Changes & Football Girl

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Just a quick message to all Changes and Football Girl fans to say that Sue is going to be away for a couple of days to visit her family.

So…if you're waiting for the next installments, Take a deep breath…………


(Also waiting with bated breath, but being Sue's editor I get to see it before you… NAA-NAA-NA-NA-NAAAA!


Thank You

Thank you. I have no idea what magic you add to Football Girl, but Sue keeps sending it to you, so it must be considerable.

The end product is terrific. It's currently the best story on BC. (And that comes from someone who usually avoids teenage protagonist stories that are posted in serial form.)

I would have voted for it in the Halloween Horror contest had Sue entered a chapter. The last chapter with its sanguinary conflict would have qualified.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Thanks, Gabi

terrynaut's picture

You seem to have the magic touch. I wonder if your apparent playfulness helps. I would think that it would help.

I have to point out an improvement to your taunting at the end though. I've always found that inserting a "Y" after the "N" makes for a more realistic sound. Try it and see if you don't agree.


Playful hug

- Terry