It is near 11PM already, and I am still online here on Topshelf. And this is despite the fact that my internet connection at home is kaput at the moment (chalk it up to a drunk driver, a very old Ford and old phone poles. Looong story), that I have an early meeting tomorrow and I need to get some shuteye, and I haven't written my monthly report yet...
And here I am at a coffee place around the corner, having a verrry large caramel frappe and connecting to Topshelf via their wifi connection. (To be fair, though, it's a pretty good caramel frappe, and the biscotti ain't bad.)
What is this? Am I addicted to Topshelf? Oh, no! I AM addicted! I need intervention quick!!!
Darn the people at Topshelf! Why do they have to be friendly! Why do they have to write interesting stories!!! It's a conspiracy I tell you! They're like drug pushers, pushing good stories and fun down your throat! Call the DEA!! Call the Police! I am addicted!!!
... jeezz. They really do make pretty strong coffee here...

Watch the watch, you are getting sleepy ... very sleepy ...
It's not a drug, it's hypnosis, like duh.
The only side, um what is that word thingy, is gradul ... grajual ... turning into a blonde.
But it's fun! Totally.
--Giggle --
John in Wauwatosa. well sort of, -- giggle --
P.S. Oooooh I have boobies!
John in Wauwatosa
Nah, not hypnosis...
It's subliminal messaging in the stories and the little adverts on the side....
LOL :)

I Agree!
Bobbi c; I agree with You this place canbe addicting almost like a drug! Richard
Uh oh...
I'm addicted as well! This blog entry is turning into TopShelf Addicts (not quite) Anonymous!
I'm starting to lose count of the number of stories I'm reading (and voting/commenting on, obviously!) at the moment - and discovering Crystal Hall (and its associated forums) was also A Bad Idea (TM) - I currently spend most evenings flitting between here and there, whilst my Twitter followers (@mittfh, unsurprisingly - I use the same nickname everywhere) and Facebook friends are probably starting to wonder why I've been very quiet recently... over the past 3 months (or at least, my profile claims I've been a member for 12 weeks!)
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Topshelf-aholics Anomymous
Hmmm. Seems a trend is starting to build.
Topshelf Addicts unite!
Let out your addiction for good writing and cool people! Let your voices be heard! Post! Blog! Write stories! Read other Topshelf-aholics' writing! Encourage them! Let the addiction spread!!! Arrrrgh!!!
- Bobbie-Topshelf-Addict-Cabot
...God grant me the clarity to edit before I post, the where-with-all to let it go after twelve re-writes, and the ability to step away from the computer when I can't see clearly enough to know the difference.
"Hi, my name is 'drea, and I'm a topshelfaholic."
Andrea D. - T-A member since 2009.
Love, Andrea Lena
What nonsense.
You'll be claiming people are addicted to writing here as well. I proved at the weekend I can go a day without posting.
Utter nonsense.
People can stop writing, if they want... Can't they? Okay, perhaps some need an intervention. But beware ye who intervene. You may well make the person far less happy! I know, I speak from experience!
I could stop writing, I think... I stopped in '71, and didn't write anything "voluntarily" for over 35 years! See, wait, If I've been writing steadily (when RL allowed) since '05, maybe ... No, it couldn't be! Nah. There's no proof that writing can be addictive! None whatsoever.
(While nobody's looking, I nudge my editor to see if I can shake something loose.)
Ah, it's 3:30 am here
Can't sleep, the flu is awful and keeps me from lying down. Maybe I'll try again when I finish this up. I am liking Danny.
One WHOLE day, Ang?
Bet you are starting to have cold sweats and a nervous twich.
"But *I* have self control, *I* can write just one and walk away. *I* can quit any time *I* want."
Then why the PDA in your blouse, your secret stash?
Next you'll be seen driving down allys in rundown parts of town *scoring* nickle bags of downloaded stories. Then the hard stuff, you'll go on a writing binge!
It's so sad!
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. I'm like totallly over my blondeness, fur sure. See, BC isn't addictive at all. -- giggle --
P.P.S. Oooh, I have boobies again!
P.P.P.S.Oh, no, it's happened again, this is a dis ... dis ... a bad thing, like. Do these jeans make my butt look big?
John in Wauwatosa
You get nothin' more
Until you pay me up bitch. Twelve votes and three comments a day until Benny is satisfied, Got it?
Here, there's two drabbles in here. That'll keep ya from havin' the night sweats 'til I see youse tomorra. Now get outta here before the gender police shows up. And bring me the goods tomorra y'hear?
It's a raid!
*weeeoooweeooweeooo* (black-and-white-and-pink arrives, siren blaring and lights flashing)
"Stop!" said the lead trooper. "This is the gender police! Come out with your hands up and your PDAs where I can see 'em!" She turns to her partner. "I got 'em covered. Book 'em Dano."
"Ya got it, Angie."
Dano reaches for Benny's collar, but he weasels away.
"Run!" Benny cried, and the both of them high-tail it out of the bootleg wifi hotspot.
"Angie!" Dano yells. "I got Benny, you go for the blonde floozy with the jeans and tits." Dano ran, easily keeping pace with the notorious literati drugpusher, and catches him in short order.
He tackles Benny to the cement. "Gotcha!" he said, and roughly lets him up by the collar.
"So, Benny. Up to your old tricks again, eh? Still dealing in those trashy-but-interesting TG literature huh? What is it this time? forty-thousand-word novellas? Autobiographical fiction?" Dano grabs Benny's PDA from inside his bra.
"You'll get nuthin from me, ya stinkin copper!"
Dano reaches into his pink officer's blouse and pulls out a coin, gingerly holding it by the edge with his thumb and forefinger.
"You know what this is? I stopped by the wizard's this morning, an picked this up. You know what this is?"
"Oh, no! Is it..."
"That's right, trannie. This is the Medallion of Zulo!"
"Ahhhh! Anything but that! I'll talk!"
"That's better. Now whatcha been up to?"
"Nuthin major, officer. Purely penny-ante stuff. Just a couple of drabbles and a few poems, is all."
"You sure? Let's see." Dano punches a few keys on the PDA.
"What's this! Bootleg chapters from Bobbie Cabot's latest story? We heard nuthin's been released from Bobbie in weeks! Now, talk! Who's your supplier!"
"I didn't know it was in there! Honest! You're settin' me up!"
"Sure you didn't. Let's see how you'll like spending a coupla days in Bikini Beach!"
"Arrgh! All right! All right! It's Sephy and Erin! Over at Topshelf!"
"Yeah! Topshelf from the BigCloset!"
"Damnit!" Dano reaches for the radio on his belt. "HQ, HQ. This is Dano. Got another one here. Seems Topshelf is at it again. Issue an APB for Erin n Sephy."
"Again?" said the dispatcher querulously. "What's the charge now?"
"Illegal distribution of TG literature, and suspected illegal use of imagination. Racketeering for reader votes and comments again."
The dispatcher sighed. "Okay. Sarge. Wilco."
He handcuffed Benny and dumped him in the back of his black-and-white-and-pink. He got out his radio again. "Angie, this is Dano. Didja get the blonde?"
There was no response.
"Angie?" All he heard was static.
"Angie!" He cried, and ran off to the alley where Angie and the Floozy disappeared to. He recalled Angie putting something in her purse this morning. Omigod, he thought. Angie brought her Ebook Reader to work! Oh, no! I may be too late! He ran on, fearing that Angie may already be in the clutches of the Topshelf web.
* to be continued *
Now you did it again!!!
You are now obliged to properly edit and post the "It's a raid!" serial story, set in a dystopian future full of wackiness and fun. I give my express permission to make a cameo of a Russian smuggler or something, that has my personality traits, and is preferrably Played For Laughs! ^_~
I would like everyone supporting this story to leave a comment!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Hey, dude
Hey, dude. Thanks again.
I keep on bumping into you in the site...
Thanks for the words of encouragement, but I don't think I'll flesh out this story-spoof, as the wry, tongue-in-cheek humor of it (as little of it as there was heheh) will be hard to sustain. Thank you again, though.
Besides, no one seemed to have taken to it. And I have a sneaky feeling some of the characters of other people which I included in cameo in this story-lette might have taken offense. If they did, I apologize. It was meant as wry humor, actually, and a friendly nod to my fellow Topshelf denizens.
Do you really know a Russian smuggler? If you do, can you tell him I need a couple of... and maybe some... as well as a...
- Bobbie