A BigCloset Tradition
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I've been thinking about all the hard work and time that Erin and Sephrena put in on this site, as well as just what the purpose is of our little BigCloset. I say "our" with deliberation. The people who read and write here may not own this site, but it is a home of sorts for us. It is a place that we may come to express a side of ourselves that many in the greater community do not want to hear about. It is a refuge and a bastion, a source of respite and strength.
Or at least it should be.
Let me tell you a little about myself. I went through most of my life believing that I was just a cross dresser, and I was very ashamed of my desires. I grew into a tall, lanky man who very occasionally gave into those desires to dress femininely without ever examining the underlying motivation. I didn't "know" that I was a girl since I was a wee tyke, and even now that I've come to realize there's more than a little woman in me, I still do not totally identify with the gentler sex. You could say that I'm a little bit TG, a little bit male (do I hear a song playing here?) In short, I'm a little bit conflicted.
That is the sort of conflict that might make a good subject for a story here. That's the purpose of BigCloset--to allow us to explore that side of us mentioned up there on the header. Check it out.
Life, of course, is filled with much more than our TG concerns. Most good stories here incorporate some of those topics into the storyline. Some of those topics may have controversy attached to them. Hopefully, they will be dealt with in thoughtful ways, rather than as propaganda. I have yet to read a story here that I felt smacked me in the face with that sort of treatment.
Occasionally, however, I have seen comments stray into that sort of rhetoric. I, for one, believe that we can all coexist here without resort to such discord. Indeed, I feel it is essential for our common good to do so.
I belong to another organization that has seen controversy, but has done admirably in steering clear of the pitfalls of partisanship. You may have heard of it. It is called Alcoholics Anonymous. Many successful organizations have adopted its tenets in one form or another. I could list several that are apropos to our BigCloset, but I'll paraphrase just one here. I hope that all who read this take it to heart.