Dr. Marci Bowers


And for the traumatically lazy...

...because I'm having an Aspie moment and enjoying making hyperlinks, click here! ^__^

-Liz is weird sometimes... >.>


Successor to the LToC
Formerly known as "momonoimoto"

Good article, bad comments

The interview with Dr. Bowers is pretty good, but avoid reading the comments. They're just the standard hate-filled unknowledgeable crap that's so common. Of the first 10 shown, only 1 isn't hate speech.

Yer links...

Thanks for adding additional links. There may be those who will need to know. :)

Lil' Kelly


Andrea Lena's picture

...and of course, you might want patties instead, or bacon instead, yes? BTW Patsy says hello!

She was born for all the wrong reasons but grew up for all the right ones.
Tutto il mio apprezzamento, cari, Andrea


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena

OMG! Small World Moment

terrynaut's picture

Uh. Wow. I played softball with Marci when she lived in Seattle. She was in the middle of transitioning at the time but she seemed all girl to me then.

We played against a Portland, Oregon group. They were better dressed than us (with very cute uniforms) but we trounced them. I'm not proud of it but they were good sports.

The game was played in Centralia because it was about halfway between Portland and Seattle. I drove Marci back to Seattle and we had a very nice talk. She's really very nice.


- Terry

My Opinion on Dr. Bowers...

Piper's picture

I got the opportunity to attend a Meet-N-Greet with Dr. Bowers several years back when she visited NJ. She definitely seemed to me to be a beautiful person in all possible ways, and even had approved Kim getting SRS despite her health problems at the time. She decided with the proper precautions, it was worth the risk. Kim was never able to have her SRS, due to financial issues, and later dwindling health. But the fact that Dr. Bowers was willing to take on such a high-risk case, makes her tops in my books.

Just thought I'd add my $0.02 American.


"She was like a butterfly, full of color and vibrancy when she chose to open her wings, yet hardly visible when she closed them."
— Geraldine Brooks

Anal Correction

terrynaut's picture

I think the softball game was played in Chehalis, WA, not Centralia. I always get those two cities mixed up because they're near each other in the middle of nowhere. Duh.

That is all.

- Terry

I was lucky enough to go to Trinidad for my surgery.

Pamreed's picture

It was Feb 2, 2007. And sitting in on the surgery for training was Dr. Maginn of Philadelphia. That was also Ground Hog day. I joked to Bowers in the preop consult " Well he will never see his shadow again after today's surgery" .