Sk8r Grrls - SURGE

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Edeyn Were you a fan of Sk8r Grrls up until the Episode that made it not really for kids anymore? Are you still miffed about that? Say no more! Yes, I still get Private Messages either apologizing for not wanting to read any more after that, or else berating me for including it. There is, however, hope!

Starting as soon as I get my lazy tuckus in gear, A special re-release of Sk8r Grrls is going to hit TopShelf.

There will be Timelines, Behind-the-Scenes footage, transition scenes added, character Profiles, MORE of Heather Rose Brown's awesome art!

We will begin again with Sk8r Grrls Episode 1 in the new and improved "Sk8r Ultra Renewal Grind Edition" and when we get to the parts that cause such controversy, there will be a split in the storyline...

One version will continue as the original "Jitter" , rated PG to PG-15 for the most part with occasional R or even in one case an R-21 rating (mostly for the violence and possible triggering of PTSD).

The other version, the "Jink" edition, will be completely rated PG to PG-15 with the "offending" Episodes rewritten to a point that they will be family friendly!

Also included in the SURGE will be references and profiles for NON-Sk8r Grrls characters that have a tie to the Topiverse! (Hey, no one's suggested a better name, better do so quick before this sticks, folks!)

As of right now, there are multiple stories from myself and one other that are in the Topiverse, add to that at least two authors that are at least one story connected, and it could be pretty big someday!

More news as matters are settled.

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...


I'll take any & all

laika's picture

Annie & Allie adventures (& their so memorable friends, and families, and dorko whatshisname who talks so weird, of course I had him bring him up...) you want to write, but if both are available I'll probably just skim the G rated version to see how you changed it.

I've been reading some recent novels for younger readers (the Julie Anne Peters books like LUNA, with LGBT characters-) and I'm surprised how gritty and realistic Juvenile fiction has become since those "groundbreaking" works back in the seventies which seems so tame today. So maybe....
It'd be great to go to the library & see SK8R GRRRRLS in hardback some day!
~~~hugs, Laika

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)