The discussion of hits makes me want to add my usual rant about how they mean nothing . . . NOTHING.
If you want hits, post your story on Storysite. I have stories on that site that have been de-listed at my request. It is the equivalent of owning real estate on a peak of a Tibetan mountain. However, hundreds of readers still find them.
The current group of authors on BC is truly excellent in many ways. They're not as adventurous or as original as the group from a year or two ago, but their stories are well-constructed. If your story seems to fair poorly within this crowd, take heart, you're up against craftsmen. There's no shame in being one of the least read in a crowd of stars.
My only criticism of the current group of authors is this . . . they should try typing "The End". They would find it is quite functional to use when their story is over. Most of the current writers on BC seem to think stories are over only when the author draws her last breath. Uhmmmmm. Does the term "self-indulgent" come to mind?
Oh. . .one other criticism. If you write an absolutely fantastic story about a young soccer player, you must post a chapter every few days.
As Acerbic As Ever
But also as accurate and entertaining as ever,Jill. How to measure the true value of a story? Well, I don't know and I suspect nobody else does either. There's that indefinable thing called "taste". I like a lot of the very popular stories, e.g. the one Jill mentioned, and then there are others which I think are great but don't resonate with the community and then there are others I think are crap, but they may be first or early efforts and the author will learn and improve. So, all you wannabe or established (successful in BC terms) authors out there, please keep writing. the site becomes richer for all your efforts,
My Stories are Damned Good!
This morning after reading the original post, I began to think about trying to find a more favorable venue for my work. I don't seem to be able to get into the statistical data on stories that some of you do. I think I could once but ...
All this led me to go back and read some of my own stories. You know what, my stories are DAMNED GOOD and if some don't read them, well it is their loss! I am no longer going to bemoan not being able to find the right formula. My Stories are thoughtfully written and come from the heart. I am sorry that some of you don't appreciate that.
Yes, Gwen
Right you are. I'm sure you're reaching a very appreciative audience. The statistical data is interesting, but highly misleading. If your stories move you when you read them after several months have past, what greater affirmation can you have.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
... is neither here nor there for the reader, like moi, as there is nobody forcing me to read it if I do not want to, so who cares ? Therefore the lack of readers will take care of that little matter soon enough. Perfect examples of that in the real world is Lillian Jackon Braun's 'The Cat' series.
Now, let's say their is a good story that has worn out it's welcome, then it might be time to offer it up for another person to take a fresh spin on it. It is unfortunate I suspect most authors are not happy about giving up baby.
I know your post is directed mostly towards writers and you have pointedly made your opinion of us readers be known so let me scuttle back under the rock I came from *rolls eyes*.
One measure of what I think of the BC readers is the care I take in writing my stories. I write for those readers who want to read a carefully constructed story that challenges them to think. I doubt any of those thoughtful readers live under a rock. Whatever opinion you might have of yourself shouldn't be projected on me.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
getting caught in the rain
much as i can't abide flavored coffee, barry manilow, the movies of bette midler, or the pina colada song, i have to recognise they all have spectacularly large markets. the fact that i like genmaicha, the hold steady, the movies of paul thomas anderson, and wish you hadn't put that earworm from the 1980s in my head, doesn't make me superior. it just makes me part of a niche audience.
likewise, you. there are clearly a lot of people on bc that like stories that don't end. there are others that like stories about being turned into animals. to each their own.
not as think as i smart i am