
I have once again been accused of negativity by Sephrena.

Worse, I have been accused of disrespecting those who served in the war.


Jill Micyla talked of the amnesty those who went to Canada received. Are you aware, Jill, that the "amnesty" was circumvented by local draft boards? When a person either went AWOL or refused induction the local draft board often requested the local court to issue a bench warrant for the arrest of that individual. Many who came back from Canada, thinking they had received "amnesty" were thrown into jail for "contempt of court". Many served long prison terms or did years of public service.

My brother was one of those who left for Canada after fighting the system and finding out you can't beat the man. He refused induction. He was the first one in our state to do it, long before most Americans could pronoun Vietnam or Laos. He was an activist, rode the Freedom buses with MLK. Taught in an experimental school. He told the federal judge that he could not serve because he didn't believe in the war and could not kill someone over something he didn't believe in. My brother had studied the situation. He has a 160+ IQ and an inquisitive mind. We were raised Roman Catholic so he could not get a conscientious objector status. The judge said, "If you're not asked to go to Vietnam and you don't carry a gun, would you have a problem serving?" My brother said he would serve under those conditions. The judge then said "The army has lots of other jobs you can do." and than proceeded to administer the oath.

My brother went through basic training. After he was assigned to infantry and given his orders to go to Vietnam, he left and went to Canada. This was back when the government cared about people leaving the Army without permission. We often had FBI agents at our door asking if we had heard from him. We didn't/hadn't for the next six months until we finally got a letter from Canada.

The first time he came back to the US was after Jimmy Carter's amnesty. He was arrested at the border as a felon, but our local draft board did not decide to do what so many others did.

I grew up on a farm in a conservative state. My family suffered mightily as people questioned our patriotism and his upbringing. I mentioned previously a friend who received the medal of honor for actions that got him killed in Vietnam. I didn't mention the fistfight he and I had one night when he called my brother a coward. We had just heard about a friend who was killed in Vietnam and everyone's nerves were frayed.Can you imagine my conflicted thoughts about how my brother left us to wallow in his mess?

I have had to work through issues concerning war from a very young age. I was in high school when my brother left and in college during the last four years of the 60's.

Am I sensitive to discussion of war? Very. Do I believe it is negative to question the propriety of militaristic humor? Not at all. Is questioning the appropriateness of jingoistic humor disrepectful of those who serve? That is a stretch.

I had many close friends who served and many who didn't come back. Of those who did come back, some were changed in ways that made me hate war even more. I understand perfectly why those who served use humor to deal with their internal pain.

Am I the only one on this board who feels this way? Not at all. Curiously, a person who is quite outspoken on this board sent me a PM saying she didn't dare say so publicly but she agreed entirely with what I said. given the outcry and Sephrena's public condemnation of me as "negative", I can understand why she didn't go public.

Sephrena -- you don't like me. I've tried to reach out to you, but you've done little to reciprocate. When you recently posted a complaint that you didn't have the money to pay the prizes for the October contest I felt sorry for you and immediately offered financial assiatance. I sent the first $75 to Erin and stand reeady to send the final $75. Is that negative? I've often stepped up with financial contributions to this site as well as making my books avaiable for Erin to sell. I receive no share of what people pay to buy them. Is that negative?

Even though I had a story in the October contest I spent considerable time helping two other authors prepare their stories. They have both told me their stories were much better because of my help. Is that negative?

Questioning appropriateness is not negativity. Military humor seems to be something of a sacred cow. Questioning the appropriateness of military humor does not disrespect those who served or their motivations. I mentioned my brother's intelligence. Several of those I knew who served in Vietnam were extremely intelligent. One of them went on to be the general in charge of the Air Force actions in Afghanistan. Rumsfield took away his position when he refused to send planes back to do needless bombing. I was in AFROTC so many of my friends where officers. Other friends were in Army ROTC,so you can imagine what their life was like in Vietnam as they came in with targets on their backs. Intelligence didn't separate those who served from those who didn't. Often the degree of patriotism was as strong or stronger in those who dissented as it was in those who served.

Loving your country can involve questioning the sacred cows.

Do I get a pain in my ass every time I see a Support Our Troops sticker? You bet I do. But not because I don't respect the troops. I hate those things because they are merely smart marketing by cheap politicians. Those cynical bastards have used the troops to rally conservative backers to send more money to Washington for the re-election campaigns - much of which will eventually end up in the politician's personal pocket. The very same politicians refuse to properly fund veteran's benefits. Cynicism allowed to grow that degree is negativism.


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