I've been thinking about all the hard work and time that Erin and Sephrena put in on this site, as well as just what the purpose is of our little BigCloset. I say "our" with deliberation. The people who read and write here may not own this site, but it is a home of sorts for us. It is a place that we may come to express a side of ourselves that many in the greater community do not want to hear about. It is a refuge and a bastion, a source of respite and strength.
Or at least it should be.
Let me tell you a little about myself. I went through most of my life believing that I was just a cross dresser, and I was very ashamed of my desires. I grew into a tall, lanky man who very occasionally gave into those desires to dress femininely without ever examining the underlying motivation. I didn't "know" that I was a girl since I was a wee tyke, and even now that I've come to realize there's more than a little woman in me, I still do not totally identify with the gentler sex. You could say that I'm a little bit TG, a little bit male (do I hear a song playing here?) In short, I'm a little bit conflicted.
That is the sort of conflict that might make a good subject for a story here. That's the purpose of BigCloset--to allow us to explore that side of us mentioned up there on the header. Check it out.
Life, of course, is filled with much more than our TG concerns. Most good stories here incorporate some of those topics into the storyline. Some of those topics may have controversy attached to them. Hopefully, they will be dealt with in thoughtful ways, rather than as propaganda. I have yet to read a story here that I felt smacked me in the face with that sort of treatment.
Occasionally, however, I have seen comments stray into that sort of rhetoric. I, for one, believe that we can all coexist here without resort to such discord. Indeed, I feel it is essential for our common good to do so.
I belong to another organization that has seen controversy, but has done admirably in steering clear of the pitfalls of partisanship. You may have heard of it. It is called Alcoholics Anonymous. Many successful organizations have adopted its tenets in one form or another. I could list several that are apropos to our BigCloset, but I'll paraphrase just one here. I hope that all who read this take it to heart.
Topshelf functions
I thought it's primary function was a friendly place where one could read, write or discuss TG fiction. Any others have grown from the ethos of the management and it's essentially nurturing environment, where many things are possible including the use of story as metaphor for real life issues - an ancient form of therapy, perhaps the original one.
Sounds to me like we are in agreement
Good Words.
as they say, smart people think alike...
p.s. As you can see, I am also very humble.
p.p.s. "If I only have humility, then I'd be perfect."
I'm here not because I need to be
but because I want to be.
I have a number of feelings about BC but the most important to me is SAFE. I've made a lot of friends (although I've never met them) and am hopefully honing my writing skills, thanks to the tireless efforts of one very special person in the USA and all those whose stories I read.
I am very grateful to Erin, Sephrena and their team for providing this haven and pray that it simply stays as it is; somewhere safe.
If I make some friends along the way, well that's a big bonus.
Am I the only one...
...who started reading this, but got distracted by the phrase, "Little BigCloset", and started thinking about little sock-puppet versions of the various people here? ^__^ We definitely need a mod for that game, just for us.
-Liz, who's enjoying that image faaaar too much.
Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"
High on a hill sat a lonely shepard...
Yodelady, yodelady, yo hee hoo!"
Yes, let's put on a show!
~~hugs, laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Put on a show? I really must reply...
... you're such a girl, but really so am I.....
She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Possa Dio riccamente vi benedica, tutto il mio amore, Andrea
Love, Andrea Lena
My comment [continued...]
...put on a show! And hopefully it won't turn into some grand guignol Punch & Judy playlet
as our little sock people start arguing about A, B. or C and knocking the stuffing out of each other...
I always thought AA had some good organizing principals. The fact that it's survived all these decades without a major schism points to this, given some of the personalities involved, which can make our little tiffs here look like The Care Bears. I like the way the money is handled in 12-step groups (stemming I think from something John D. Rockefeller said to the first AA group), which prevents any graft or corruption larger than some meeting's treasurer having a slip and going off on a bender. Government of the people by the people and in spite of the people.
But could "a power greater than ourselves restore us to sanity?" That's a toughie!
~~hugs again (Hi 'Drea!), Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Sanity AND serenity
Sanity is simply not doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
I agree with you that it is
I agree with you that it is important to have a place to explore the different aspects of your life. I started writing because it was a way of expressing, who I am inside, life is never easy when you don't really fit the norm. Most people wouldn't understand because it's hard to see past your own point of view. Being male or female none of it really makes a difference. what does is how you see yourself inside, myself I am a guy but if you were to ask me if I identified as one then the answer would be no, deep down I have always been different and like many people that are different I have experienced the pain that goes with it.
Places like the Big Closet are a great place, where you can explore that part of your life, and feel safe doing so, Many of the stories that I have read, I have identified with and that is part of the reason I keep coming back and decided to try my hand at being an Author.