been told to behave at my mosque and not speak of it. So, I went there in a knee length skirt, leggings and a loose top sans headcovering so I would not embarass them. I felt half naked. I do not like leading a double life.

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Transexuality: getting to the cause.

I think all T folk want to know the big WHY of it all. To test my own understanding of what I just read, it seems that in T folk, we experience certain smells the way that women do. I hope I live long enough to see this so firmly resolved that even the religious perverts who have greviously injured so many of us will finally be SHUT UP !


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Gabycon 2009 - a personal perspective.

I collected Brian on the way through, and stopped to eat my sandwiches at his house, then we went to play with the traffic. I'd left home at just before ten, and was at Brian's just before one pm. I'd only got lost once as well, which is good for me - I was to make up for it later.

The M42 seemed not too bad, Friday traffic is always heavy on the motorways, and we got held up a few times. Then the M1 near Nottingham was stop go, mainly stop. However, we chatted as we waited for the bottleneck to clear itself. This was almost habit forming, because it happened several times.

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Future of storytelling?

I've been following the amateur video series, Aurora Trek since it first began in 2006. I wondered if the creator would ever have the time to finish such an ambitious project, what looks to be about a forty minute sci-fi animation. I was relieved to see part three of four came out a couple of days ago, and it looks as though the finish will be something special.

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Am I A Liar?

There is a resident "expert" on all things on BC, I won't name him because I doubt I need to. Yesterday he made a statement, the subject line said "Every US soldier has the option not to go", followed by pointing out that under the army's "Don't ask, don't tell" policy, a soldier who said he or she was gay would be discharged from the service. Since most soldiers are not gay, I took that to mean he thought it was alright to lie to get out of military service, and said so.

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general thoughts about story writing and my story about Cissy

I have a few thoughts that I want to let you know. The first is that this story of mine isnt entirely original. I got the original idea for this story from Linda Lafrance and her story "The story of Prissy" In that story a sexist boy makes a bunch of nasty comments during a debate and the girls get him back by feminizing him for a weekend. They inflict terrible humiliations on him and he submissively goes though it even in the end, he seems to have no backbone.

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Helping T folk.

Gad! I have been asked to sit on a Discussion Panel to talk about how to help T folk in the Portland area. God folks, can you think of anyone less suited for this? You all know about my acerbic comments and nasty point of view on the subject.

Now, I am rightly and truely frightened. Now, I have a responsibility to act er well, responsibly. :( What am I to do? Maybe I should just wear a gag.

HELP someone, anyone! SCREAM!!!!

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Seven months

Over the course of the past seven months my elderly Dalmatian passed away while I held her; I've lost my job, used up my credit, and had to put my house up for sale; had my wife of thirteen years request a divorce, get her own place and move out; developed skin cancer (albeit a relatively mild form); and just this past week, had our beloved miniature schnauzer, our only pet, escape and get run over and killed by a speeding van.

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Stardust, Fictioneer and Tuckerspawn are back.

Since there are so many comments I'll leave this message in place. As of about 3:30 PM EDT the power has been restored and all of the critical servers are back in operation. One of the general use systems that runs my lightning detection system is having problems but it isn't as critical as the other servers were.

Bob Arnold

Bob tells me that power is out due to lines brought down by winds in his area of central New York. May be back up today but more winds and storms expected, so it could be a while. Bob will remove this notice when the power comes back up. He's fine.

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Plots and openings

This morning while on my morning web surf I ran across this article. While oriented towards sci-fi/action movies I think it applies to just about all stories. He has some good advice and insight why some plots work and others don't. Enjoy!



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Bike and Gabycon

This weekend, from Friday, I shall be attending the Gabycon. I'll be taking my little netbook plus dongle with me, and hope I can get a signal while 'oop north'. I also hope I can find an hour or so to write the odd episode of Bike. I'll make no promises other than to try and write and post if I have time. Otherwise normal service will be resumed on monday or tuesday.

I shall try and do an episode tomorrow, although I'll be packing and clearing six months' detritus from my car.


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GID conference in Bay Area

I was online looking for more comfortable Dialtors, and stumbled into what is said to be a major GID conference by the American Psychological Association on May 18th. I don't understand what some of the issues are and might even disagree with other T folk. I did write one of the speakers for the event, and made a comment that those on heavy doses of Psychotropic drugs are not competent to make the SRS decision. Any one who can should perhaps attend.


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Pot And It's Effects On The Body-Story

There is a story I believe posted @ Storysite where an aunt tries to cope with a visiting nephew's smoking pot, and involvement with the pot crowd. She tells him that if he continues to do pot, that he will develop as a girl.

He stops, but because of his friends, she wrongfully thinks that her nephew is doing pot and has him feminized by a doctor. She later on has him totally sex changed because she thinks that her niece is still doing pot.

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Sometimes Having A Family Really Bites!

My mother just made plane reservations to go visit my brother in Virginia for his graduation from Graduate School. She has made it clear that I can't go, but she is more than willing to have my other brother fly there with her. I told her that I know the real reason they don't want me to come, but she tells me there is no room or I can't afford to go. I know that it wouldn't matter if I was independently wealthy, they still wouldn't want me because they don't want me to be seen. They are ashamed that I am their transsexual daughter and sister.

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Does Anyone Know Anything About The Similac Baby Formula Link To GID?

My dad was telling me about a health report he saw on the news where scientists have found a link between Similac Baby Formula and GID in babies born biologically male. I have looked for info on it, but I haven't found anything. Has anyone else? According to what my dad was saying, the Similac contained high levels of Estrogen and it caused the body not to produce Testosterone by severely stunting testicular size and making the brain develop as a female.

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Bloody Hills!

My cycling group did a thirty miler, which seemed to be forever climbing hills today - not hard in Dorset, place is full of them, 'delightful rolling countryside' say the visitors. They don't usually try to ride up them.

I am totally cream crackered, as the Cockney's would say. However, I have finished a complete story for the gabycon next weekend (8.5k words)which I will post here after it's been up on Maddy's site.

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Something Feels Strange continues soon...

Hello all... just a heads up that I will start posting chapters from Something Feels Strange again very soon. I have also been working with Gabi to clean up the first four chapters, which I updated earlier today.

I have been having fun lately seeing where Chris/Kris goes. I can hardly wait to share it with you.

- Tiff Q

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UK MPs proclivities

Currently, various details of British MPs' "expenses" have become public knowledge (much to the dismay of the Parliamentary swine). In UK law, and even in the lax parliamentary rules, for expenditure to qualify as expenses, it must be incurred wholly and exclusively as part of your duties.

So what does this have to do with us?

Amongst other examples of porcine traits, male MPs have claimed on their expenses for tampons, nappies (US diapers) and women's clothes - to be used wholly and exclusively as part of their duties!

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