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Allison D'murell????

Hi everyone. One of my favorite sites for TG reading has always been Allison D'murrells website over on Yahoo. I love her stories. Unfortunatly it's gone now. I have never seen any of her stories anywhere else. I wish I had saved the stories when I had the chance. The site had a wonderfull but sad story about a young man named Judas(lamb to his friends), It had a wonder story about the brother to the famous SRU wisard. I shall miss these stories. As far as I am concerned Allison ranks up there with the fines TG authors on the internet.

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Your continued encouragement

I spent a lovely afternoon with my beautiful bride at the Neurology Center of Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan. No time for sightseeing but I have a followup video EEG in two weeks. My original medication, which I am no longer taking, apparently acted as a precipitant to the tremors, and the new medication highly regarded for seizures that are anxiety/stress/and panic related or caused. No diagnosis other than a Seizure Disorder N.O.S. Thanks for all your prayers. If I had another son, and he was somehow was Asian, I would love for him to be just like my doc.

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Where have I been?

Edeyn I hope it's not flattering myself to say that some of you have been wondering where I've gotten off to.

About six weeks ago, something happened, that although I didn't know what was going on, I was responsible for. It caused a LOT of people massive amounts of pain. Just because I didn't realize it was happening, doesn't make it any less my fault.

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Urgent Movie help her?

I am looking for the Title to a recent movie where a CIA agent goes to Syria or Jordan to find a Terrorist. He gets captured by the same but gets rescued by the Jordanian version of the CIA. In the mean time he falls in love with a Muslim girl and stays on to marry her.

I thought it was Matt Daymon, Brad Pitt or Mark Walberg but so far can't find nuttin'

Can anyone help"


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How different

I posted this story 'How different from us' last year, around April time. It appears to have disappeared, so I shall repost it tomorrow if I have time. Those who haven't read it will have a chance to do so, and those who have previously read it, will have an opportunity to relive the experience. How's that for value? I think it's quite good, but then I would, wouldn't I?


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A husband, for ME?

I was talking on SKYPE this morning with a long time friend in Sauudia. We usually talk about situations there, his favorite books, and movies too. Yes, there are no movie theatres there, but they haf their vays. :)

He'd gotten heat stroke today and needed a pat on the head. I was suitably motherly to him and then out of the blue, he said,"would you like to meet my Uncle"?

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Interesting Essay

Psychoanalyst Adam Phillips examines the culture of excess which seems such a part of modern life. He looks at this in regard to all areas of life, including consumerism, sex, and religion. It's well worth the read and it may give insight into how you feel about yourself.

The essay is in today's Guardian Review. Link below.


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Various things

First, I'd once again like to thank everyone for their prayers and support. My appointment is on Monday in Manhattan, and hopefully the neuro specialist can help me get to the bottom of the tremors I'm experiencing. Things are fairly good with the medication I'm already taking, and perhaps that's all that can be done, but that's okay; it's all in God's and my doctor's hands.

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What was Stu thinking?

This is the sort of thing that I find embarassing for all T folk. I don't normally comment on the conduct of another person. Portland is pretty weird and you can see just about anything. A case in point would be the rod that ran cheek to cheek on a youth. Unguhah!

So Stu, the Mayor of Silverton ... what were you thinking girl?

Oh, by the way, in a personal conversation, she does not claim to be Transgendered. Just another case of the Media just not getting it.


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Resource: Technical / Medical Text (Extensive Data on Intersex and Sexual Development)

File this somewhere under Deep, Deep Background! Some of it might be useful to authors of TG fiction, but mostly I think it will be of interest to those who have intersex conditions.

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Summer Romance

I remember running in a Police Athletic League track meet, and I won two bronze medals; one for the 100yd dash and one for the 200yd dash. My mother was so proud until I reminded her that only three sprinters were entered, so even if I had crawled across the finish line hours later, I would still would have won. I just checked the voting tabulation and was absolutely thrilled to see that "It's You I Like" had garnered its first and perhaps only vote. I am not complaining in the least; I've read all of the stories and they are all quite good.

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To all my new friends

I am going into NYC to Columbia Presbyterian on Monday for a consult and eventual follow-up for the tremors I am having. So far the medication I'm on has helped a great deal, but we are looking to find out what exactly is causing the problem. I had an MRI two weeks ago, and I am absolutely happy to say I don't have a tumor or a brain aneurysm. The hardest part is the 'not knowing.' No huge worries, since things are going well and God is still in control. Please pray, and thanks for reading my work and blessing me with your kind comments and encouragement.

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Story Idea

I have a story Idea using TransBike to tell the story, and it is not as sweet, sentimental as the others. In the new story, the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter in the past was the planet Minerva which shatters, and ends all life on Mars.

The Martian Life force goes insane and attacks the Earth. Gaia barely shields the ecology from each attack. The last attack weakens the Earth, allowing Mars to plant a few seeds that only the Dapper Gentleman and TransBike stop.

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I Need Some Advice From Those Who Have Had Orchi

I met my new Internal Medicine doctor today. She did a Physical on me and I told her about some pain I had in my testes. She examined them and ordered an Ultrasound done. If she says they need to go than I certainly will not shed any tears over it. The decision is a no brainer because I am planning on them being gone at some point anyway. I was just wondering if it was true about the penile skin shrinking and affecting Vaginal depth when I have SRS. Did that happen to anyone who is post-op and was it much of a problem?

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Elemental Dreams

So, I have been away a while, life getting in the way and so on. I'll not bore you here with the details. Also, I have not stopped writing, merely a hiatus and apologies to any who would read my mewlings, they are a little delayed.

Okay, so maybe not trans related, but I wrote a little thing and here it is. It is called: Elemental Dreams.

Fluttering blossom on the breeze,
A soothing blast to clear the air,
Of life and love its calm reprise,
Whisper tales both cruel and fair.

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Shame on me

First, I'd like to thank all the readers following the Princess series and for their comments. I also want to thank Sephrena for all her hard work with this story. We've had our ups and downs with regard to where I want the story to go, and if I agree with her point of view then I'll allow it into the story. Last night Sephrena called me to look at what she had done and sent an Email of the latest chapter. I explained that I had guests and would look at it in the morning, but no sooner, but that I trusted her judgement on where the story is going, so I released it to be posted.

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Did you know?

Now I know that you have to clean the outside of your computer screen, but did any of you know you know you have to clean the INSIDE of your screen? I sure didn't, but I found a place where you can get it done for free.

Glad to have been of service. *giggle* This was sent to me by "understanding wife"

Hugs 'n love,
Catherine Linda Michel

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Many Thanks to Everyone

For all the positive and other comments on Maiden by Decree. My muse had left me for a while there thanks to a month long bout of illness that I won't go into here. Please know that all your comments, even the few negative ones helped me with the story so far and were very much appreciated. And yes even negative comments if made as comments and suggestions, help an author improve the story in question.

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Thanks and more thanks

I'm writing this as a thank you for all of the folks who have been kind enough to comment on my work. I am fairly new to this apart from the odd paper or two in grad school years ago. My intent, first and foremost, is to encourage and inspire, and I hope I have. My desire is to create authentic, real people that the reader will want to care about and follow, like friends or family. Your feedback tells me that my fictional family is worth caring about.

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Things will probably be slowing down (TS)

I started posting trouser snake chapters with a ten chapter buffer, but I'm close to the end of that buffer now and so things are liable to slow down a bit. I'm going to try to keep the posts coming at about one a day as a sort of experiment to get me writing more regularly, but I'm probably going to have to ease off a little bit at least for a little while, and then I'll have a spurt of writing and take care of another ten chapters and things will be back to normal.

Thank you for all the comments on the story. You guys rock!

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Last Night There was a Shooting

Last night a man clad in black entered one of the local GLBT centers in Tel-Aviv in the midst of a youth group. The man started shooting everywhere and killed 2 teens and injured 8 more, The man managed to escape.The shooting wasn't random, The place he went to was well known as a GLBT support place and was located in a side street near two of the busiest streets in Tel-Aviv .

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Whatever happened to . . .

I suddenly recalled a story that started sometime in the past few months, about a guy who is asked by his sister to allow himself to be magically turned into a girl so s(he) can bear the family heir. Kind of like a JulieO story but I don't think it was. I do remember some strong discussions about the brother being manipulated by his family and his sister's family, but I just can't recall the name or author. Does anybody remember it?

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Crazy Week to come

Well, I have a totally week in store for myself. This is the last week until Whedonfest, which is a three day mini-con/ charity fundraiser that is being held in Middle Tennessee. I am not ready to pound my head into walls yet, but by Wednesday... oh yeah.

Needless to say, there will be no updates then. However, fyi... I now know the ending to Sorority Boys and it's pretty cool in my opinion. I just have to figure out if I am going to write more of Caitlin's adventures after this or not. Once I know I'll have everything in place for the end of this book.

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I just received a letter,

from my former employer, the most recent one, that I just left for health reasons. I'll transcribe it here. Remember that during the time I worked there, I transitioned, undergoing my Real Life Test. Their attitude during the time I worked there was understanding, supportive and caring.

"Dear Catherine.

I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank you for the nearly 5 years of service that you have dedicated to CARTS (Chautauqua Area Rural Transport System) through your assignment here as an Office For The Aging Senior Aide.

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Thank you BCTS! ^_^

I've been meaning to do this for a while, but I kept chickening out! First off, thank you so much Erin for setting up this wonderful site and keeping it going for us, you're fantastic! :) Also, thank you to Sephrena Lynn Miller and the other administrator/moderators for helping Erin keep this lovely site going and friendly for us all! I also want to thank all the editors who help so many authors clean up/improve their stories.

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New Spinal cord injury repair research

Here is a link to an article on CNN where Scientist have been using the dye from blue M&M's to help repair/rebuild spinal cord injuries. The one major side effect from the treatment is that your skin turns blue for a period of time.

Feeling Blue?

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I will rise

I had the supreme privilege of singing "I will rise" with my in-laws at the wake this evening, and it was a wonderful, sad, happy and glorious time. Tears and laughter mingled freely as we appreciated the life my mother-in-law led and all the people she blessed. I said that if you looked up the definition of "sweet" in an illustrated dictionary, the entry would feature her photo. Thank you all for your prayers and support and may God bless you all! 'drea

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Why in God's name does she do this?

I joined YouTube recently and am having fun surfing all over the place. But one video popped up and, while well done, I cannot get it through my mind why a genetic girl as pretty as this one would voluntarily cover up like this. Mostly we hear it is 'forced' or a 'religious requirement' but she says it is by her own choice. When I think of how many would love to have and display (show off) a face such as hers it boggles my mind. If you are a member of YouTube just type in the search box: Niqab styles 1 and then please tell me WHY?

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I'm typing my fingers off.

Hi all! I just wanted to let everyone out there who has read and enjoyed (or at least read) Unfinished Business know that this novel will not become unfinished business itself. I also wanted to thank everyone who commented on the story, especially since the editing was atrocious. Now, I have an editor for the rest of the tale which should improve things greatly! Thanks DJ.


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Saless Story Schedule

First off, I want to apologize for my sluggishness with KittyHawk this week, and extreme slowness with Pass On What You Have Learned. I meant to post the next part of KittyHawk Monday, and right now it's looking like this upcoming Monday is more likely. As for Pass On What You Have Learned, it's already two or three weeks behind. I have it about half written, but I'm not sure how long it will take me to finish as it doesn't flow as easily as KittyHawk and Venus Cursed!

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It's Always The Shoes (or, My Life Is A Cheesy TG Story)

So, today I had my first in-person, face-to-face job interview since I transitioned a couple of months ago. I haven't heard back officially yet, but it felt like... but I'm getting ahead of the story. Let me back up a bit.

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Last Book of PB's "Note's of a Journey" (Reconciliation) now at

Since Maddy Bell is enjoying a fortnight off, she's asked me to announce that the final book of my "Note's of a Journey" trilogy (Reconciliation) is now at as either a download or print version.

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Let this be a warning...for all of us!

Yesterday, while out doing retail therapy, on my way home, my car died on me. I managed to coast into a somewhat secluded parking lot, tried re-starting the joy. I went inside a nearby business, called a tow truck, and went back out to wait in the car.

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I am so sorry

I am so sorry for the multiple posts. I didn't mean to be so selfish. My sweet mother-in-law died on Saturday, and this has been a way of dealing with the loss as we prepare for the funeral Friday. She was a lovely kind woman; her name was Natalie, and even though I married into her family, it hurts and I miss her so. Thanks for understanding, and I'll try to "pace" myself. God bless! 'drea

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that was just odd

You know this will problem go down as an idea that might have been. Usually I only remember having dreams when I change my meds. Which is odd because I haven't; Hopefully is not another down ward spiral into depression. Other wise I don't think I ever dream. Anyway Life at this point had just been one disappointment after another. Being a foster child buyt not put into the system bause of being an embarsisment to the family I lost count of how many relatives i'd been bounced to around the usa.

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Voting Box Question

Has anyone else noticed a change in the way the voting box operates. Until recently, if I had not yet logged in, the box would say "Login" (or "Voted" if I had previously done so). Clicking on "Login" never worked because it took me off to an error message page, but I could get to the login place and back to vote quite easily.

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Can anyone recommend a divorce attorney in Seattle?

I've been served with papers and need someone to advise me. Trans-friendly of course, sharp and thorough but preferably not out for blood. I'd know just who to go to if I lived in Penmarris Cove, but though I feel like it at times, I'm not a character in a Susan Brown tale.


Erin M. (justme)

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I originally bought an IPAQ several years ago to read stories on and that proved to be too impractical; too small. Now, I am seeing a thing called a "Kindle" and I wonder if anyone else here has tried one. It seems as if the "pages" are as large as a paperback novels'.

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